Thursday, March 28, 2019

8:50 AM

Betty King Committee Room




Pursuant to a notice posted in accordance with Senate Rule 11.10 and 11.18, a public hearing of the Senate Committee on Nominations was held on Thursday, March 28, 2019, in the Betty King Committee Room at Austin, Texas.







Senator Dawn Buckingham, Chair



Senator Kirk Watson, Vice Chair



Senator Carol Alvarado



Senator Bob Hall



Senator Lois Kolkhorst



Senator Borris Miles



Senator Kel Seliger






The chair called the meeting to order at 8:50 a.m. There being a quorum present, the following business was transacted:


The following members arrived after the roll was called: Senator Seliger, Senator Kolkhorst, Senator Alvarado, and Senator Hall.


Senator Alvarado moved adoption of the minutes from the previous hearing held on Thursday, March 21, 2019; without objection, it was so ordered.


Vice Chair Watson moved that the committee vote to approve the nominations of the individuals to the following entities: Commissioner of Education, Board of the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles, Texas Transportation Commission, Parks and Wildlife Commission, Sulphur River Basin Authority Board of Directors, State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners, Red River Authority of Texas Board of Directors, Midwestern State University Board of Regents, Texas Board of Professional Geoscientists, Texas Commission on the Arts, Texas Historical Commission, Texas State Library and Archives Commission, Texas Woman’s University Board of Regents, Trinity River Authority Board of Directors, University of Houston System Board of Regents, and University of North Texas System Board of Regents. The motion carried with a record vote of 7 ayes, 0 nays, 0 present not voting, and 0 absent. Senator Hall and Senator Kolkhorst submitted motions in writing to be shown voting aye. This did not change the outcome of the vote. Without objection; it was so ordered.


Senator Campbell was recognized to introduce Dr. James Kee, appointed to the Employees Retirement System of Texas Board of Trustees, by the Speaker of the House of Representatives.


Vice Chair Watson was recognized to introduce Jessica Barta, reappointed as the Injured Employee Public Counsel.


Senator Kolkhorst was recognized to introduce Dick Nance, appointed to the Teacher Retirement System of Texas Board of Trustees.


Senator Taylor was recognized to introduce Ginger Kerrick, appointed to the Texas Tech University System Board of Regents.


Senator Schwertner was recognized to introduce Judge Scott Matthew, reappointed to the Texas Juvenile Justice Board.


Senator Miles was recognized to introduce Dr. Margo Melchor, appointed to the State Board of Dental Examiners.


Senator Lucio was recognized to introduce Dr. Nolan Perez, appointed to the University of Texas System Board of Regents.


Senator Creighton was recognized to introduce Lorie Jones, appointed to the State Board of Dental Examiners.


Jessica Barta made an opening statement. Questions and comments were offered by the following members: Chair Buckingham and Senator Hall. No public testimony was offered.


Dr. James Kee made an opening statement. Questions and comments were offered by the following members: Chair Buckingham and Senator Hall. No public testimony was offered.


Lorie Jones and Dr. Margo Melchor made opening statements. Questions and comments were offered by the following members: Chair Buckingham, Senator Hall, and Senator Alvarado. No public testimony was offered.


Judge Scott Matthew made an opening statement. Questions and comments were offered by the following member: Chair Buckingham. No public testimony was offered.


Dick Nance made an opening statement. Questions and comments were offered by the following members: Chair Buckingham, Senator Hall, and Senator Alvarado. Public testimony was offered. See attached witness list.


Ginger Kerrick made an opening statement. Questions and comments were offered by the following members: Chair Buckingham, Senator Alvarado, Senator Hall, and Senator Seliger. No public testimony was offered.


Dr. Nolan Perez made an opening statement. Questions and comments were offered by the following members: Chair Buckingham, Vice Chair Watson, and Senator Hall. Public testimony was offered. See attached witness list.


Chair Buckingham announced that all appearing and non-appearing nominees, on the posted agenda, would be left pending before the committee.


There being no further business, at 10:29 a.m., Senator Seliger moved that the committee stand recessed subject to the call of the chair; without objection, it was so ordered.






Senator Dawn Buckingham, M.D., Chair




Britton Davis, Clerk