86R9582 SRS-D
  By: Taylor S.B. No. 2265
  relating to the assignment of performance ratings to school
  districts and school district campuses.
         SECTION 1.  Sections 8.051(b) and (d), Education Code, are
  amended to read as follows:
         (b)  Each regional education service center shall annually
  develop and submit to the commissioner for approval a plan for
  improvement. Each plan must include the purposes and description of
  the services the center will provide to:
               (1)  campuses assigned a [an unacceptable] performance
  rating of F under Section 39.054;
               (2)  the lowest-performing campuses in the region; and
               (3)  other campuses.
         (d)  Each regional education service center shall maintain
  core services for purchase by school districts and campuses. The
  core services are:
               (1)  training and assistance in:
                     (A)  teaching each subject area assessed under
  Section 39.023; and
                     (B)  providing instruction in personal financial
  literacy as required under Section 28.0021;
               (2)  training and assistance in providing each program
  that qualifies for a funding allotment under Section 42.151,
  42.152, 42.153, or 42.156;
               (3)  assistance specifically designed for a school
  district or campus assigned a [an unacceptable] performance rating
  of F under Section 39.054;
               (4)  training and assistance to teachers,
  administrators, members of district boards of trustees, and members
  of site-based decision-making committees;
               (5)  assistance specifically designed for a school
  district that is considered out of compliance with state or federal
  special education requirements, based on the agency's most recent
  compliance review of the district's special education programs; and
               (6)  assistance in complying with state laws and rules.
         SECTION 2.  Sections 11.174(b) and (f), Education Code, are
  amended to read as follows:
         (b)  The board of trustees of a school district may enter
  into a contract as provided by Subsection (a) only if:
               (1)  the charter of the open-enrollment charter school
  has not been previously revoked;
               (2)  for the three school years preceding the school
  year of the proposed operation of the district campus as described
  by Subsection (a), the open-enrollment charter school has received:
                     (A)  an overall performance rating of C
  [acceptable] or higher under Subchapter C, Chapter 39; and
                     (B)  a financial accountability rating under
  Subchapter D, Chapter 39, indicating financial performance of
  satisfactory or higher; or
               (3)  the entity considered for a district-authorized
  charter has not previously operated an open-enrollment charter
  school in which the charter expired or was revoked or surrendered.
         (f)  This subsection applies only to a district campus
  subject to a contract described by Subsection (a) that received an
  overall performance rating of F [unacceptable] under Subchapter C,
  Chapter 39, for the school year before operation of the district
  campus under the contract began. The commissioner may not impose a
  sanction or take action against the campus under Section 39A.101 or
  39A.111 [39.107(a) or (e)] for failure to satisfy academic
  performance standards during the first two school years of
  operation of a district campus under Subsection (a). The overall
  performance rating received by the campus during those first two
  school years is not included in calculating consecutive school
  years and is not considered a break in consecutive school years
  under Section 39A.101 or 39A.111 [39.107(a) or (e)].
         SECTION 3.  Section 12.1054(a), Education Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (a)  A member of the governing body of a charter holder, a
  member of the governing body of an open-enrollment charter school,
  or an officer of an open-enrollment charter school is considered to
  be a local public official for purposes of Chapter 171, Local
  Government Code. For purposes of that chapter:
               (1)  a member of the governing body of a charter holder
  or a member of the governing body or officer of an open-enrollment
  charter school is considered to have a substantial interest in a
  business entity if a person related to the member or officer in the
  third degree by consanguinity or affinity, as determined under
  Chapter 573, Government Code, has a substantial interest in the
  business entity under Section 171.002, Local Government Code; and
               (2)  notwithstanding any provision of Subdivision (1)
  [Section 12.1054(1)], an employee of an open-enrollment charter
  school that was assigned a performance rating of C [rated
  acceptable] or higher under Section 39.054 for at least two of the
  preceding three school years may serve as a member of the governing
  body of the charter holder of the governing body of the school if
  the employees do not constitute a quorum of the governing body or
  any committee of the governing body; however, all members shall
  comply with the requirements of Sections 171.003-171.007, Local
  Government Code.
