WHEREAS, Freese and Nichols is celebrating its 125th |
anniversary in 2019, providing a fitting opportunity to pay |
tribute to this venerable Fort Worth-based engineering and |
architecture firm; and |
WHEREAS, The company was first established in 1894 by John |
B. Hawley; Simon Freese joined the firm as a partner in 1927 and |
Marvin C. Nichols in 1928, and the company became Freese and |
Nichols, Inc., in 1976; through the years, it has taken part in |
the design and construction management of such crucial Texas |
infrastructure projects as the channel of the San Antonio River |
that is now the River Walk, the first air-conditioned buildings |
in North Texas, the Pantex Ordnance Plant in Amarillo, the |
expansion of Arlington Stadium, and the Skylink people mover |
system at Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport; and |
WHEREAS, Today, under the leadership of president and CEO |
Brian Coltharp, Freese and Nichols continues to work closely with |
regional and local governments, educational institutions, the |
military, energy providers, transportation agencies, and water |
districts in Texas, North Carolina, Georgia, Oklahoma, and |
Louisiana; and |
WHEREAS, The company is a positive force in the community |
as well; its leaders have served on the boards of many worthy |
organizations, including the United Way, the North Texas |
Commission, and the Boy and Girl Scouts, and over the past four |
years alone, individual employees have performed more than |
25,000 hours of volunteer service; and |
WHEREAS, Freese and Nichols has been honored with the Texas |
Treasure Business Award from the Texas Historical Commission, |
and it is the first engineering and architecture firm ever to |
receive the prestigious Baldrige Award for Performance |
Excellence from the United States Department of Commerce; it has |
also earned recognition from the American Council of Engineering |
Companies, the American Society of Civil Engineers, the |
Construction Management Association of America, the American |
Public Works Association, the American Planning Association, and |
many other organizations; and |
WHEREAS, For 125 years, Freese and Nichols has played a |
significant role in the development and prosperity of the Lone |
Star State, and its managers and employees may indeed take great |
pride in the company's longevity and its outstanding record of |
achievement; now, therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 86th |
Legislature, hereby commemorate the 125th anniversary of Freese |
and Nichols and extend to all those associated with the firm |
sincere best wishes for continued success; and, be it further |
RESOLVED, That an official copy of this Resolution be |
prepared for Freese and Nichols as an expression of high regard |
by the Texas Senate. |
Powell |
________________________________ |
President of the Senate |
I hereby certify that the |
above Resolution was adopted by |
the Senate on May 22, 2019. |
________________________________ |
Secretary of the Senate |
________________________________ |
Member, Texas Senate |