By: Miles S.B. No. 2437
  relating to the authority of the Texas Water Development Board to
  establish, operate, and, through the issuance of general obligation
  bonds, finance a grant program to provide financial assistance to
  political subdivisions and the state for projects related to
  disaster recovery; disaster mitigation; or construct, repair,
  rehabilitate, or reconstruct state or local infrastructure.
         SECTION 1.  Chapter 70, Water Code, is amended by adding
  Subchapter A to read as follows:
         Sec. 70.001.  DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter:
               (1)  "Advisory committee" means the Texas Disaster
  Mitigation, Recovery, Response and Infrastructure Advisory
               (2)  "Board" means the Texas Water Development Board.
               (3)  "Bonds" means bonds, notes, and other public
               (4)  "Credit agreement" has the meaning assigned by
  Section 1371.001, Government Code.
               (5)  "Fund" means the Texas Disaster Mitigation,
  Recovery, Response and Infrastructure.
               (6)  "Historically underutilized business" has the
  meaning assigned by Section 2161.001, Government Code.
               (7)  "Qualifying political subdivision" means a
  county, municipality, independent school district, or other
  special district.
               (8)  "Qualifying project" means any of the following,
  if undertaken by a qualifying political subdivision or the state in
  order to provide:
                     (A)  a project for disaster mitigation
                     (B)  a project for disaster recovery;
                     (C)  a project for disaster response; or
                     (D)  a project to construct, repair,
  rehabilitate, or reconstruct state or local infrastructure.
               (9)  "Trust company" means the Texas Treasury
  Safekeeping Trust Company.
  establish a grant program to use the proceeds from the sale of bonds
  issued under Section 70.004 and the interest earned on those bonds
  to provide financial assistance to qualifying political
  subdivisions and the state to finance qualifying projects in the
  political subdivision and the state.
         Sec. 70.003.  APPLICATION FOR GRANT.  The Board shall
  develop and implement an application process for a grant under this
  subchapter. At a minimum, the application must include:
               (1)  a description of the qualifying project for which
  the applicant is requesting the grant;
               (2)  an estimate of the total cost of the project; and
               (3)  evidence that the applicant has staff, policies,
  and procedures in place adequate to complete the project.
  AND INFRASTRUCTURE BONDS. (a)  The Board may issue general
  obligation bonds for the purposes provided in this subchapter. The
  aggregate principal amount of the bonds that are issued may not
  exceed the amount specified by Section 2, Article XIV, Texas
         (b)  The Board may enter into credit agreements relating to
  the bonds. A credit agreement entered into under this subchapter
  may be secured by and payable from the same sources as the bonds.
         (c)  The bonds shall be executed in the form, on the terms,
  and in the denominations, bear interest, and be issued as
  prescribed by the Board.  The bonds may be issued in multiple
  series and issues and may have the provisions the Board determines
  appropriate and in the interest of the state.
         (d)  The Board has all powers necessary or appropriate to
  carry out this subchapter and to implement Section 2, Article XIV,
  Texas Constitution, including the powers granted to other
  bond-issuing governmental agencies and units and to nonprofit
  corporations by Chapters 1201, 1207, and 1371, Government Code.
         (e)  The bonds and the record of proceedings authorizing the
  bonds and any related credit agreements shall be submitted to the
  attorney general for approval. If the attorney general finds that
  they will be issued in accordance with this subchapter and other
  applicable law, the attorney general shall approve them and deliver
  them to the comptroller for registration. After approval by the
  attorney general, registration by the comptroller, and payment by
  the purchasers of the bonds in accordance with the terms of sale and
  after execution and delivery of the related credit agreements, the
  bonds and related credit agreements are incontestable for any
         (f)  The proceeds from the sale of the bonds must be used to
  provide funding for the grant program established under Section
  70.002. The Board may use a portion of the proceeds from the sale of
  the bonds to pay the cost of the issuance of the bonds.
         (g)  The comptroller shall pay the principal of the bonds as
  they mature and the interest as it becomes payable and shall pay any
  cost related to the bonds that becomes due, including payments
  under credit agreements.
