COMMITTEE:     Water & Rural Affairs 

TIME & DATE:   3:00 PM or upon adjournment
Monday, March 18, 2019 

PLACE:         E1.012 (Hearing Room) 
CHAIR:         Senator Charles Perry 



SB 210         Campbell               
Relating to the use of emergency engine cutoff switches on motorboats.

SB 810         Perry | et al.          
Relating to the identification of breeder deer.

SB 872         Perry                  
Relating to the composition of the board of directors of the Gateway Groundwater Conservation District.

SB 942         Johnson | et al.        
Relating to the use of money in the state water pollution control revolving fund.

SB 1041        Taylor                 
Relating to the deadline by which the Texas Water Development Board is required to identify and designate brackish groundwater production zones for certain areas of the state.