By: Nelson S.R. No. 852
         BE IT RESOLVED by the Senate of the State of Texas, 86th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2019, That Senate Rule 12.03 be
  suspended in part as provided by Senate Rule 12.08 to enable the
  conference committee appointed to resolve the differences on
  House Bill 3284 (the prescribing and dispensing of controlled
  substances under the Texas Controlled Substances Act;
  authorizing a fee; providing for administrative penalties;
  creating criminal offenses) to consider and take action on the
  following matters:
         (1)  Senate Rule 12.03(2) is suspended to permit the
  committee to omit text not in disagreement by omitting SECTION 1
  of the house engrossment of House Bill 3284 and the corresponding
  SECTION of the bill as the bill was amended by the senate adding
  Section 481.0755, Health and Safety Code, which reads as follows:
         SECTION 1.  Subchapter C, Chapter 481, Health and Safety
  Code, is amended by adding Section 481.0755 to read as follows:
         Sec. 481.0755.  WRITTEN, ORAL, AND TELEPHONICALLY
  COMMUNICATED PRESCRIPTIONS. (a) Notwithstanding Sections
  481.073, 481.074, and 481.075, a person prescribing or
  dispensing a controlled substance must use the electronic
  prescription record and may not use a written, oral, or
  telephonically communicated prescription.
         (b)  A prescriber may issue a written, oral, or
  telephonically communicated prescription for a controlled
  substance as authorized under this subchapter only if the
  prescription is issued:
               (1)  by a veterinarian;
               (2)  in circumstances in which electronic
  prescribing is not available due to temporary technological or
  electronic failure, as prescribed by board rule;
               (3)  by a practitioner to be dispensed by a pharmacy
  located outside this state, as prescribed by board rule;
               (4)  when the prescriber and dispenser are the same
               (5)  in circumstances in which necessary elements
  are not supported by the most recent electronic prescription drug
               (6)  for a drug for which the United States Food and
  Drug Administration requires additional information in the
  prescription that is not possible with electronic prescribing;
               (7)  for a non-patient-specific prescription
  pursuant to a standing order, approved protocol for drug therapy,
  collaborative drug management, or comprehensive medication
  management, in response to a public health emergency or in other
  circumstances in which the practitioner may issue a
  non-patient-specific prescription;
               (8)  for a drug under a research protocol;
               (9)  by a prescriber who is employed by or is
  practicing a health care profession at a health-related
  institution, as defined by Section 62.161, Education Code, as
  added by Chapter 448 (H.B. 7), Acts of the 84th Legislature,
               (10)  by a practitioner who has received a waiver
  under Subsection (c) from the requirement to use electronic
  prescribing; or
               (11)  under circumstances in which the practitioner
  has the present ability to submit an electronic prescription but
  reasonably determines that it would be impractical for the
  patient to obtain the drugs prescribed under the electronic
  prescription in a timely manner and that a delay would adversely
  impact the patient's medical condition.
         (c)  The board shall adopt rules establishing a process by
  which a practitioner may request and receive a waiver under
  Subsection (b)(10), not to exceed one year, from the requirement
  to use electronic prescribing. The board shall adopt rules
  establishing the eligibility for a waiver, including:
               (1)  economic hardship;
               (2)  technological limitations not reasonably within
  the control of the practitioner; or
               (3)  other exceptional circumstances demonstrated by
  the practitioner.
         (d)  A written, oral, or telephonically communicated
  prescription must comply with the applicable requirements
  prescribed by Sections 481.074 and 481.075.
         (e)  A dispensing pharmacist who receives a controlled
  substance prescription in a manner other than electronically is
  not required to verify that the prescription is exempt from the
  requirement that it be submitted electronically.
         (f)  The board shall enforce this section.
         Explanation: This change is necessary to avoid conflicting
  with language in House Bill 2174 that also adds Section 481.0755,
  Health and Safety Code. The house has concurred in the senate
  amendments to House Bill 2174.
         (2)  Senate Rules 12.03 (1) and (2) are suspended to
  permit the committee to change and omit text not in disagreement
  in SECTIONS 6 and 9 of the house engrossment of House Bill 3284
  and the corresponding SECTIONS of the bill as the bill was
  amended by the senate, to strike references to Section 481.0755,
  Health and Safety Code.
         Explanation: This change is necessary to conform
  cross-references to the omission of proposed Section 481.0755,
  Health and Safety Code.
         (3)  Senate Rule 12.03(2) is suspended to permit the
  committee to omit text not in disagreement by omitting SECTION 13
  of the house engrossment of House Bill 3284 and the corresponding
  SECTION of the bill as the bill was amended by the senate, which
  reads as follows:
         SECTION 13.  Section 481.0755, Health and Safety Code, as
  added by this Act, applies only to a prescription issued on or
  after the effective date of this Act.
         Explanation: This change is necessary to conform to the
  omission of proposed Section 481.0755, Health and Safety Code.