COMMITTEE:     Education 

TIME & DATE:   9:00 AM, Tuesday, April 16, 2019 

PLACE:         E1.028 (Hearing Room) 
CHAIR:         Senator Larry Taylor 



SB 722         Campbell | et al.       
Relating to a severance payment to a superintendent of a school district.

SB 725         Lucio                  
Relating to funding for prekindergarten programs at certain school districts that operate early high school graduation programs.

SB 740         Hughes                 
Relating to the creation of a state financing program administered by the Texas Public Finance Authority to assist certain school districts with certain expenses; granting authority to issue bonds or other obligations.

SB 784         Hughes                 
Relating to human sexuality instruction in public schools.

SB 968         Hancock | et al.        
Relating to the applicability of certain laws to open-enrollment charter schools.

SB 1133        Bettencourt | et al.    
Relating to prohibiting public schools from owning or having a business interest in certain entities and real property associated with those entities.

SB 1182        Campbell               
Relating to approval by the attorney general of certain bonds financing an educational facility for certain charter schools.

SB 1454        Taylor | et al.         
Relating to the ownership, sale, lease, and disposition of property and management of assets of an open-enrollment charter school.

SB 2117        Bettencourt            
Relating to state funding and accountability provisions applicable to school district campuses and programs operated under school district and charter partnerships.

SB 2266        West
Relating to an application for a charter for an open-enrollment charter school and to the expansion of an open-enrollment charter school.

SB 2285        Fallon                 
Relating to challenges by school districts and open-enrollment charter schools to accountability determinations.

SB 2293        Fallon                 
Relating to the applicability of certain laws to open-enrollment charter schools.

Public Testimony:


Oral testimony is limited to 2 minutes. If providing written testimony,

bring 20 copies, with your name on each copy, to the Assistant Clerk

during the hearing.


Oral testimony: register using the Senate kiosk located in the extension

hallways or by going to http://swrs on public-capitol.


Oral and written testimony: register using the Senate kiosk located in the

extension hallways or by going to http://swrs on public-capitol and hold

on to your documents until your name is called.


Position only: register using the Senate kiosk located in the extension

hallways or by going to http://swrs on public-capitol.


Written testimony only: register your position using the Senate kiosk and

submit 20 copies, with your name on each copy, to the Assistant Clerk,

during the hearing.




Bills added after last posting:

SB 2266


** See Committee Coordinator for previous versions of the schedule **