         Sec. 70.005  FEDERAL MATCHING FUNDS.  (a)  Bond proceeds
  described in this subchapter can go towards federal matching funds
  including those offered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency,
  and United States Army Corps of Engineers; and
         (b)  bond proceeds described in this subchapter can be used
  to reimburse matching payments made to the federal including those
  offered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, and United
  States Army Corps of Engineers.
         SECTION 2 Chapter 70, Water Code, is amended by adding
  Subchapter B to read as follows:
         Sec. 70.432.  FUND.  (a)  The Texas Disaster Mitigation,
  Recovery, Response and Infrastructure fund is a special fund in the
  state treasury outside the general revenue fund to be used by the
  board, without further legislative appropriation, for the purpose
  of implementing the Texas Disaster Mitigation, Recovery, Response
  and Infrastructure Bonds as provided by this subchapter. The board
  may establish separate accounts in the fund. The fund and the
  fund's accounts are kept and held by the trust company for and in
  the name of the board. The board has legal title to money and
  investments in the fund until money is disbursed from the fund as
  provided by this subchapter and board rules. It is the intent of
  the legislature that the fund will never be used:
                     (1)  for a purpose other than the support of
  projects in the Texas Disaster Mitigation, Recovery, Response and
  Infrastructure Bonds; or
                     (2)  to certify that appropriations from the
  treasury are within the amount estimated to be available in a fund
  of the treasury affected by the appropriation.
         (b)  Money deposited to the credit of the fund may be used
  only as provided by this subchapter.
         (c)  The fund consists of:
                     (1)  money transferred or deposited to the credit
  of the fund by law, including money from any source transferred or
  deposited to the credit of the fund at the board's discretion as
  authorized by law;
                     (2)  the proceeds of any fee or tax imposed by this
  state that by statute is dedicated for deposit to the credit of the
                     (3)  any other revenue that the legislature by
  statute dedicates for deposit to the credit of the fund;
                     (4)  investment earnings and interest earned on
  amounts credited to the fund; and
                     (5)  money transferred to the fund under a bond
  enhancement agreement from another fund or account to which money
  from the fund was transferred under a bond enhancement agreement,
  as authorized by Section 70.435.
         Sec. 70.433.  MANAGEMENT AND INVESTMENT OF FUND. (a)  The
  trust company shall hold and invest the fund, and any accounts
  established in the fund, for and in the name of the board, taking
  into account the purposes for which money in the fund may be used.
  The fund may be invested with the state treasury pool.
         (b)  The overall objective for the investment of the fund is
  to maintain sufficient liquidity to meet the needs of the fund while
  striving to preserve the purchasing power of the fund.
         (c)  The trust company has any power necessary to accomplish
  the purposes of managing and investing the assets of the fund. In
  managing the assets of the fund, through procedures and subject to
  restrictions the trust company considers appropriate, the trust
  company may acquire, exchange, sell, supervise, manage, or retain
  any kind of investment that a prudent investor, exercising
  reasonable care, skill, and caution, would acquire or retain in
  light of the purposes, terms, distribution requirements, and other
  circumstances of the fund then prevailing, taking into
  consideration the investment of all the assets of the fund rather
  than a single investment.
         (d)  The trust company may charge fees to cover its costs
  incurred in managing and investing the fund. The fees must be
  consistent with the fees the trust company charges other state and
  local governmental entities for which it provides investment
  management services. The trust company may recover fees it charges
  under this subsection only from the earnings of the fund.
         (e)  The trust company annually shall provide a written
  report to the board and to the advisory committee with respect to
  the investment of the fund. The trust company shall contract with a
  certified public accountant to conduct an independent audit of the
  fund annually and shall present the results of each annual audit to
  the board and to the advisory committee. This subsection does not
  affect the state auditor's authority to conduct an audit of the fund
  under Chapter 321, Government Code.
         (f)  The trust company shall adopt a written investment
  policy that is appropriate for the fund. The trust company shall
  present the investment policy to the investment advisory board
  established under Section 404.028, Government Code. The investment
  advisory board shall submit to the trust company recommendations
  regarding the policy.
         (g)  The board annually shall provide to the trust company a
  forecast of the cash flows into and out of the fund. The board shall
  provide updates to the forecasts as appropriate to ensure that the
  trust company is able to achieve the objective specified by
  Subsection (b).
