COMMITTEE:     Business & Commerce 

TIME & DATE:   8:00 AM, Tuesday, April 2, 2019 

PLACE:         E1.012 (Hearing Room) 
CHAIR:         Senator Kelly Hancock 



To be considered:


SB 37          Zaffirini | et al.
Relating to the abolition of student loan default or breach of a student loan repayment or scholarship contract as a ground for nonrenewal or other disciplinary action in relation to a professional or occupational license.

SB 442         Hancock
Relating to a disclosure regarding flood coverage under a residential property insurance policy.

SB 494         Huffman
Relating to certain procedures applicable to meetings under the open meetings law and the disclosure of public information under the public information law in the event of an emergency, urgent public necessity, or catastrophic event.

SB 594         Kolkhorst
Relating to the creation of a business advisory council on disaster recovery and mitigation.

SB 799         Alvarado | et al.
Relating to the creation of a business advisory council to provide advice on economic recovery following a disaster.

SB 986         Kolkhorst
Relating to contract management standards and information for contracts related to emergency management.

SB 1034        Hancock
Relating to an exemption from the plumbing licensing law for plumbing work performed on certain private property.

SB 1036        Taylor
Relating to replacement cost coverage in policies issued by the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association.

SB 1266        Buckingham
Relating to certain regulations adopted by governmental entities for the building products, materials, or methods used in the construction of residential or commercial structures.

SB 1344        Alvarado
Relating to paid leave for a state employee who is a search and rescue volunteer.

SB 1349        Watson
Relating to authorizing the sale of certain real property by the Texas Facilities Commission on behalf of the state.

SB 1394        Seliger
Relating to the regulation of companies that prearrange barbering and cosmetology services outside of certain facilities; requiring an occupational license; authorizing fees.

SB 1414        Hancock
Relating to fees regarding a residential tenant's failure to timely pay rent.

SB 1859        Hancock
Relating to business entities.

SB 1938        Hancock
Relating to certificates of convenience and necessity for the construction of transmission facilities.

SB 1941        Hancock
Relating to the use of electric energy storage facilities in the ERCOT power region.

SB 1969        Hancock
Relating to ratification of defective corporate acts of nonprofit corporations.

SB 1970        Hancock
Relating to the filing of an assumed name certificate by certain business entities.

SB 1971        Hancock
Relating to domestic corporations and other domestic entities.

SB 1972        Hancock
Relating to derivative proceedings on behalf of for-profit corporations, limited liability companies, and limited partnerships.

SB 2116        Hancock
Relating to the sale of electric power to certain public customers.

SB 2305        Taylor
Relating to the certification of certain improvements by the Texas Department of Insurance in connection with the issuance of insurance by the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association; authorizing a penalty.

SB 2330        Creighton
Relating to the temporary authority of certain individuals to engage in business as a residential mortgage loan originator.

SB 2232        Hancock
Relating to a study of the elimination of the effects of renewable energy subsidies.

SB 2410        Menéndez
Relating to the definition of a public entertainment facility for purposes of certain alcoholic beverage-related activities.

Pending business



Public testimony will be limited to 3 minutes. If submitting written

testimony, please provide 20 copies to the committee clerk with your name

and bill number on each copy.

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