COMMITTEE: Nominations
TIME & DATE: 10:30 AM
Thursday, May 9, 2019
PLACE: 2E.20 (Betty King Cmte. Rm.)
CHAIR: Senator Dawn Buckingham
To consider the following: Discussion, public testimony, and action on the
pending Nominees from the Thursday, May 2, 2019, meeting, as well as, the
Nominees on the posted agenda.
The following nominees will not appear:
Gulf Coast Authority Board of Directors
Gloria Anays Milian Matt Appointed 05-01-19 for a Creighton
Harris County term to expire 08-31-19
State Pension Review Board
Keith Wallis Brainard Appointed 05-01-19 for a Schwertner
Williamson County term to expire 01-31-25
Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission
Jason Everett Boatright Appointed 04-29-19 for a Johnson
Dallas County term to expire 11-15-23
Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners
Mindy Rae Neal Appointed 10-30-18 for a Seliger
Parmer County term to expire 02-01-23
Ebony Victoria Todd Appointed 01-07-19 for a Buckingham
Coryell County term to expire 02-01-23
Debra Lynne White Appointed 10-30-18 for a Nichols
Nacogdoches County term to expire 02-01-23
Scott Dale Wofford Appointed 10-30-18 for a Buckingham
Taylor County term to expire 02-01-19
Texas Board of Nursing
Doris Jean Jackson Appointed 06-07-18 for a Miles
Fort Bend County term to expire 01-31-23
Mazie Mathews Jamison Appointed 06-07-18 for a Johnson
Dallas County term to expire 01-31-23
Melissa D. Schat Appointed 06-07-18 for a Birdwell
Hood County term to expire 01-31-19
Verna Kathleen Shipp Appointed 06-07-18 for a Perry
Lubbock County term to expire 01-31-23
Kimberly Lynn Wright Appointed 06-07-18 for a Seliger
Howard County term to expire 01-31-23
Texas Board of Physical Therapy Examiners
Manuel Antonio Domenech Appointed 02-13-19 for a Campbell
Travis County term to expire 01-31-23
Donivan Jay Hodge Appointed 02-13-19 for a Buckingham
Travis County term to expire 01-31-23
Barbara Louise Sanders Appointed 02-13-19 for a Campbell
Travis County term to expire 01-31-23
Melissa Ann Skillern Appointed 02-13-19 for a Taylor
Brazoria County term to expire 01-31-25
Texas Commission of Licensing and Regulation
Nora Castaneda Appointed 05-03-19 for a Lucio
Cameron County term to expire 02-01-25
Texas Lottery Commission
Mark Allen Franz Appointed 05-07-19 for a Buckingham
Travis County term to expire 02-01-25
Texas Optometry Board
Mario Gutierrez Appointed 06-27-18 for a Campbell
Bexar County term to expire 01-31-23
Ty Hunter Sheehan Appointed 06-27-18 for a Campbell
Bexar County term to expire 01-31-23
Billy Craig Thompson Appointed 06-27-18 for a Paxton
Collin County term to expire 01-31-23
Texas Physician Assistant Board
Jennifer Lynn Clarner Appointed 03-01-19 for a Campbell
Hays County term to expire 02-01-23
Lawrence G. Hughes Appointed 03-01-19 for a Nelson
Denton County term to expire 02-01-25
Cameron Jordan McElhany Appointed 03-01-19 for a Watson
Travis County term to expire 02-01-23
Janith Kay Mills Appointed 03-01-19 for a Johnson
Dallas County term to expire 02-01-23
John Stuart Scott Appointed 03-01-19 for a Hancock
Tarrant County term to expire 02-01-23
Texas State Affordable Housing Corporation Board of Directors
Valerie Vargas Cardenas Appointed 04-24-19 for a Lucio
Hidalgo County term to expire 02-01-25
William Henry Dietz Appointed 04-24-19 for a Birdwell
McLennan County term to expire 02-01-25
Courtney Johnson Rose Appointed 04-24-19 for a Huffman
Fort Bend County term to expire 02-01-21
Laura Lillian Shipley Appointed 04-24-19 for a Watson
Travis County term to expire 02-01-21
Andy R. Williams Appointed 04-24-19 for a Nelson
Tarrant County term to expire 02-01-23
Texas State Board of Acupuncture Examiners
Raymond Jay Graham Appointed 05-07-19 for a Rodríguez
El Paso County term to expire 01-31-23
Texas State Board of Examiners of Marriage and Family Therapists
George Franklin Francis Appointed 10-04-18 for a Schwertner
Williamson County term to expire 02-01-23
Lisa Vallie Merchant Appointed 11-15-18 for a Buckingham
Callahan County term to expire 02-01-23
Anthony Charles Scoma Appointed 10-04-18 for a Campbell
Travis County term to expire 02-01-21
Richmond Earl Stoglin Appointed 10-04-18 for a Powell
Tarrant County term to expire 02-01-23
Texas State Board of Examiners of Professional Counselors
Steven Wilson Hallbauer Appointed 06-13-18 for a Hall
Rockwall County term to expire 02-01-23
Roy Smith Appointed 06-13-18 for a Seliger
Midland County term to expire 02-01-23
Carolyn Jane Stubblefield Appointed 06-13-18 for a West
Dallas County term to expire 02-01-23
Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists
Herman Bernard Adler Appointed 09-19-18 for a Huffman
Harris County term to expire 10-31-23
Ryan Thomas Bridges Appointed 09-19-18 for a Whitmire
Harris County term to expire 10-31-23
Andoni Zagouris Appointed 09-19-18 for a Hinojosa
Hidalgo County term to expire 10-31-23
Texas State Board of Social Worker Examiners
Megan Marie Graham Appointed 09-18-18 for a Perry
Lubbock County term to expire 02-01-23
Martha Rightmer Mosier Appointed 09-18-18 for a Schwertner
Brazos County term to expire 02-01-23
Audrey J. Ramsbacher Appointed 09-18-18 for a Campbell
Bexar County term to expire 02-01-23