         (h)  The trust company shall disburse money from the fund as
  directed by the board. The board shall direct disbursements from
  the fund on a semiannual schedule specified by the board and not
  more frequently than twice in any state fiscal year.
         (i)  An investment-related contract entered into under this
  section is not subject to Chapter 2260, Government Code.
  OR ACCOUNTS.  (a)  At the direction of the board, the trust company
  shall make disbursements from the fund to another fund or account
  pursuant to a bond enhancement agreement authorized by Section
  70.435 in the amounts the board determines are needed for debt
  service payments on or security provisions of the board's general
  obligation bonds or revenue bonds, shall be paid out of the economic
  stabilization fund.
         Sec. 70.435.  BOND ENHANCEMENT AGREEMENTS. (a)  A bond
  enhancement agreement entered into under this section is an
  agreement for professional services. A bond enhancement agreement
  must contain terms that are consistent with Section 70.433(h), and
  the agreement, including the period covered by the agreement and
  all other terms and conditions of the agreement, must be approved by
  the board. An obligation to disburse money from the fund, or from a
  special account established by the board, in accordance with a bond
  enhancement agreement is a special obligation of the board payable
  solely from designated income and receipts of the fund or of the
  account, as determined by the board.  An obligation to disburse
  money from the fund, or from a special account established by the
  board, in accordance with a bond enhancement agreement does not
  constitute indebtedness of the state.
         (b)  To facilitate the use of the fund for the purposes of
  this subchapter, the board may direct the trust company to enter
  into bond enhancement agreements to provide a source of revenue or
  security for the payment of the principal of and interest on general
  obligation bonds, including bonds issued under Section 2, Article
  XIV, Texas Constitution, or revenue bonds issued by the board to
  finance or refinance projects included in the state water plan if
  the proceeds of the sale of the bonds have been or will be deposited
  to the credit of the Texas Disaster Mitigation, Recovery, Response
  and Infrastructure revenue fund.
          (c)  If the trust company enters into a bond enhancement
  agreement under Subsection (b), the board may direct the trust
  company to make disbursements from the fund to another fund or
  account for the support of bonds the proceeds of which are used to
  provide financial assistance in the form of:
               (1)  a loan bearing an interest rate of not less than 50
  percent of the then-current market rate of interest available to
  the board;
               (2)  a loan to finance a facility under repayment terms
  similar to the terms of debt customarily issued by the entity
  requesting assistance but not to exceed the lesser of:
                     (A)  the expected useful life of the facility; or
                     (B)  30 years;
               (3)  a deferral of loan repayment, including deferral
  of the repayment of:
                     (A)  principal and interest; or
                     (B)  accrued interest;
               (4)  incremental repurchase terms for an acquired
  facility, including terms for no initial repurchase payment
  followed by progressively increasing incremental levels of
  interest payment, repurchase of principal and interest, and
  ultimate repurchase of the entire state interest in the facility
  using simple interest calculations; or
               (5)  a combination of the methods of financing
  described by Subdivisions (1)-(4).
         (d)  The board may direct the trust company to enter into
  bond enhancement agreements with respect to bonds issued by the
  board before September 1, 2019, only if:
               (1)  those bonds otherwise satisfy the requirements of
  Subsections (b) and (c);
               (2)  the proceeds of those bonds were or are required to
  be used only for the implementation of Texas Disaster Mitigation,
  Recovery, Response and Infrastructure; and
               (3)  economic stabilization funds of the state was
  appropriated before September 1, 2013, for the payment of debt
  service on those bonds.
         (e)  The board may direct the trust company to enter into
  bond enhancement agreements with respect to refunding bonds issued
  by the board to refund bonds issued by the board the proceeds of
  which have been or are to be used for projects included in the state
  water plan and which otherwise satisfied the requirements of
  Subsections (b) and (c).
         (f)  The board may not direct the trust company to enter into
  a bond enhancement agreement with respect to bonds issued by the
  board the proceeds of which have been or are to be used to make
         (g)  The board may not direct the trust company to enter into
  a bond enhancement agreement with respect to bonds issued by the
  board the proceeds of which may be used to provide financial
  assistance to an applicant if at the time of the request the
  applicant has failed to (2) satisfactorily complete a request by
  the Texas Disaster Mitigation, Recovery, Response and
  Infrastructure Advisory Committee for information relevant to the
  project for which the financial assistance is sought.