         SECTION 4.  Section 12.106(e), Education Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (e)  A charter holder is entitled to receive funding under
  Subsection (d) only if the most recent overall performance rating
  assigned to the open-enrollment charter school under Subchapter C,
  Chapter 39, was a C or higher [reflects at least acceptable
  performance]. This subsection does not apply to a charter holder
  that operates a school program located at a day treatment facility,
  residential treatment facility, psychiatric hospital, or medical
         SECTION 5.  Section 12.110(e), Education Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (e)  The commissioner shall give priority to applications
  that propose an open-enrollment charter school campus to be located
  in the attendance zone of a school district campus assigned a [an
  unacceptable] performance rating of F under Section 39.054 for the
  two preceding school years.
         SECTION 6.  Section 12.115(c), Education Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (c)  The commissioner shall revoke the charter of an
  open-enrollment charter school if:
               (1)  the charter holder has been assigned a [an
  unacceptable] performance rating of F under Subchapter C, Chapter
  39, for the three preceding school years;
               (2)  the charter holder has been assigned a financial
  accountability performance rating under Subchapter D, Chapter 39,
  indicating financial performance lower than satisfactory for the
  three preceding school years; or
               (3)  the charter holder has been assigned any
  combination of the ratings described by Subdivision (1) or (2) for
  the three preceding school years.
         SECTION 7.  Section 12A.001(b), Education Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (b)  A school district is eligible for designation as a
  district of innovation only if the district's most recent
  performance rating under Section 39.054 was a C or higher [reflects
  at least acceptable performance].
         SECTION 8.  Sections 12A.008(a) and (c), Education Code, are
  amended to read as follows:
         (a)  The commissioner may terminate a district's designation
  as a district of innovation if the district receives for two
  consecutive school years:
               (1)  an [unacceptable] academic performance rating of F
  under Section 39.054;
               (2)  an unacceptable financial accountability rating
  under Section 39.082; or
               (3)  an [unacceptable] academic performance rating of F
  under Section 39.054 for one of the school years and an unacceptable
  financial accountability rating under Section 39.082 for the other
  school year.
         (c)  The commissioner shall terminate a district's
  designation as a district of innovation if the district receives
  for three consecutive school years:
               (1)  an [unacceptable] academic performance rating of F
  under Section 39.054;
               (2)  an unacceptable financial accountability rating
  under Section 39.082; or
               (3)  any combination of one or more [unacceptable]
  ratings of F under Subdivision (1) and one or more unacceptable
  ratings under Subdivision (2).
         SECTION 9.  The heading to Section 13.054, Education Code,
  is amended to read as follows:
         SECTION 10.  Sections 13.054(a), (b), and (d), Education
  Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (a)  The commissioner by order may annex to one or more
  adjoining districts a school district that has been assigned an
  academic performance rating of F [rated as academically
  unacceptable] for a period of two years.
         (b)  The governing board of a district to which territory of
  a [an academically unacceptable] district assigned an academic
  performance rating of F is annexed is the governing board for the
  new district.
         (d)  Title to the real property of the [academically
  unacceptable] district assigned an academic performance rating of F
  vests in the district to which the property is annexed. Each
  district to which territory is annexed assumes and is liable for any
  portion of the [academically unacceptable district's] indebtedness
  of the district assigned an academic performance rating of F that is
  allocated to the receiving district under Section 13.004.
         SECTION 11.  Section 21.453(b), Education Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (b)  The commissioner may allocate funds from the account to
  regional education service centers to provide staff development
  resources to school districts that:
               (1)  are assigned an academic performance rating of F
  [rated academically unacceptable];
               (2)  have one or more campuses assigned an academic
  performance rating of F [rated as academically unacceptable]; or
               (3)  are otherwise in need of assistance as indicated
  by the academic performance of students, as determined by the
         SECTION 12.  Section 28.020(c), Education Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (c)  A campus designated as a mathematics innovation zone is
  not subject to interventions under the state accountability system
  described by Section 39A.101 or 39A.111 [39.107(a) or (e)] for the
  first two years of the designation, provided that the campus
  implements the instructional program with fidelity and complies
  with each mathematics innovation zone requirement to the
  satisfaction of the commissioner. The period that a campus is
  exempt from interventions as provided by this subsection is not:
               (1)  included in calculating consecutive school years
  under Section 39A.101 or 39A.111 [39.107(a) or (e)]; or
               (2)  considered a break in consecutive school years of
  receiving performance [unacceptable] ratings of F for purposes of
  determining the need for intervention under Section 39A.101 or
  39A.111 [39.107(a) or (e)].
