COMMITTEE:     Natural Resources & Economic Development 

TIME & DATE:   9:00 AM, Thursday, April 11, 2019 

PLACE:         E1.012 (Hearing Room) 
CHAIR:         Senator Brian Birdwell 



SB 76          Hall
Relating to the security of the electric grid.

SB 619         Birdwell | et al.
Relating to the sunset review process and certain governmental entities subject to that process.

SB 927         Hall
Relating to exhibits presented at the Alamo complex.

SB 1485        Hinojosa
Relating to the payment of wages by an employer through a payroll card account.

SB 1500        Zaffirini
Relating to repeal of the waiver of the right to judicial review of a wage claim.

SB 1585        Hughes
Relating to the authority of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality to issue permits for the discharge into water of this state of produced water, hydrostatic test water, and gas plant effluent resulting from certain oil and gas activities.

SB 1663        Creighton
Relating to the removal, relocation, alteration, or construction of certain monuments or memorials located on public property.

SB 1931        Zaffirini
Relating to the authority of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality to conduct background checks.

SB 2038        Rodríguez
Relating to a report by the Texas Workforce Commission regarding occupational skills training for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

SB 2070        Menéndez
Relating to a prohibition of the land application of grease or grit trap waste.

SB 2077        Paxton
Relating to a redetermination of a preliminary wage determination order by the Texas Workforce Commission.

SB 2152        Zaffirini
Relating to wage claim data.

SB 2296        Powell
Relating to definition of a common paymaster.

Public testimony will be limited to 2 minutes. If submitting written

testimony, you must include your name or the name of your organization on

each copy, and you must likewise email a digital copy to the clerk of the
