86R20163 CLE-D
  By: Kolkhorst S.C.R. No. 57
         WHEREAS, The Texas Department of Insurance reports that while
  the group health insurance market in Texas remains relatively
  stable, the individual market for health insurance continues to
  experience issues with access and affordability; and
         WHEREAS, According to the department's 2018 Biennial Report,
  eight carriers will offer individual major medical plans on the
  federal health exchange in Texas in 2019, compared to 19 carriers in
  2016, and the cost of premiums for most of the plans will increase
  70 to 200 percent compared to the cost in 2014, when Affordable Care
  Act plans first became available; and
         WHEREAS, The Texas Department of Insurance further reports
  that Section 1332 of the Affordable Care Act encourages innovation
  by allowing states to request a waiver from certain provisions of
  the Act and that new federal guidance provides more flexibility to
  states in applying for such a waiver; and
         WHEREAS, Eight states have received a 1332 innovation waiver
  to increase choice and competition in their individual health
  insurance markets while protecting people with preexisting
  conditions, according to the National Conference of State
  Legislatures; and
         WHEREAS, The National Conference of State Legislatures
  describes an additional waiver of federal law that affects state
  health care coverage under Medicaid; Section 1115 of the Social
  Security Act encourages state experimental demonstrations in
  Medicaid; states have used 1115 demonstration waivers to test a
  wide range of policy approaches, including offering coverage to
  otherwise ineligible populations, providing services not typically
  covered by Medicaid, experimenting with cost sharing and other
  payment reforms, and implementing changes to the delivery system;
         WHEREAS, Innovation in state health care coverage does not
  always require a waiver; some options for achieving greater
  flexibility with current Medicaid funding can be implemented
  directly by states, subject to federal guidelines; and
         WHEREAS, States have been given greater flexibility to foster
  innovation in state health care coverage, and a study would help to
  identify all of the options for improving access to quality health
  care in Texas; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the 86th Legislature of the State of Texas
  hereby request the lieutenant governor and the speaker of the house
  of representatives to create a joint interim committee on state
  health care coverage; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That the committee explore options for improving
  access to quality health care in Texas, including options for
  achieving greater flexibility with current Medicaid funding and for
  using 1115 demonstration waivers and 1332 innovation waivers; and,
  be it further
         RESOLVED, That the committee be composed of four members of
  the senate appointed by the lieutenant governor, who shall
  designate one of the members as joint chair, and four members of the
  house of representatives appointed by the speaker of the house, who
  shall designate one of the members as joint chair; and, be it
         RESOLVED, That the committee submit a full report, including
  findings and recommendations, to the 87th Texas Legislature before
  it convenes in January 2021; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That the committee's proceedings and operations be
  governed by such general rules and policies for interim committees
  as the 86th Texas Legislature may adopt.