         (h)  The board may not direct the trust company to enter into
  a bond enhancement agreement with respect to bonds issued by the
  board the proceeds of which may be used to provide financial
  assistance to an applicant unless at the time of the request the
  applicant has acknowledged its legal obligation to comply with any
  applicable requirements of:
               (1)  federal law relating to contracting with
  disadvantaged business enterprises; and
               (2)  state law relating to contracting with
  historically underutilized businesses.
         (i)  The board may not approve a bond enhancement agreement
  with respect to bonds issued by the board unless the agreement
  contains a provision to the effect that if the trust company makes a
  disbursement under the bond enhancement agreement from the fund to
  the credit of another fund or account as provided by Section
  70.434(a), the board shall direct the comptroller to transfer an
  amount not to exceed that amount from the fund or account receiving
  the payment back to the fund if:
               (1)  money is available in the surplus balance in the
  fund or account for that purpose; and
               (2)  the money transferred back to the fund will not
  cause general obligation bonds that are payable from the fund or
  account receiving the payment to no longer be self-supporting for
  purposes of Section 2, Article XIV, Texas Constitution.
         (j)  For purposes of Subsection (i)(1), the surplus balance
  of a fund or account that receives a disbursement from the fund
  under a bond enhancement agreement is the amount of money on deposit
  in the fund or account, as determined by the board, that is
  attributable to the general obligation bonds or revenue bonds that
  are the subject of the bond enhancement agreement, including money
  received from the sale or other disposition of the board's rights to
  receive repayment of financial assistance, money received from the
  sale, transfer, or lease of an acquired facility, money received
  from the sale of water associated with an acquired facility, and
  related investment earnings, that exceeds the amount required to
  pay annual debt service on the bonds and any other amounts specified
  in the resolution or other proceedings authorizing the bonds and
  any related obligations.
         (k)  The board shall submit each bond enhancement agreement
  and the record relating to the agreement to the attorney general for
  examination as to the validity of the agreement.  If the attorney
  general finds that the agreement has been made in accordance with
  the constitution and other laws of this state, the attorney general
  shall approve the agreement and the comptroller shall register the
  agreement. If the agreement is not submitted at the same time that
  the bonds to which it relates are submitted, the agreement shall be
  treated as a public security solely for the purposes of Section
  1202.004, Government Code.
         (l)  After a bond enhancement agreement has been approved and
  registered as provided by Subsection (k), the agreement is valid
  and is incontestable for any cause.
         (m)  At the direction of the board, the trust company shall
  make disbursements from the fund, or from a special account
  established by the board, in accordance with a bond enhancement
  agreement in the amounts the board determines are needed for debt
  service payments on, or for security provisions of, general
  obligation bonds or revenue bonds issued by the board the proceeds
  of the sale of which have been deposited in another fund
  administered by the board, or in an account in that other fund, for
  use in accordance with this subchapter, after the board considers
  all other sources available for those purposes in that other fund or
  account.  Money transferred under this subsection may be deposited
  into that other fund or into a special account established by the
  trust company or a corporate trustee that is a trust company or a
  bank that has the powers of a trust company, as determined by the
         Sec. 70.437.  PRIORITIZATION OF PROJECTS BY BOARD.  (a)  The
  board shall prioritize projects for the purpose of providing
  financial assistance under this subchapter.
         (b)  The board shall establish a point system for
  prioritizing projects for which financial assistance is sought from
  the board. The system must include a standard for the board to
  apply in determining whether a project qualifies for financial
  assistance at the time the application for financial assistance is
  filed with the board.
