COMMITTEE:     Business & Commerce 

TIME & DATE:   8:00 AM, Thursday, March 21, 2019 

PLACE:         E1.016 (Hearing Room) 
CHAIR:         Senator Kelly Hancock 



To be considered:


SB 439         Perry
Relating to the application of certain insurance regulations to certain small employer health reimbursement arrangements.

SB 747         Kolkhorst
Relating to required notice of the cost and health benefit plan coverage of newborn screening tests.

SB 1037        Taylor
Relating to limitations on the information reported by consumer reporting agencies.

SB 1184        Perry
Relating to eligible participants in the Texas Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Program.

SB 1264        Hancock | et al.
Relating to consumer protections against billing and limitations on information reported by consumer reporting agencies.

SB 1530        Hancock
Relating to the applicability of mediation requirements for balance billing to certain health benefit plans.

Pending Business


Public testimony will be limited to 3 minutes. If submitting written testimony, please provide 20 copies to the committee clerk with your name and bill number on each copy.


Please register for this hearing using the Senate kiosk located in the extension hallways or by going to http://swrs.