Honorable Dan Patrick, Lieutenant Governor, Senate Honorable Dennis Bonnen, Speaker of the House, House of Representatives
John McGeady, Assistant Director Sarah Keyton, Assistant Director Legislative Budget Board
SB2551 by Hinojosa (Relating to liability, payment, and death benefits for certain workers' compensation claims.), Conference Committee Report
No significant fiscal implication to the State is anticipated.
The bill would amend the Government Code and Labor Code relating to liability, payment, and death benefits for certain workers' compensation claims. Based on information provided by the Texas Department of Insurance, State Office of Risk Management, and Texas A&M University System Administration, this analysis assumes that the duties and responsibilities associated with implementing the provisions of the bill could be accomplished by utilizing existing resources.
The bill would take effect immediately upon receiving a vote of two-thirds of all members elected to the House and Senate or otherwise on September 1, 2019.
Local Government Impact
The Texas Association of Counties (TAC) anticipates a potential fiscal impact on the TAC Risk Management Pool, which covers approximately 1,500 firefighters and emergency medical technicians. However, the extent of the impact cannot be determined at this time due to inability to predict the number or severity of future cancer claims.
According to the Texas Municipal League (TML), the TML Intergovernmental Risk Pool estimates that it will cost $6.0 million annually for the Pool. For all paid firefighters statewide, the cost is over $13.0 million annually.
Source Agencies:
360 State Office of Administrative Hearings, 454 Department of Insurance, 479 State Office of Risk Management, 601 Department of Transportation, 710 Texas A&M University System Administrative and General Offices, 720 The University of Texas System Administration, 407 Commission on Law Enforcement, 411 Commission on Fire Protection