COMMITTEE:     Health & Human Services 

TIME & DATE:   8:00 AM, Tuesday, May 7, 2019 

PLACE:         Senate Chamber 
CHAIR:         Senator Lois Kolkhorst 



To consider the following:


HB 10          Thompson, Senfronia | et al.  SP: Kolkhorst
Relating to the creation of the Texas Mental and Behavioral Health Research Institute.

HB 16          Leach | et al.           SP: Kolkhorst
Relating to the enforcement of the rights of a living unborn child after an abortion; creating a civil cause of action; providing a civil penalty; creating a criminal offense.

HB 19          Price | et al.           SP: Watson
Relating to mental health and substance use resources for certain school districts.

HB 123         White | et al.           SP: Watson
Relating to personal identification documents for foster children or youth or homeless children or youth.

HB 279         Craddick                SP: Seliger
Relating to authorizing the Midland County Hospital District of Midland County, Texas, to impose a sales and use tax.

HB 463         Springer                SP: Perry
Relating to reciprocity agreements between air ambulance companies operating a subscription program.

HB 871         Price | et al.           SP: Perry
Relating to use of telemedicine medical service by certain trauma facilities.

HB 1070        Price | et al.           SP: Watson
Relating to the mental health first aid training program reporting requirements.

HB 1576        Phelan | et al.          SP: Buckingham
Relating to the delivery of certain medical transportation services, including under Medicaid and certain other health and human services programs; imposing a mandatory payment; authorizing an administrative penalty.

HB 2812        Morrison                SP: Kolkhorst
Relating to the use by certain municipalities of a perpetual trust fund for a cemetery.

HB 3329        Frank | et al.           SP: Buckingham
Relating to the services provided by assisted living facilities.

HB 3405        Johnson, Jarvis | et al. SP: Miles
Relating to the establishment of a sickle cell task force.

SB 2091        Hughes                 
Relating to the procedures and grounds for terminating the parent-child relationship, for taking possession of a child, and for certain hearings in a suit affecting the parent-child relationship involving the Department of Family and Protective Services.

Pending Business


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Written testimony only: register your position using the Senate kiosk then

bring your 20 copies, with your name on each copy, to the Assistant Clerk,

during the hearing.


Public oral testimony will be limited to 2 minutes.