WHEREAS, Citizens of Deer Park are gathering in Austin on
  March 26, 2019, to celebrate Deer Park Day at the State
  Capitol; and
         WHEREAS, Deer Park, which was founded in 1892 by Simeon
  Henry West, is home to the "Birthplace of Texas," the log cabin
  where Sam Houston drafted the treaty that secured the
  independence of Texas after the Battle of San Jacinto; and
         WHEREAS, The community began to flourish in the late 1940s,
  and in recent years, it has been ranked as one of the 50 safest
  Texas cities by and as one of the top 25 cities in
  the United States for affordable homes by CNN Money; and
         WHEREAS, With its proximity to Houston, Deer Park has easy
  access to major airports, professional sports teams, and
  excellent colleges, and it has been recognized for its green
  space, low crime rates, short commute times, and outstanding
  public education system; and
         WHEREAS, Celebrating their heritage as they work to build a
  bright future, the people of Deer Park may take great pride in the
  role their community continues to play in the story of the Lone
  Star State; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 86th
  Legislature, hereby recognize March 26, 2019, as Deer Park Day at
  the State Capitol and extend to the visiting delegation sincere
  best wishes for a meaningful and memorable stay in Austin.
        President of the Senate
        I hereby certify that the
    above Resolution was adopted by
    the Senate on March 26, 2019.
        Secretary of the Senate
         Member, Texas Senate