COMMITTEE:     Water & Rural Affairs 

TIME & DATE:   2:00 PM or upon adjournment
Monday, April 1, 2019 

PLACE:         E1.012 (Hearing Room) 
CHAIR:         Senator Charles Perry 



SB 81          Hall                   
Relating to the naming of a reservoir by certain water districts.

SB 317         Hughes | et al.         
Relating to the taking of feral hogs without a hunting license.

SB 483         Campbell               
Relating to permits for certain injection wells that transect a portion of the Edwards Aquifer.

SB 520         Campbell | et al.       
Relating to the storage and recovery of water in a portion of the Edwards Aquifer.

SB 641         Huffman | et al.        
Relating to dangerous wild animals; providing penalties; creating a criminal offense; authorizing a fee.

SB 665         Kolkhorst              
Relating to the authority of coastal counties to adopt certain rules for island parks, beach parks, and public beaches; creating  a criminal offense.

SB 669         Buckingham             
Relating to the date for the confirmation election for the Southwestern Travis County Groundwater Conservation District.

SB 733         Perry | et al.          
Relating to the authorization of a fee for participation in the Managed Lands Deer Program.

SB 851         Perry                  
Relating to the award of attorney's fees and other costs in certain proceedings involving a groundwater conservation district.

SB 979         Hughes                 
Relating to including cuttings as a form of propagation for citrus budwood and citrus nursery stock certification programs.

SB 1438        Taylor                 
Relating to prohibitions on the disposition of property interests by navigation districts for certain purposes.

Public testimony will be limited to 2 minutes.

If submitting written testimony, please provide 10 copies to the committee

clerk with your name and bill number on each copy.