COMMITTEE:     Education 

TIME & DATE:   9:00 AM, Thursday, May 16, 2019 

PLACE:         E1.028 (Hearing Room) 
CHAIR:         Senator Larry Taylor 



HB 496         Gervin-Hawkins | et al.  SP: Lucio
Relating to the placement of bleeding control stations in public schools and to required training of public school personnel and students.

HB 663         King, Ken               SP: Taylor
Relating to a continuing review and revision of the essential knowledge and skills of the public school foundation curriculum and proclamations for the production of instructional materials.

HB 769         Davis, Sarah | et al.    SP: Campbell
Relating to the termination of the contract of a superintendent of a school district based on malfeasance.

HB 961         Howard | et al.          SP: Watson
Relating to the membership and training course requirements of a public school concussion oversight team and the removal of a public school student from an interscholastic athletic activity on the basis of a suspected concussion.

HB 974         Metcalf | et al.         SP: Taylor
Relating to public school safety measures and procedures.

HB 1388        VanDeaver | et al.       SP: Powell
Relating to indicators of achievement under the public school accountability system.

HB 1906        Burns | et al.           SP: Kolkhorst
Relating to procedures for the alternative assessment of certain public school students that receive special education services and alternative accountability plans for certain campuses serving students that receive special education services.

HB 2184        Allen | et al.           SP: Huffman
Relating to a public school student's transition from an alternative education program to a regular classroom.

HB 2511        Allen | et al.           SP: Zaffirini
Relating to the content of a public school campus improvement plan.

HB 2778        King, Tracy O.           SP: Flores
Relating to the allocation of expenses of a joint election to certain school districts.

HB 2818        Lucio III               SP: Lucio
Relating to an Internet online dropout recovery education program for students at risk of dropping out of school.

HB 3012        Talarico | et al.        SP: Zaffirini
Relating to the disposition of certain students to alternative education settings and the provision of educational services to students in those settings or subject to in-school or out-of-school suspension.

HB 3435        Bowers                  SP: Johnson
Relating to establishing and celebrating Texas Girls in STEM Day.

HB 3511        VanDeaver | et al.       SP: Alvarado
Relating to the creation of the Commission on Texas Workforce of the Future.

HB 3630        Meyer | et al.           SP: Lucio
Relating to prohibiting the use of aversive techniques on students enrolled in public school who receive special education services.

HB 3650        Turner, Chris | et al.   SP: Creighton
Relating to an agreement between a school district and public institution of higher education to provide a dual credit program to high school students enrolled in the district.

HB 3884        Wilson                  SP: Zaffirini
Relating to dissemination of bacterial meningitis information by school districts.

HB 4258        Murphy | et al.          SP: Campbell
Relating to approval by the attorney general of certain bonds financing an educational facility for certain charter schools.

HB 4388        Murphy | et al.          SP: Campbell
Relating to the management of the permanent school fund by the School Land Board and the State Board of Education.

Public Testimony:


Oral testimony is limited to 2 minutes. If providing written testimony,

bring 20 copies, with your name on each copy, to the Assistant Clerk

during the hearing.


Oral testimony: register using the Senate kiosk located in the extension

hallways or by going to http://swrs on public-capitol.


Oral and written testimony: register using the Senate kiosk located in the

extension hallways or by going to http://swrs on public-capitol and hold

on to your documents until your name is called.




** See Committee Coordinator for previous versions of the schedule **