COMMITTEE: Nominations
TIME & DATE: 9:00 AM
Thursday, March 7, 2019
PLACE: E1.016 (Hearing Room)
CHAIR: Senator Dawn Buckingham
To consider the following: Pending business from our Thursday, February
28th, meeting, as well as the posted agenda.
The following nominees will appear:
Supreme Court of Texas
Justin Busby Appointed 02-21-19 for a Whitmire
Harris County term to expire 12-31-20
Automobile Burglary and Theft Prevention Authority
Phillip Gause Appointed 10-31-18 for a Campbell
Bexar County term to expire 02-01-23
Board of the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
Brett Hillman Graham Appointed 07-30-18 for a Fallon
Grayson County term to expire 02-01-23
Nonresident Violator Compact Administrator
Amanda Anna Arriaga Appointed 02-07-19 for a Watson
Travis County term to expire 02-01-21
Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
Donna Nelson Williams Appointed 03-09-18 for a Hancock
Tarrant County term to expire 08-31-23
Texas Woman's University Board of Regents
Teresa Doggett Appointed 06-18-18 for a Watson
Travis County term to expire 02-01-21
The following nominees will not appear:
Brazos River Authority Board of Directors
Jennifer Lee Henderson Appointed 02-08-19 for a Schwertner
Williamson County term to expire 02-01-23
Judy Ann Krohn Appointed 02-08-19 for a Schwertner
Williamson County term to expire 02-01-23
Traci Garrett LaChance Appointed 02-08-19 for a Taylor
Brazoria County term to expire 02-01-23
Royce Lesley Appointed 02-08-19 for a Buckingham
Comanche County term to expire 02-01-23
Alan Keith Sandersen Appointed 02-08-19 for a Huffman
Fort Bend County term to expire 02-01-23
Jarrod David Smith Appointed 02-08-19 for a Taylor
Brazoria County term to expire 02-01-23
Roger Wilson Appointed 02-08-19 for a Schwertner
Robertson County term to expire 02-01-23
Correctional Managed Health Care Committee
Rodney Dale Burrow Appointed 11-20-18 for a Hughes
Camp County term to expire 02-01-21
John William Burruss Appointed 04-12-18 for a Paxton
Collin County term to expire 02-01-21
Frank P. Hudson Appointed 10-16-17 for a Watson
Travis County term to expire 02-01-21
Preston Johnson Appointed 02-11-19 for a Kolkhorst
Fort Bend County term to expire 02-01-23
Erin Amanda Wyrick Appointed 04-12-18 for a Seliger
Potter County term to expire 02-01-21
Finance Commission of Texas
William M. Lucas Appointed 06-28-18 for a Nichols
Shelby County term to expire 02-01-24
George Clifford McCauley Appointed 06-28-18 for a Campbell
Bexar County term to expire 02-01-24
Vincent Edward Puente Appointed 06-28-18 for a Hancock
Tarrant County term to expire 02-01-24
Stephen F. Austin State University Board of Regents
Karen Gregory Gantt Appointed 11-15-17 for a Paxton
Collin County term to expire 01-31-23
Michael Thomas Mason Appointed 11-15-17 for a Johnson
Dallas County term to expire 01-31-23
Kenton Edward Schaefer Appointed 11-15-17 for a Lucio
Cameron County term to expire 01-31-19
Texas Commission of Licensing and Regulation
Gerald Raymond Callas Appointed 02-28-18 for a Creighton
Jefferson County term to expire 02-01-23
Joel Salvador Garza Appointed 02-28-19 for a Taylor
Brazoria County term to expire 02-01-21
Texas Commission on Law Enforcement
Janna Ann Atkins Appointed 01-07-19 for a Buckingham
Taylor County term to expire 08-30-23
Ronald Eugene Hood Appointed 02-16-18 for a Campbell
Hays County term to expire 08-30-23
Jack Wayne Taylor Appointed 02-16-18 for a Campbell
Travis County term to expire 08-30-23
Texas Funeral Service Commission
Dianne Walsh Hefley Appointed 10-25-17 for a Seliger
Randall County term to expire 02-01-23
Kristin Deyon Tips Appointed 10-25-17 for a Campbell
Bexar County term to expire 02-01-23
Texas State Technical College System Board of Regents
Antonio Abad Appointed 10-25-17 for a Birdwell
McLennan County term to expire 08-31-21
Curtis Charles Cleveland Appointed 10-25-17 for a Birdwell
McLennan County term to expire 08-31-21
Charles Patrick McDonald Appointed 02-15-18 for a Kolkhorst
Fort Bend County term to expire 08-31-23
Alejandro G. Meade Appointed 10-25-17 for a Hinojosa
Hidalgo County term to expire 08-31-21
Tiffany Mary Tremont Appointed 02-15-18 for a Campbell
Comal County term to expire 08-31-23
Texas Veterans Commission
Kimberlee Paige Shaneyfelt Appointed 06-12-18 for a Nelson
Denton County term to expire 12-31-23
Laura Grace Koerner Appointed 06-12-18 for a Campbell
Bexar County term to expire 12-31-23
Upper Colorado River Authority
Ronny Dale Alexander Appointed 08-01-18 for a Perry
Concho County term to expire 02-01-21
Erica Elizabeth Hall Appointed 08-01-18 for a Buckingham
Taylor County term to expire 02-01-21
Eva Waring Horton Appointed 08-01-18 for a Perry
Tom Green County term to expire 02-01-21
Wade T. Mahan Appointed 08-01-18 for a Perry
Menard County term to expire 02-01-23
Kathryn Ann Wright Mews Appointed 08-01-18 for a Perry
Menard County term to expire 02-01-23
Hugh Lamar Stone Appointed 08-01-18 for a Perry
Tom Green County term to expire 02-01-23