WHEREAS, Members of the Houston, Austin, Dallas-Fort
  Worth, and San Antonio chapters of the Asian Real Estate
  Association of America are gathering at the State Capitol on
  May 1, 2019; and
         WHEREAS, Founded in 2003, the Asian Real Estate
  Association of America is a nonprofit trade organization that
  promotes sustainable home ownership and property investment for
  Asian Americans and works to increase business opportunities for
  the professionals who serve this growing community; and
         WHEREAS, Through an extensive network of more than 17,000
  real estate agents and mortgage and housing-related
  professionals, AREAA is the only trade association dedicated to
  representing the interests of the national Asian American real
  estate market; in addition, AREAA and its local chapters advocate
  on behalf of state and national policy positions that reduce the
  barriers preventing home ownership among members of the Asian
  American community; and
         WHEREAS, The members of AREAA have benefited greatly from
  the leadership of National Founding Chairman and Emeritus Allen
  M. Okamoto, National Founding Chairman and Emeritus John Yen
  Wong, National Chairman and Emeritus Jim Park, and National
  Executive Director Hope Atuel; in Texas, the association is
  capably led by the Houston Chapter's Founding Chairman and
  Emeritus Kenneth Li, Founding President and Emeritus Dawn Lin,
  current President Casey Kang, and Past President Eugene Wang,
  Christine Chau, Dallas-Fort Worth Chapter President Tony Nguyen,
  Past President Daniel Eng, and San Antonio Chapter President Ojas
  Tasker; and
         WHEREAS, By working to ensure that the American dream of
  home ownership is attainable by all members of the Asian American
  community, the Texas chapters of the Asian Real Estate
  Association of America are helping to build a more prosperous
  Texas; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 86th
  Legislature, hereby recognize May 1, 2019, as Asian Real Estate
  Association of America Day at the State Capitol and extend to the
  visiting delegation sincere best wishes for an enjoyable and
  informative visit to Austin.
        President of the Senate
        I hereby certify that the
    above Resolution was adopted by
    the Senate on May 1, 2019.
        Secretary of the Senate
         Member, Texas Senate