WHEREAS, World War II lasted from 1939 until 1945, and the |
United States entered the war in 1941 following the attack on Pearl |
Harbor; and |
WHEREAS, Over 16 million Americans served their country and |
its allies over the course of the war; and |
WHEREAS, The generation of men and women who served our |
country in World War II has been called "the greatest generation" |
for their selfless sacrifice; and |
WHEREAS, The Medal of Honor is the highest military |
decoration that is awarded by the United States government; and |
WHEREAS, The Medal of Honor is presented by the president of |
the United States, in the name of Congress; and |
WHEREAS, The Medal of Honor is only conferred upon members of |
the United States armed forces who distinguish themselves through |
conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of life above and |
beyond the call of duty while engaged in action against an enemy of |
the United States, while engaged in military operations involving |
conflict with an opposing foreign force, or while serving with |
friendly forces engaged in an armed conflict against an opposing |
armed force in which the United States is not a belligerent party; |
and |
WHEREAS, More than 3,400 Medals of Honor have been awarded to |
our nation's bravest soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, and coast |
guardsmen since the creation of the award in 1861; and |
WHEREAS, The Medal of Honor was awarded to 473 Americans |
during World War II, and only four of those 473 Americans are alive |
today; and |
WHEREAS, Charles H. Coolidge of Tennessee, Francis S. Currey |
of New York, Robert D. Maxwell of Oregon, and Hershel W. Williams of |
West Virginia all served their country with conspicuous gallantry |
and intrepidity at the risk of life and therefore deserve the |
gratitude of the American people; and |
WHEREAS, The president of the United States has the sole |
authority to designate a state funeral; and |
WHEREAS, Historically, the president of the United States has |
designated state funerals for former presidents, generals, and |
other extraordinary Americans; and |
WHEREAS, Designating a state funeral when the last surviving |
World War II Medal of Honor recipient dies would be a wonderful way |
for the American people to unite and honor all 16 million soldiers, |
sailors, and airmen who served in our armed forces from 1941 to |
1945; now, therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the 86th Legislature of the State of Texas, |
hereby respectfully urge the president of the United States to |
designate a state funeral for the last surviving Medal of Honor |
recipient from World War II; and, be it further |
RESOLVED, That the Texas secretary of state forward official |
copies of this resolution to the president of the United States, to |
the president of the Senate and the speaker of the House of |
Representatives of the United States Congress, and to all the |
members of the Texas delegation to Congress with the request that |
this resolution be entered in the Congressional Record as a |
memorial to the Congress of the United States of America. |
______________________________ |
______________________________ |
President of the Senate |
Speaker of the House |
______________________________ |
______________________________ |
President of the Senate |
Speaker of the House |
I hereby certify that S.C.R. No. 59 was adopted by the Senate |
on May 1, 2019, by the following vote: Yeas 31, Nays 0. |
______________________________ |
Secretary of the Senate |
I hereby certify that S.C.R. No. 59 was adopted by the House |
on May 22, 2019, by the following vote: Yeas 142, Nays 0, |
two present not voting. |
______________________________ |
Chief Clerk of the House |
Approved: |
______________________________ |
Date |
______________________________ |
Governor |