By: Rodríguez S.J.R. No. 6
  proposing a constitutional amendment establishing the Sexual
  Harassment Oversight Commission.
         SECTION 1.  The Texas Constitution is amended by adding
  Article XVIII to read as follows:
         Sec. 1.  In this article:
               (1)  "Commission" means the Sexual Harassment
  Oversight Commission.
               (2)  "Legislative employee" means an employee of the
  senate, the house of representatives, or a legislative service
  agency, including:
                     (A)  legislative aides to members;
                     (B)  legislative interns; or
                     (C)  volunteer staff.
               (3)  "State agency" means a board, commission, office,
  department, or other agency in the executive, judicial, or
  legislative branch of state government. The term does include
  institutions of higher education.
               (4)  "Third party" means a newsperson, lobbyist, or
  member of the general public who has business at the State Capitol
  or who is doing business with legislative service agencies, the
  senate, or the house of representatives.
         Sec. 2.  (a)  The Sexual Harassment Oversight Commission is
         (b)  The commission is composed of five members as follows:
               (1)  one member appointed by the governor;
               (2)  one member appointed by the lieutenant governor;
               (3)  one member appointed by the speaker of the house of
               (4)  one member appointed by the president of the State
  Bar of Texas who is a licensed attorney specializing in employment
  law; and
               (5)  one member appointed by the president of the
  largest union representing employees of state agencies.
         Sec. 3.  (a)  Members of the commission serve four-year
         (b)  A vacancy on the commission shall be filled in the same
  manner as the original appointment.
         Sec. 4.  The commission shall:
               (1)  in consultation with each legislative standing
  committee with primary jurisdiction over administration, human
  resources staff employed by the legislature, and any legislative
  staff attorneys who specialize in labor law, establish a
  standardized sexual harassment policy for persons involved in the
  work of the legislature;
               (2)  publish the policy established under Subdivision
  (1) of this section on the public Internet websites of the house of
  representatives and the senate;
               (3)  recommend to state agencies minimum standards for
  sexual harassment policies;
               (4)  review and investigate all complaints of
  violations of the commission's sexual harassment policy submitted
  to the commission; and
               (5)  impose appropriate sanctions against persons who
  violate the commission's sexual harassment policy.
         Sec. 5.  The sexual harassment policy under Section 4 of this
  article must:
               (1)  include a clear definition of sexual harassment;
               (2)  apply to legislators, legislative employees, and
  third parties;
               (3)  include a clear statement prohibiting retaliation
  for submitting a complaint to the commission;
               (4)  include a statement providing confidentiality, to
  the extent possible, for all persons involved with a complaint
  submitted to the commission;
               (5)  include a procedure for obtaining assistance from
  an independent investigator who is not involved with the work of the
  legislature in investigating a sexual harassment complaint, if
               (6)  include an appeals procedure; and
               (7)  provide notice that a complainant is not precluded
  from also filing a complaint with the federal Equal Employment
  Opportunity Commission or the Texas Workforce Commission for the
  same conduct.
         Sec. 6.  The commission may receive classified information
  and issue subpoenas to investigate complaints of violations of the
  commission's sexual harassment policy under Section 4 of this
  article submitted to the commission.
         Sec. 7.  The commission shall adopt sanctions that may be
  imposed on a person found by the commission to have violated the
  commission's sexual harassment policy under Section 4 of this
         Sec. 8.  (a)  Not later than January 1 of each odd-numbered
  year, the commission shall prepare a report that includes:
               (1)  a description of each complaint of a violation of
  the commission's sexual harassment policy under Section 4 of this
  article submitted to the commission, including the commission's
  conclusions regarding and response to the complaint and excluding
  any confidential information;
               (2)  a review of sexual harassment policies adopted by
  state agencies, including each agency's complaint investigation
  procedures; and
               (3)  recommendations to prevent sexual harassment.
         (b)  The commission shall submit reports under Subsection
  (a) of this section to the chairs of each legislative standing
  committee with primary jurisdiction over administration, the
  governor, the lieutenant governor, and the speaker of the house of
         (c)  The commission shall publish reports under Subsection
  (a) of this section on the public Internet websites of the senate
  and the house of representatives.
         SECTION 2.  The following temporary provision is added to
  the Texas Constitution:
         TEMPORARY PROVISION. (a) This temporary provision applies to
  the constitutional amendment proposed by the 86th Legislature,
  Regular Session, 2019, providing for the establishment of the
  Sexual Harassment Oversight Commission.
         (b)  As soon as practicable after the effective date of
  Article XVIII of this constitution, the relevant appointing
  authorities shall appoint the members of the Sexual Harassment
  Oversight Commission.
         (c)  As soon as practicable after at least three members are
  appointed, the Sexual Harassment Oversight Commission shall adopt a
  sexual harassment policy under Section 4, Article XVIII, of this
         (d)  Article XVIII of this constitution applies only to
  conduct that occurs on or after the date the Sexual Harassment
  Oversight Commission adopts the initial sexual harassment policy
  under Section 4 of that article.
         (e)  This temporary provision expires November 1, 2020.
         SECTION 3.  This proposed constitutional amendment shall be
  submitted to the voters at an election to be held November 5, 2019.
  The ballot shall be printed to permit voting for or against the
  proposition: "The constitutional amendment establishing the
  Sexual Harassment Oversight Commission."