Austin, Texas
May 18, 2019

Honorable Lois W. Kolkhorst, Chair, Senate Committee on Health & Human Services
John McGeady, Assistant Director     Sarah Keyton, Assistant Director
Legislative Budget Board
HB1669 by Lucio III (Relating to increasing and improving the mental health and substance use disorder workforce in this state and increasing the capacity of local mental health authorities to provide access to mental health services in certain counties.), Committee Report 2nd House, Substituted

Depending upon the recommendations of the comprehensive plan to increase and improve the workforce in this state that serves individuals with mental health and substance use issues, there may be an indeterminate negative fiscal impact to the state.

The bill would make no appropriation but could provide the legal basis for an appropriation of funds to implement the provisions of the bill. The Health and Human Services Commission is required to implement a provision of this Act only if the legislature appropriates money specifically for that purpose. If the legislature does not appropriate money specifically for that purpose, the commission may, but is not required to, implement a provision of this Act using other appropriations available for that purpose.

The bill would require the Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) to assign local mental health authorities (LMHAs) that are located in or serve a county with a population of 250,000 or less into regional groups no later than January 1, 2020. The bill would require HHSC to develop a mental health services development plan for each regional group that will increase the capacity of the LMHAs in the group. The bill would require HHSC to publish each plan, an evaluation of each plan, and a comprehensive statewide analysis of mental health services in counties with a population of 250,000 or less, on its website no later than December 1, 2020. The section of the bill requiring these plans expires September 1, 2021. The bill would require the Health and Human Services Commission to develop and implement a comprehensive plan to increase and improve the workforce in this state that serves individuals with mental health and substance use issues. The bill would take effect September 1, 2019.

Based on the Legislative Budget Board's analysis of the Health and Human Services Commission, it is assumed that costs associated with developing the comprehensive plan to increase and improve workforce in the state could be absorbed using existing resources. There could be an indeterminate fiscal impact to the state to implement the plan depending on the plan's recommendations to increase and improve the workforce.

To develop and publish each mental health services development plan, it is assumed HHSC would need to hire 3.0 Program Specialist VI to assist with developing and analysis of the plans and to assist with data analysis and program oversight. It is also assumed HHSC would need to hire 0.3 Research Specialist V to assist with data analysis and reporting requirements. Costs associated with the additional FTEs would be $377,990 in fiscal year 2020 and $387,806 in fiscal year 2021. This analysis assumes the associated costs would expire September 1, 2021.

Local Government Impact

The fiscal implications of the bill cannot be determined at this time

Source Agencies:
LBB Staff: