COMMITTEE:     Intergovernmental Relations 

TIME & DATE:   8:30 AM, Monday, April 29, 2019 

PLACE:         E1.028 (Hearing Room) 
CHAIR:         Senator Eddie Lucio, Jr. 




The Senate Committee on Intergovernmental Relations will meet to consider

the following:


HB 389         Bailes                  SP: Nichols
Relating to the regulation of game rooms in certain counties.

HB 852         Holland | et al.         SP: Fallon
Relating to information a municipality may consider in determining the amount of certain building permit and inspection fees.

HB 1402        Walle | et al.           SP: Lucio
Relating to the purposes of and income eligibility limits for participation in programs offered by the Texas State Affordable Housing Corporation.

HB 1570        White                   SP: Nichols
Relating to the board of directors of the Rayburn Country Municipal Utility District.

HB 2198        Clardy                  SP: Nichols
Relating to the use of a perpetual trust fund for a cemetery by certain municipalities.

HB 2477        Coleman                 SP: Miles
Relating to automatic employee participation in and administration of a deferred compensation plan provided by certain hospital districts.

SB 2552        Hinojosa               
Relating to the administration of the Agua Special Utility District; creating a criminal offense.

SB 2553        Watson                 
Relating to the creation of the Save Historic Muny District; providing authority to issue bonds; providing authority to impose fees.

The Committee may also consider pending business.


For members of the public who wish to provide oral testimony, please limit prepared remarks to two (2) minutes. If providing written testimony, please submit twenty (20) copies, with your name on each copy, to the Committee during the hearing. Copies will be distributed to Committee Members and will be part of our public record.