         (c)  The board shall give the highest consideration in
  awarding points to projects that will have a substantial effect,
  including projects that will:
               (1)  provide assistance to a diverse rural and urban
         (d)  In addition to the criteria provided by Subsection (c),
  the board must also consider at least the following criteria in
  prioritizing projects:
               (1)  if the applicant is applying for financial
  assistance for the project, whether the applicant is ready to
  proceed with the project at the time of the application, including
                     (A)  all preliminary planning and design work
  associated with the project has been completed; and
                     (B)  the applicant has acquired the property
  rights associated with the project; and
         Sec. 15.438.  ADVISORY COMMITTEE. (a)  The Texas Disaster
  Mitigation, Recovery, Response and Infrastructure Advisory
  Committee is composed of the following seven members:
               (1)  the comptroller, or a person designated by the
               (2)  four members of the senate appointed by the
  lieutenant governor, including:
                     (A)  a member of the committee of the senate
  having primary jurisdiction over matters relating to finance; and
                     (B)  a member of the committee of the senate
  having primary jurisdiction over intergovernmental relations; and
               (3)  four members of the house of representatives
  appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives,
                     (A)  a member of the committee of the house of
  representatives having primary jurisdiction over appropriations;
                     (B)  a member of the committee of the house of
  representatives having primary jurisdiction over county affairs.
         (b)  The following persons shall serve as staff support for
  the advisory committee:
               (1)  the deputy executive administrator of the board
  who is responsible for water science and conservation or a person
  who holds an equivalent position at the agency, or a person
  designated by that person;
               (2)  the deputy executive administrator of the board
  who is responsible for water resources planning and information or
  a person who holds an equivalent position at the agency, or a person
  designated by that person; and
               (3)  the chief financial officer of the board, or a
  person who holds an equivalent position at the agency.
         (c)  An appointed member of the advisory committee serves at
  the will of the person who appointed the member.
         (d)  The lieutenant governor shall appoint a co-presiding
  officer of the advisory committee from among the members appointed
  by the lieutenant governor, and the speaker of the house of
  representatives shall appoint a co-presiding officer of the
  committee from among the members appointed by the speaker.
         (e)  The advisory committee may hold public hearings, formal
  meetings, or work sessions. Either co-presiding officer of the
  advisory committee may call a public hearing, formal meeting, or
  work session of the advisory committee at any time. The advisory
  committee may not take formal action at a public hearing, formal
  meeting, or work session unless a quorum of the committee is
         (f)  Except as otherwise provided by this subsection, a
  member of the advisory committee is not entitled to receive
  compensation for service on the committee or reimbursement for
  expenses incurred in the performance of official duties as a member
  of the committee.  Service on the advisory committee by a member of
  the senate or house of representatives is considered legislative
  service for which the member is entitled to reimbursement and other
  benefits in the same manner and to the same extent as for other
  legislative service.
         (g)  The advisory committee shall submit comments and
  recommendations to the board regarding the use of money in the fund
  for use by the board in adopting rules under Section 70.439 and in
  adopting policies and procedures under Section 70.441.  The
  submission must include:
               (1)  comments and recommendations on rulemaking
  related to the prioritization of projects in regional water plans
  and the state water plan in accordance with Sections 70.437;
               (2)  comments and recommendations on rulemaking
  related to establishing standards for determining whether projects
  meet the criteria provided by Section 70.434(b);
               (3)  an evaluation of the available programs for
  providing financing for projects;
               (4)  an evaluation of the granting practices of the
  board and guidelines for granting standards;
               (5)  an evaluation of the use of funds by the board to
  provide support for financial assistance for Disaster Mitigation,
  Recovery, Response and Infrastructure projects;
               (6)  an evaluation of whether premium financing
  programs should be established within the funds described by
  Section XX.435 to serve the purposes of this subchapter, especially
  in connection with projects described by Section 70.434(b);
               (7)  an evaluation of methods for encouraging
  participation in the procurement process by companies domiciled in
  this state or that employ a significant number of residents of this
  state; and
               (8)  an evaluation of the overall operation, function,
  and structure of the fund.
         (h)  The advisory committee shall review the overall
  operation, function, and structure of the fund at least
  semiannually and may provide comments and recommendations to the
  board on any matter.
         (i)  The advisory committee may adopt rules, procedures, and
  policies as needed to administer this section and implement its
         (j)  Chapter 2110, Government Code, does not apply to the
  size, composition, or duration of the advisory committee.
         (k)  The advisory committee is subject to Chapter 325,
  Government Code (Texas Sunset Act). Unless continued in existence
  as provided by that chapter, the advisory committee is abolished
  and this section expires September 1, 2023.
