WHEREAS, Members of the Texas A&M University System |
Chancellor's Student Advisory Council are visiting the State |
Capitol on February 7 and 8, 2019, and this occasion provides an |
ideal opportunity to recognize this noteworthy organization; and |
WHEREAS, Established in 1982, the council gives student |
leaders an avenue to address issues common to all campuses in The |
Texas A&M University System; the membership includes two student |
representatives from each institution, and the group meets |
formally in September, during the board of regents meeting, and |
at the end of the spring semester, at the annual System Student |
Affairs Symposium; and |
WHEREAS, The members of the council educate their fellow |
students about matters of concern, and they work to encourage |
greater engagement in all aspects of student life at university |
institutions; moreover, they help to promote positive |
communication and act as liaisons to the chancellor and the |
regents on student affairs; and |
WHEREAS, In carrying out its duties, the Student Advisory |
Council receives assistance from the Office of the Chancellor and |
the Office of Academic Affairs, with budgetary support for special |
events being provided by the Chancellor's Century Council; and |
WHEREAS, Through their dedicated efforts, the members of |
the Chancellor's Student Advisory Council are contributing to |
the educational mission of The Texas A&M University System and |
helping to make the college experience even more positive and |
rewarding for their fellow students; now, therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 86th |
Legislature, hereby honor the Texas A&M University System |
Chancellor's Student Advisory Council for its outstanding |
contributions and extend to the members sincere best wishes for the |
future; and, be it further |
RESOLVED, That an official copy of this Resolution be |
prepared for the council as an expression of high regard by the |
Texas Senate. |
Bettencourt, Flores |
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President of the Senate |
I hereby certify that the |
above Resolution was adopted by |
the Senate on February 5, 2019. |
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Secretary of the Senate |
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Member, Texas Senate |
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Member, Texas Senate |