         SECTION 13.  Section 29.202(a), Education Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (a)  A student is eligible to receive a public education
  grant or to attend another public school in the district in which
  the student resides under this subchapter if the student is
  assigned to attend a public school campus assigned a [an
  unacceptable] performance rating of F that is made publicly
  available under Section 39.054 for:
               (1)  the student achievement domain under Section
  39.053(c)(1); and
               (2)  the school progress domain under Section
         SECTION 14.  Section 30A.101(a), Education Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (a)  A school district or open-enrollment charter school is
  eligible to act as a course provider under this chapter only if the
  district or school is assigned a performance rating of C or higher
  [rated acceptable] under Section 39.054. An open-enrollment
  charter school may serve as a course provider only:
               (1)  to a student within its service area; or
               (2)  to another student in the state:
                     (A)  through an agreement with the school district
  in which the student resides; or
                     (B)  if the student receives educational services
  under the supervision of a juvenile probation department, the Texas
  Juvenile Justice Department, or the Texas Department of Criminal
  Justice, through an agreement with the applicable agency.
         SECTION 15.  Sections 39.054(a) and (a-2), Education Code,
  are amended to read as follows:
         (a)  The commissioner shall adopt rules to evaluate school
  district and campus performance and assign each district and campus
  an overall performance rating of A, B, C, D, or F. In addition to
  the overall performance rating, the commissioner shall assign each
  district and campus a separate domain performance rating of A, B, C,
  D, or F for each domain under Section 39.053(c). [An overall or
  domain performance rating of A reflects exemplary performance. An
  overall or domain performance rating of B reflects recognized
  performance. An overall or domain performance rating of C reflects
  acceptable performance. An overall or domain performance rating of
  D reflects performance that needs improvement. An overall or
  domain performance rating of F reflects unacceptable performance.]
  A district may not receive an overall or domain performance rating
  of A if the district includes any campus with a corresponding
  overall or domain performance rating of D or F. If a school
  district has been approved under Section 39.0544 to assign campus
  performance ratings and the commissioner has not assigned a campus
  an overall performance rating of D or F, the commissioner shall
  assign the campus an overall performance rating based on the school
  district assigned performance rating under Section 39.0544. [A
  reference in law to an acceptable rating or acceptable performance
  includes an overall or domain performance rating of A, B, C, or D or
  performance that is exemplary, recognized, or acceptable
  performance or performance that needs improvement.]
         (a-2)  The commissioner by rule may adopt procedures to
  ensure that a repeated performance rating of D or F [or
  unacceptable] in one domain, particularly performance that is not
  significantly improving, is reflected in the overall performance
  rating of a district or campus under this section or a campus under
  Section 39.0544 and is not compensated for by a performance rating
  of A, B, or C in another domain.
         SECTION 16.  Section 39.101, Education Code, as added by
  Chapter 807 (H.B. 22), Acts of the 85th Legislature, Regular
  Session, 2017, is transferred to Subchapter B, Chapter 39A,
  Education Code, redesignated as Section 39A.0545, Education Code,
  amended to conform to the repeal of Subchapter E, Chapter 39,
  Education Code, by Article 21, Chapter 324 (S.B. 1488), Acts of the
  85th Legislature, Regular Session, 2017, and further amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 39A.0545 [39.101].  PERFORMANCE [NEEDS IMPROVEMENT]
  RATING OF D. (a) Notwithstanding any other law, if a school
  district or campus is assigned an overall or domain performance
  rating of D:
               (1)  the commissioner shall order the district or
  campus to develop and implement a targeted improvement plan
  approved by the board of trustees of the district; and
               (2)  the interventions and sanctions provided by this
  chapter [subchapter] based on failure to satisfy performance
  standards under Section 39.054(e) apply to the district or campus
  only as provided by this section.
         (b)  The interventions and sanctions provided by this
  chapter [subchapter] based on failure to satisfy performance
  standards under Section 39.054(e) apply to a district or campus
  ordered to develop and implement a targeted improvement plan under
  Subsection (a) only if the district or campus is assigned:
               (1)  an overall or domain performance rating of F; or
               (2)  an overall performance rating of D as provided by
  Subsection (c).
