COMMITTEE:    Human Services 

TIME & DATE:  8:00 AM, Tuesday, April 2, 2019 

PLACE:       E2.030 
CHAIR:       Rep. James B. Frank 


The order in which bills are heard is at the discretion of the chair.

Public testimony may be limited to three (3) minutes.


HB 702         Lucio III              
Relating to creating a voluntary program to recognize licensed before-school and after-school programs that promote healthy eating and physical activity.

HB 1808        Lucio III              
Relating to standards for nutrition, physical activity, and screen time for certain child-care facilities and homes.

HB 2453        Davis, Sarah | et al.   
Relating to the operation and administration of Medicaid, including the Medicaid managed care program.

HB 2832        Phelan                 
Relating to the referral of certain pregnant women to a nurse-family partnership program.

HB 3157        Raymond                
Relating to the duties of the Health and Human Services Commission's office of inspector general.

HB 3159        Raymond                
Relating to the accreditation of a Medicaid managed care plan.

HB 3329        Frank                  
Relating to the services provided by assisted living facilities.

HB 3331        Frank                  
Relating to the procedures and grounds for terminating the parent-child relationship, for taking possession of a child, and for certain hearings in a suit affecting the parent-child relationship involving the Department of Family and Protective Services.

HB 3428        Capriglione            
Relating to training on Alzheimer's disease and dementia for certain Department of Family and Protective Services employees and area agencies on aging employees and volunteers.

HB 3721        Deshotel               
Relating to an independent review organization to conduct reviews of certain medical necessity determinations under the Medicaid managed care program.

HB 3747        Krause                 
Relating to the eligibility of children and prioritization of persons on waiting lists for certain Medicaid long-term care services waiver programs.

HB 3860        Krause                 
Relating to a child's eligibility for the Medicaid buy-in for children program or the medically dependent children (MDCP) waiver program.

HB 3931        Meza                   
Relating to simplified certification and recertification requirements for certain persons under the supplemental nutrition assistance program.

HB 4188        Middleton              
Relating to the authority of the Department of Family and Protective Services to conduct certain interviews of a child who is the subject of a report of abuse or neglect.

HB 4189        Middleton              
Relating to the duty of certain professionals to report child abuse and neglect.

HB 4533        Klick                  
Relating to the system redesign for delivery of Medicaid acute care services and long-term services and supports to persons with an intellectual or developmental disability.




Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who may need assistance, such as a sign language interpreter, are requested to contact Stacey Nicchio at (512) 463-0850, 72 hours prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made.