TO: | Honorable Charles Perry, Chair, Senate Committee on Water & Rural Affairs |
FROM: | John McGeady, Assistant Director Sarah Keyton, Assistant Director Legislative Budget Board |
IN RE: | HB2340 by Dominguez (Relating to emergency and disaster management, response, and recovery.), As Engrossed |
Source Agencies: | 305 General Land Office and Veterans' Land Board, 473 Public Utility Commission of Texas, 537 State Health Services, Department of, 555 Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, 580 Water Development Board, 582 Commission on Environmental Quality, 802 Parks and Wildlife Department, 808 Historical Commission, 405 Department of Public Safety, 300 Trusteed Programs Within the Office of the Governor
LBB Staff: | WP, SZ, AI, CBR, LBO, SMi, JSm