         (c)  If a school district or campus is assigned an overall
  performance rating of D for a school year after the district or
  campus is ordered to develop and implement a targeted improvement
  plan under Subsection (a), the commissioner shall implement
  interventions and sanctions that apply to a [an unacceptable]
  campus that received a performance rating of F and those
  interventions and sanctions shall continue for each consecutive
  school year thereafter in which the campus is assigned an overall
  performance rating of D.
         (d)  The commissioner shall adopt rules as necessary to
  implement this section.
         SECTION 17.  Section 39.201(b), Education Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (b)  A district or campus may not be awarded a distinction
  designation under this subchapter unless the district or campus has
  a [acceptable] performance rating of C or higher under Section
         SECTION 18.  Sections 39.232(a) and (d), Education Code, are
  amended to read as follows:
         (a)  Except as provided by Subsection (b), a school campus or
  district that has been awarded a distinction designation [is rated
  exemplary] under Subchapter G is exempt from requirements and
  prohibitions imposed under this code including rules adopted under
  this code.
         (d)  The commissioner may exempt a [an exemplary] school
  campus that has been awarded a distinction designation under
  Subchapter G from elementary class size limits under this section
  if the school campus submits to the commissioner a written plan
  showing steps that will be taken to ensure that the exemption from
  the class size limits will not be harmful to the academic
  achievement of the students on the school campus. The commissioner
  shall review achievement levels annually. The exemption remains in
  effect until the commissioner determines that achievement levels of
  the campus have declined.
         SECTION 19.  Section 39.306(a), Education Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (a)  Each board of trustees shall publish an annual report
  describing the educational performance of the district and of each
  campus in the district that includes uniform student performance
  and descriptive information as determined under rules adopted by
  the commissioner. The annual report must also include:
               (1)  campus performance objectives established under
  Section 11.253 and the progress of each campus toward those
  objectives, which shall be available to the public;
               (2)  information indicating the district's
  accreditation status and identifying each district campus awarded a
  distinction designation under Subchapter G or subject to
  interventions or sanctions [considered an unacceptable campus]
  under Chapter 39A;
               (3)  the district's current special education
  compliance status with the agency;
               (4)  a statement of the number, rate, and type of
  violent or criminal incidents that occurred on each district
  campus, to the extent permitted under the Family Educational Rights
  and Privacy Act of 1974 (20 U.S.C. Section 1232g);
               (5)  information concerning school violence prevention
  and violence intervention policies and procedures that the district
  is using to protect students;
               (6)  the findings that result from evaluations
  conducted under the Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act
  of 1994 (20 U.S.C. Section 7101 et seq.); and
               (7)  information received under Section 51.403(e) for
  each high school campus in the district, presented in a form
  determined by the commissioner.
         SECTION 20.  Section 39A.060, Education Code, is amended to
  conform to Section 1, Chapter 472 (H.B. 2263), Acts of the 85th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2017, and further amended to read as
  For each year a campus is assigned a [an unacceptable] performance
  rating of F, the campus intervention team shall:
               (1)  [continue to work with the campus until:
                     [(A)     the campus satisfies all performance
  standards under Section 39.054(e) for a two-year period; or
                     [(B)     the campus satisfies all performance
  standards under Section 39.054(e) for a one-year period and the
  commissioner determines that the campus is operating and will
  continue to operate in a manner that improves student achievement;
               [(2)]  assist in updating the targeted improvement plan
  to identify and analyze areas of growth and areas that require
  improvement; and
               (2) [(3)]  submit each updated targeted improvement
  plan described by Subdivision (1) [(2)] to the board of trustees of
  the school district.
         SECTION 21.  Section 39A.103, Education Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 39A.103.  NOTICE OF CAMPUS TURNAROUND PLAN. Before a
  campus turnaround plan is prepared and submitted for approval to
  the board of trustees of the school district, the district, in
  consultation with the campus intervention team, shall:
               (1)  provide notice to parents, the community, and
  stakeholders that the campus has received a [an unacceptable]
  performance rating of F for two consecutive years and will be
  required to submit a campus turnaround plan; and
               (2)  request assistance from parents, the community,
  and stakeholders in developing the campus turnaround plan.
