State Affairs Committee
February 27, 2019 - 10:30 AM or upon final adjourn./recess or bill referral if permission granted
For :
Burton, Branson (Self)
Cahn, Adam (Cahnman's Musings)
Gordon, Steven (National Lemonade Day)
Holcomb, Terry (Self; Republican Party of Texas)
Lennon, Robin (Self; Kingwood TEA Party, Inc.)
Srinivasan, Sidharth (Self)
Ulmer, Mikaila (Self; Me andthe bees)
Registering, but not testifying:
For :
Alkire, Anna (Self)
Bohnert, Richard (Self)
Bolgiano, John (Self)
Cheshire, Cary (Texans for Fiscal Responsibility)
Cook, Kelli (Self)
Coulson, Sylvia (Self)
Davey, Richard (Self; Nettp)
Easton, Darl (Self)
Fincher, Julia (Self)
Fincher, Rusty (Self)
Geerlings, Pete (Self)
Glass, Tom (Self)
Grider, Devin (Self)
Grisham, CJ (Self)
Hall, Terri (Self)
Hodson, Paul (Self; Convention of States)
Holcomb, Gina (Self)
Hudgens, Nicole (Texas Values Action)
Lennon, James (Self; Kingwood TEA Party)
Linebaugh, Kirsten (Self)
Masters, Kelley (Self)
McCord, Mia (Texas Conservative Coalition)
McGeary, Judith (Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance)
Openshaw, Michael (Self)
Ramsey, Mark (Self; Republican Party of Texas, SREC SD7)
Rhodes, Fran (Self; NE Tarrant Tea Party)
Saenz, Jonathan (Texas Values)
Stanart, Gail (Self; Republican Party of Texas)
Stewart, Dustin (Self)
Williams, Shelby (Self; Convention of States)
Wise, Summer (Self; Republican Party of Texas)
Zito, Al (Self)