WHEREAS, The dangers of drunk driving and underage
  drinking are issues of concern to every Texan; and
         WHEREAS, While concerted law enforcement and education
  efforts have done much to curb drunk driving over the past few
  decades, more than 10,000 alcohol-related deaths still occur on
  our nation's roadways each year; and
         WHEREAS, A total of 1,468 Texans died in drunk driving
  crashes in 2017; although this number is above the national
  average, alcohol-impaired driving fatalities overall have been
  on the decline at both the state and national levels, and our
  state has seen a 7.5 percent decrease in such fatalities among
  drivers under the age of 21 in the last decade alone; and
         WHEREAS, The State of Texas has worked to reduce the
  incidence of impaired driving through the use of DWI courts, law
  enforcement training, No Refusal campaigns, ignition interlock
  devices, alcoholism treatment, and other lifesaving
  countermeasures; and
         WHEREAS, Underage drinking, which continues to be a
  persistent problem despite a decline to record-low levels in
  2018, is an area of particular focus for our state; the number of
  Texans between the ages of 12 and 20 reporting alcohol
  consumption in the past month is now around 17 percent, a
  decrease of 36 percent since 2008, and the continued cooperation
  of state law enforcement agencies, alcohol awareness
  organizations, and responsible parents can play an instrumental
  role in ensuring that our youth avoid impaired driving; and
         WHEREAS, Research shows that parents can help prevent
  underage drinking and alcohol abuse by beginning conversations
  with their children about alcohol use at an early age and by
  continuing to speak with them about the issue throughout
  childhood, adolescence, and early adulthood; with the help of and other organizations, 73 percent of
  teenagers now identify parents as the leading influence in their
  decisions regarding alcohol, representing a 33 percent increase
  since 1991; and
         WHEREAS, The recognition of April as Alcohol
  Responsibility Month offers a welcome opportunity to call
  attention to the work that must be done to further reduce the
  tragic impact of drunk driving and underage drinking in Texas;
  now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 86th
  Legislature, hereby recognize April 2019 as Alcohol
  Responsibility Month and encourage all Texans to make
  responsible decisions regarding the consumption of alcohol and
  to support efforts to reduce drunk driving and underage drinking.
        President of the Senate
        I hereby certify that the
    above Resolution was adopted by
    the Senate on April 4, 2019.
        Secretary of the Senate
         Member, Texas Senate