By: Menéndez S.R. No. 850
         BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives of the State
  of Texas, 86th Legislature, Regular Session, 2019, That House
  Rule 13, Section 9(a), be suspended in part as provided by House
  Rule 13, Section 9(f), to enable the conference committee
  appointed to resolve the differences on Senate Bill 1742
  (physician and health care provider directories,
  preauthorization, utilization review, independent review, and
  peer review for certain health benefit plans and workers'
  compensation coverage) to consider and take action on the
  following matter:
         House Rule 13, Section 9(a)(4), is suspended to permit the
  conference committee to add text on a matter not included in
  either the house or senate version of the bill by adding the
  following new ARTICLE to the bill:
  A joint interim committee is created to study, review, and report
  on the use of prior authorization and utilization review
  processes by private health benefit plan issuers in this state,
  as provided by Section 4.02 of this article, and propose reforms
  under that section related to the transparency of and improving
  patient outcomes under the prior authorization and utilization
  review processes used by private health benefit plan issuers in
  this state.
         (b)  The joint interim committee shall be composed of four
  senators appointed by the lieutenant governor and four members of
  the house of representatives appointed by the speaker of the
  house of representatives.
         (c)  The lieutenant governor and speaker of the house of
  representatives shall each designate a co-chair from among the
  joint interim committee members.
         (d)  The joint interim committee shall convene at the
  joint call of the co-chairs.
         (e)  The joint interim committee has all other powers and
  duties provided to a special or select committee by the rules of
  the senate and house of representatives, by Subchapter B, Chapter
  301, Government Code, and by policies of the senate and house
  committees on administration.
  interim committee created by Section 4.01 of this article shall
  study data and other information available from the Texas
  Department of Insurance, the office of public insurance counsel,
  or other sources the committee determines relevant to examine and
  analyze the transparency of and improving patient outcomes under
  the prior authorization and utilization review processes used by
  private health benefit plan issuers in this state.
         (b)  The joint interim committee shall propose reforms
  based on the study required under Subsection (a) of this section
  to improve the transparency of and patient outcomes under prior
  authorization and utilization review processes in this state.
         (c)  The joint interim committee shall prepare a report of
  the findings and proposed reforms.
  (a) Not later than December 1, 2020, the joint interim committee
  created under Section 4.01 of this article shall submit to the
  lieutenant governor, the speaker of the house of
  representatives, and the governor the report prepared under
  Section 4.02 of this article. The joint interim committee shall
  include in its report recommendations of specific statutory and
  regulatory changes that appear necessary from the committee's
  study under Section 4.02 of this article.
         (b)  Not later than the 60th day after the effective date
  of this Act, the lieutenant governor and speaker of the house of
  representatives shall appoint the members of the joint interim
  committee in accordance with Section 4.01 of this article.
         SECTION 4.04.  ABOLITION OF COMMITTEE. The joint interim
  committee created under Section 4.01 of this article is abolished
  and this article expires December 15, 2020.
         Explanation: The addition is necessary to provide for the
  interim study of the use of prior authorization and utilization
  review processes by health benefit plan issuers in this state and
  the proposal of reforms to improve the transparency of and
  patient outcomes under those processes.