         SECTION 22.  Section 39A.106, Education Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
  campus turnaround plan must take effect not later than the school
  year following the third consecutive school year that the campus
  has received a [an unacceptable] performance rating of F.
         SECTION 23.  Section 39A.110, Education Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
  a campus for which a campus turnaround plan has been ordered under
  Section 39A.101 receives a [an acceptable] performance rating of C
  or higher for the school year following the order, the board of
  trustees of the school district may:
               (1)  implement the campus turnaround plan;
               (2)  implement a modified version of the campus
  turnaround plan; or
               (3)  withdraw the campus turnaround plan.
         (b)  A school district required to implement a campus
  turnaround plan may modify the plan if the campus receives a [an
  acceptable] performance rating of C or higher for two consecutive
  school years following implementation of the plan.
         SECTION 24.  Section 39A.111, Education Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
  OF F. If a campus is assigned a [considered to have an
  unacceptable] performance rating of F for three consecutive school
  years after the campus is ordered to submit a campus turnaround plan
  under Section 39A.101, the commissioner, subject to Section
  39A.112, shall order:
               (1)  appointment of a board of managers to govern the
  school district as provided by Section 39A.202; or
               (2)  closure of the campus.
         SECTION 25.  Section 39A.152(a), Education Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (a)  To qualify for consideration as a managing entity under
  this subchapter, the entity must submit a proposal that provides
  information relating to the entity's management and leadership team
  that will participate in management of the campus under
  consideration, including information relating to individuals who
               (1)  documented success in whole school interventions
  that increased the educational and performance levels of students
  in campuses assigned a [considered to have an unacceptable]
  performance rating of F;
               (2)  a proven record of effectiveness with programs
  assisting low-performing students;
               (3)  a proven ability to apply research-based school
  intervention strategies;
               (4)  a proven record of financial ability to perform
  under the management contract; and
               (5)  any other experience or qualifications the
  commissioner determines necessary.
         SECTION 26.  Section 39A.156, Education Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
  campus receives a [an unacceptable] performance rating of F for two
  consecutive school years after a managing entity assumes management
  of the campus, the commissioner shall cancel the contract with the
  managing entity.
         SECTION 27.  Sections 39A.209(a) and (b), Education Code,
  are amended to read as follows:
         (a)  Notwithstanding Section 39A.208, the commissioner may
  remove a board of managers appointed to govern a school district
  under Subchapter C only if the campus that was the basis for the
  appointment of the board of managers receives a [an acceptable]
  performance rating of C or higher for two consecutive school years.
         (b)  If a campus that was the basis for the appointment of a
  board of managers receives a [an unacceptable] performance rating
  of F for two additional consecutive years following the appointment
  of the board of managers, the commissioner may remove the board of
  managers and, in consultation with the local community, may appoint
  a new board of managers to govern the school district.
         SECTION 28.  Sections 39A.906(b) and (d), Education Code,
  are amended to read as follows:
         (b)  If a campus described by Subsection (a) receives a [an
  unacceptable] performance rating of F for the 2016-2017 and
  2017-2018 school years, the commissioner shall apply the
  interventions and sanctions authorized by Section 39A.111 to the
         (d)  If a campus described by Subsection (c) receives a [an
  unacceptable] performance rating of F for the 2016-2017, 2017-2018,
  and 2018-2019 school years, the commissioner shall apply the
  interventions and sanctions authorized by Section 39A.111 to the
         SECTION 29.  Section 42.002(b), Education Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (b)  The Foundation School Program consists of:
               (1)  two tiers that in combination provide for:
                     (A)  sufficient financing for all school
  districts to provide a basic program of education that is assigned a
  performance rating of C [rated acceptable] or higher under Section
  39.054 and meets other applicable legal standards; and
                     (B)  substantially equal access to funds to
  provide an enriched program; and
               (2)  a facilities component as provided by Chapter 46.
         SECTION 30.  This Act applies beginning with the 2019-2020
  school year.
         SECTION 31.  To the extent of any conflict, this Act prevails
  over another Act of the 86th Legislature, Regular Session, 2019,
  relating to nonsubstantive additions to and corrections in enacted
         SECTION 32.  This Act takes effect immediately if it
  receives a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each
  house, as provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.
  If this Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate
  effect, this Act takes effect September 1, 2019.