         (l)  The advisory committee shall make recommendations to
  the board regarding information to be posted on the board's
  Internet website under Section 70.440(b).
         (m)  The advisory committee shall evaluate and may provide
  comments or recommendations on the feasibility of the state owning,
  constructing, and operating water supply projects, including
  reservoirs and major water supply conveyance infrastructure,
  through existing financial assistance programs under Subchapter A
  of this chapter.
         (n)  The executive administrator shall provide an annual
  report to the advisory committee on:
               (1)  the board's compliance with statewide annual goals
  relating to historically underutilized businesses; and
               (2)  the participation level of historically
  underutilized businesses in projects that receive funding related
  to a bond enhancement agreement under this subchapter.
         (o)  If the aggregate level of participation by historically
  underutilized businesses in projects that receive funding related
  to a bond enhancement agreement under this subchapter does not meet
  statewide annual goals adopted under Chapter 2161, Government Code,
  the advisory committee shall make recommendations to the board to
  improve the participation level.
         Sec. 70.439.  RULES. (a)  The board shall adopt rules
  providing for the use of money in the fund that are consistent with
  this subchapter, including rules:
               (1)  establishing standards for determining whether
  projects meet the criteria provided by Section 70.434(b); and
               (2)  specifying the manner for prioritizing projects
  for purposes of Section 70.437.
         (b)  The board shall give full consideration to the
  recommendations of the advisory committee before adopting rules
  under this subchapter.
  Not later than December 1 of each even-numbered year, the board
  shall provide a report to the governor, lieutenant governor,
  speaker of the house of representatives, and members of the
  legislature regarding the use of the fund.
         (b)  The board shall post information on the board's Internet
  website regarding the use of the fund and regularly update the
  information posted.
  adopt, and may amend from time to time at the board's discretion,
  policies and procedures for the purpose of mitigating or minimizing
  the adverse effects, if any, of federal laws and regulations
  relating to income taxes, arbitrage, rebates, and related matters
  that may restrict the board's ability to freely invest all or part
  of the fund or to receive and retain all the earnings from the fund.
         Sec. 15.471.  DEFINITION.  In this subchapter, "fund" means
  the Texas Disaster Mitigation, Recovery, Response and
  Infrastructure Fund.
         Sec. 15.472.  FUND.  (a)  Texas Disaster Mitigation,
  Recovery, Response and Infrastructure Fund is a special fund in the
  state treasury outside the general revenue fund to be used by the
  board, without further legislative appropriation, only for the
  purpose of providing financing for projects under subchapter J.
  The board may establish separate accounts in the fund. The board
  has legal title to money and investments in the fund until the money
  is disbursed as provided by this subchapter and board rules. It is
  the intent of the legislature that the fund will never be used:
               (1)  for a purpose other than the support of projects in
  subchapter A; or
               (2)  to certify that appropriations from the treasury
  are within the amount estimated to be available in a fund of the
  treasury affected by the appropriation.
         (b)  Money deposited to the credit of the fund may be used
  only as provided by this subchapter.
         (c)  The fund consists of:
               (1)  money transferred or deposited to the credit of
  the fund by law, including money from any source transferred or
  deposited to the credit of the fund at the board's discretion as
  authorized by law;
               (2)  the proceeds of any fee or tax imposed by this
  state that by statute is dedicated for deposit to the credit of the
               (3)  any other revenue that the legislature by statute
  dedicates for deposit to the credit of the fund;
               (4)  investment earnings and interest earned on amounts
  credited to the fund;
               (5)  the proceeds from the sale of bonds, including
  revenue bonds issued by the board under this subchapter, that are
  designated by the board for the purpose of providing money for the
               (6)  repayments of loans made from the fund; and
               (7)  money from the sale, transfer, or lease of a
  project acquired, constructed, reconstructed, developed, or
  enlarged with money from the fund.
         Sec. 15.473.  MANAGEMENT AND INVESTMENT OF FUND. (a) Money
  deposited to the credit of the fund shall be invested as determined
  by the board. The fund may be invested with the state treasury
         (b)  The fund and any accounts established in the fund shall
  be kept and maintained by or at the direction of the board.
