By: West S.C.R. No. 61
  WHEREAS, The Lipan Apache Tribe of Texas is the present-day
  incarnation of a proud people who have lived in Texas and northern
  Mexico for more than 300 years; and
         WHEREAS, The Lipan Apaches have entered into treaties,
  alliances, and pledges of friendship with the governments of Spain,
  Mexico, the German Confederation, and the United States; President
  Sam Houston and the Republic of Texas formally acknowledged a
  friendship with the Lipan Apaches through the Treaty of Live Oak
  Point in 1838; and
         WHEREAS, Today, the Lipan Apache Tribe is represented by a
  tribal government with a constitution and bylaws, and the tribe is a
  voting member of the National Congress of American Indians; the
  eagle remains sacred to the tribe, and the United States Department
  of the Interior has acknowledged the religious and legal rights of
  more than 200 tribal members to use eagle feathers in their
  ceremonial practices; and
         WHEREAS, Lipan Apaches have faithfully served in the armed
  forces of the United States during World War I, World War II, the
  Korean War, the Vietnam War, and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan,
  as well as in other deployments; moreover, tribe member Frank Leota
  of San Antonio has risen to the prestigious post of command sergeant
  major for the United States Army Pacific Command; in addition,
  members of the Lipan Apache Tribe have served as police officers,
  ministers, nurses, and schoolteachers, as well as in many other
  important occupations; and
         WHEREAS, Blessed with a rich heritage, the Lipan Apaches have
  maintained a strong sense of identity and community, and they
  continue to make a valuable contribution to the culture of the Lone
  Star State; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the 86th Legislature of the State of Texas
  hereby recognize the Lipan Apache Tribe of Texas and commend it on
  its many valuable contributions to this state; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the tribe as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives and Senate.