COMMITTEE:     Health & Human Services 

TIME & DATE:   8:00 AM, Tuesday, March 5, 2019 

PLACE:         Senate Chamber 
CHAIR:         Senator Lois Kolkhorst 



To consider the following:


SB 195         Perry                  
Relating to collecting and reporting by the Department of Family and Protective Services of certain information relating to certain alcohol and controlled substance use.

SB 355         West | et al.           
Relating to developing a strategic plan to ensure the provision of prevention and early intervention services complies with federal law.

SB 363         Watson                 
Relating to access to certain controlled substance prescription information.

SB 420         Buckingham             
Relating to dispenser requirements for refilling prescriptions for certain controlled substances.

SB 559         Miles                  
Relating to patient medical records regarding maternal death.

SB 568         Huffman                
Relating to the regulation of child-care facilities and family homes; providing administrative penalties.

SB 632         Kolkhorst              
Relating to the composition of the governing bodies and the consultation policies of local mental health authorities with respect to sheriffs, their representatives, and local law enforcement agencies.

SB 633         Kolkhorst | et al.      
Relating to an initiative to increase the capacity of local mental health authorities to provide access to mental health services in certain counties.

SB 748         Kolkhorst              
Relating to newborn screening and the newborn screening preservation account.

SB 749         Kolkhorst              
Relating to level of care designations for hospitals that provide neonatal and maternal care.

SB 750         Kolkhorst              
Relating to maternal and newborn health care and the quality of services provided to women in this state under certain health care programs.

Public testimony will be limited to 3 minutes. If submitting written

testimony, please provide 20 copies to the committee clerk with your name

and bill number on each copy.