         (c)  At the direction of the board, the fund and any accounts
  established in the fund may be managed by the comptroller or a
  corporate trustee that is a trust company or a bank that has the
  powers of a trust company for and on behalf of the board and pending
  their use for the purposes provided by this subchapter may be
  invested as provided by an order, resolution, or rule of the board.
         (d)  The comptroller or corporate trustee shall manage the
  fund in strict accordance with this subchapter and the orders,
  resolutions, and rules of the board.
         Sec. 15.474.  USE OF FUND. (a)  Except as provided by
  Subsection (c), money in the fund may be used by the board only to
  provide financing or refinancing, under terms specified by the
  board, for projects included in Subchapter A.
         (b)  Financing or refinancing of projects described by
  Subsection (a) may be provided by using money in the fund to make
  loans to eligible political subdivisions and the state or to
  purchase bonds or other obligations of eligible political
  subdivisions and the state bearing interest at a rate or rates
  determined by the board, including a rate or rates below prevailing
  market rates.
         (c)  The board may use money in the fund:
               (1)  as a source of revenue or security for:
                     (A)  the payment of the principal of and interest
                           (i)  revenue bonds issued by the board under
  this subchapter; or
                           (ii)  other bonds issued by the board if the
  proceeds of the bonds will be deposited in the fund; or
                     (B)  a bond enhancement agreement;
               (2)  to acquire loans or other assets from another fund
  or account administered by the board.
               (3)  to pay the necessary and reasonable expenses of
  paying agents, bond counsel, and financial advisory services and
  similar costs incurred by the board in administering the fund.
         (d)  The board, or comptroller or corporate trustee managing
  the fund at the direction of the board as provided by Section
  70.473(c), shall withdraw from the fund and forward to another
  person any amounts, as determined by the board, for timely payment
               (1)  the principal of and interest on bonds described
  by Subsection (c) (1)(A) of this section that mature or become due;
               (2)  any cost related to bonds described by Subsection
  (c)(1)(A) of this section that become due, including payments under
  related credit agreements or bond enhancement agreements.
         Sec. 70.476.  SUBCHAPTER CUMULATIVE OF OTHER LAWS. (a) This
  subchapter is cumulative of other laws on the subject, and the board
  may use provisions of other applicable laws in the issuance of bonds
  and other obligations and the execution of bond enhancement
  agreements, but this subchapter is wholly sufficient authority for
  the issuance of bonds and other obligations, the execution of bond
  enhancement agreements, and the performance of all other acts and
  procedures authorized by this subchapter.
         (b)  In addition to other authority granted by this
  subchapter, the board may exercise the authority granted to the
  governing body of an issuer with regard to the issuance of
  obligations under Chapter 1371, Government Code.
         SECTION 3.  As soon as practicable after the effective date
  of this Act, the lieutenant governor and the speaker of the house of
  representatives shall appoint the initial appointive members of the
  Texas Disaster Mitigation, Recovery, Response and Infrastructure
  Advisory Committee as provided by Section 70.438, Water Code, as
  added by this Act.
         SECTION 4.  (a) Not later than September 1, 2014, the Texas
  Disaster Mitigation, Recovery, Response and Infrastructure
  Advisory Committee shall submit recommendations to the Texas Water
  Development Board on the rules to be adopted by the board under
  Sections 70.439(a)(1) and (2), Water Code, as added by this Act.
         (b)  Not later than the later of the 90th day after the date
  the Texas Water Development Board receives the recommendations
  described by Subsection (a) of this section or March 1, 2021, the
  board shall adopt rules under Section 70.439, Water Code, as added
  by this Act.
         SECTION 5.  The Texas Water Development Board shall post the
  information described by Section 70.440(b), Water Code, as added by
  this Act, on the board's Internet website not later than March 1,
         SECTION 6.  Sections 1 and 2 of this article take effect on
  the date on which the constitutional amendment proposed by the 86th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2019, adding Sections 2, Article XIV,
  Texas Constitution, creating the Texas Disaster Mitigation,
  Recovery, Response and Infrastructure Fund. If that amendment is
  not approved by the voters, those sections of this article have no
         SECTION 7.  Except as otherwise provided by this Act, this
  Act takes effect September 1, 2019.