COMMITTEE:     Transportation 

TIME & DATE:   8:00 AM, Wednesday, May 1, 2019 

PLACE:         E1.016 (Hearing Room) 
CHAIR:         Senator Robert Nichols 



To consider the following:


HB 105         Minjarez                SP: Perry
Relating to the inclusion of information about oversize and overweight vehicles in the curriculum of driver education and driving safety courses.

HB 339         Murr | et al.            SP: Perry
Relating to the placement of speed limit signs at the end of construction or maintenance work zones.

HB 448         Turner, Chris | et al.   SP: Zaffirini
Relating to the creation of an offense for failing to secure certain children in a rear-facing child passenger safety seat system.

HB 695         Clardy                  SP: Nichols
Relating to the enforcement of commercial motor vehicle safety standards in certain municipalities.

HB 799         Landgraf | et al.        SP: Nichols
Relating to liability for certain damage caused by vehicles exceeding maximum height limitations; creating a criminal offense.

HB 917         Craddick                SP: Flores
Relating to the enforcement of commercial motor vehicle safety standards in certain municipalities and counties.

HB 1711        Paddie | et al.          SP: Paxton
Relating to the issuance of digital license plates; authorizing a fee.

HB 1837        Hefner                  SP: Hughes
Relating to the designation of a portion of U.S. Highway 67 in Titus County as the Titus County World War II Veterans Memorial Highway.

HB 1838        Hefner                  SP: Hughes
Relating to the designation of a portion of U.S. Highway 271 in Titus County as the Titus County Korean War Veterans Memorial Highway.

HB 2039        Shine | et al.           SP: Buckingham
Relating to the issuance of specialty license plates to Master Army Aviators.

HB 2310        Vo | et al.             SP: Alvarado
Relating to the information necessary to appropriately title certain flood damaged vehicles that have been repaired with federal financial assistance.

SB 478         Creighton              
Relating to authorization to enter onto property to survey for a proposed high-speed rail facility.

SB 975         Kolkhorst              
Relating to the compatibility of a high-speed rail facility with multiple types of train technology.

SB 1738        Menéndez               
Relating to an education and training program on interacting with and supporting individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities for certain public transportation vehicle operators.

Public testimony will be limited to 3 minutes per person.




Bills added after last posting:

HB 695


** See Committee Coordinator for previous versions of the schedule **