86R5536 JGH-F
  By: Flores S.C.R. No. 2
         WHEREAS, For more than 120 years, the enforcement officers of
  the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and its predecessors have
  patrolled the rivers, lakes, and coast of the Lone Star State,
  playing a central role in safeguarding the public waters; and
         WHEREAS, In 1895, the 24th Texas Legislature created the
  office of Fish and Oyster Commissioner, and in 1899, the Fish and
  Oyster Commission was given jurisdiction over all public waters,
  including freshwater streams, lakes, and ponds; the agency
  underwent several name changes over the years, becoming the Game,
  Fish, and Oyster Commissioner in 1907, the Game, Fish, and Oyster
  Commission in 1929, and the Game and Fish Commission in 1951, and
  since 1963, it has been known as the Texas Parks and Wildlife
  Department; and
         WHEREAS, In 1965, the professionals now known as Texas game
  wardens were tasked with promoting and enforcing water safety for
  persons and property in all recreational waters of the state; since
  1971, game wardens have been formally recognized as Texas peace
  officers, and in 1997, the 75th Texas Legislature enacted House
  Bill 966, which required all game wardens to be certified as marine
  safety enforcement officers; in 2011, during the 82nd Legislative
  Session, game wardens were designated as the primary officers
  responsible for enforcing the provisions of the state's Water
  Safety Act; and
         WHEREAS, Today, game wardens patrol the public waters of
  Texas to enforce hunting and fishing regulations and to promote
  water safety; they have expanded their ranks from six officers in
  1919 to more than 500, and TPWD's fleet has grown to include more
  than 590 vessels, including two 65-foot patrol boats in the Gulf of
  Mexico and 26 SAFE boats for use along the Gulf Coast; in 2013,
  Texas game wardens were accredited by the National Association of
  State Boating Law Administrators for their adherence to the U.S.
  Coast Guard's national standards for training, qualifications, and
  credentialing; and
         WHEREAS, In addition, Texas game wardens play a crucial role
  in homeland security and emergency management, including search,
  rescue, and recovery efforts; in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina
  in 2005, they were the first out-of-state peace officers to be
  deployed to New Orleans, where they were directly involved in the
  rescue of 4,940 people from houses, apartments, and hospitals, and
  during Hurricane Harvey, they rescued more than 12,000 Texans from
  the storm's flood waters; in 2014, they took part in Operation
  Strong Safety, a homeland security initiative along the
  Texas-Mexico border; and
         WHEREAS, The dedicated men and women who safeguard the public
  waters of the Lone Star State for the use and enjoyment of present
  and future generations truly deserve to be known, in the words of
  former Governor George W. Bush, as our modern-day "Texas Navy," and
  these individuals indeed merit recognition for their vital
  contributions; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the 86th Legislature of the State of Texas
  hereby recognize the game wardens of the Texas Parks and Wildlife
  Department as the "Texas Navy" and commend them for their
  outstanding work as maritime safety enforcement officers; and, be
  it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the TPWD as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives and Senate.