COMMITTEE:     Intergovernmental Relations 

TIME & DATE:   8:30 AM, Monday, May 6, 2019 

PLACE:         E1.028 (Hearing Room) 
CHAIR:         Senator Eddie Lucio, Jr. 









The Senate Committee on Intergovernmental Relations will meet to consider

the following:


HB 234         Krause | et al.          SP: Nelson
Relating to the local regulation of the sale of lemonade or other beverages by children.

HB 293         King, Ken | et al.       SP: Seliger
Relating to investment training requirements for school district and municipal financial officers.

HB 294         King, Ken               SP: Seliger
Relating to a petition filed for a place on the ballot for the board of directors of the Muleshoe Area Hospital District.

HB 886         Springer                SP: Fallon
Relating to the Muenster Hospital District.

HB 1031        Deshotel                SP: Creighton
Relating to the regulation of game rooms in certain counties.

HB 1038        Burns | et al.           SP: Birdwell
Relating to a petition by residents of certain counties for an election regarding voter approval of municipal annexation.

HB 1417        Clardy                  SP: Nichols
Relating to a common characteristic or use project in a public improvement district in certain municipalities.

HB 2329        Springer                SP: Fallon
Relating to the dissolution of the North Montague County Water Supply District.

HB 2529        Leach | et al.           SP: Watson
Relating to the governance of public housing authorities.

HB 2634        Flynn                   SP: Hughes
Relating to municipal boundaries used to determine a cemetery location.

HB 2755        Price | et al.           SP: Alvarado
Relating to certain county and public health district fees.

The Committee may also consider pending business.


For members of the public who wish to provide oral testimony, please limit prepared remarks to two (2) minutes. If providing written testimony, please submit twenty (20) copies, with your name on each copy, to the Committee during the hearing. Copies will be distributed to Committee Members and will be part of our public record.




** See Committee Coordinator for previous versions of the schedule **