Public Education Committee
April 17, 2019 - 10:30 AM or upon final adjourn./recess or bill referral if permission granted
Against :
Brown, Yael (Self)
Houston, Joshua (Texas Impact)
Registering, but not testifying:
For :
Alkire, Anna (Self)
Brownlee, Karyn (Self)
Bush, Sandra (Self)
Castle, Mary (Texas Values)
Dantzler, Susan (Self; Lege Dir Texas Nationalist Movement)
Dickey, James (Republican Party of Texas)
Dorazio, Mark (Self; Stste Republican Executive Committee)
Dorazio, Monica (Self)
Fenton, Ronnie (Self)
Hemphill, Sheila (Self; Texas Right To Know)
Holcomb, Terry (Republican Party of Texas)
Hudgens, Nicole (Texas Values Action)
Kelberlau, Bill (Self)
Morales, Roy (Self)
Nelms, Deborah (Self)
Nobis, Tom (Self)
Peterek, Linda (Self)
Saenz, Jonathan (Texas Values Action)
Stanart, Gail (Self)
Vera, Colleen (Self)
Weeks, LaDawn (Self)
York, Ruth (Self)
Against :
Alesch, Emily (Self)
Atlas, Angela (Self)
Flannigan, Jimmy (Self)
Flores, Lisa (Self)
Garaņa, Kristine (Self)
Golden, Nicole (Self)
Greene, Melanie (Self)
Griffith, Idona (Self)
Hall, Ash (Self)
Hayes, Holly (Self)
Humphrey, Lisa (ADL (Anti-Defamation League))
Ivester, Jo (Self)
Ivester, Jonathan (Self)
Johnson, Rev. Charles (Self; Pastors for Texas Children)
LaViola, Mara (Self)
Lopez, Carisa (Texas Freedom Network)
Markman, Melisa (Self)
McKinnerney, Anne (Self)
Ramos, Jen (Self; Texas Young Democrats)
Register, Bryan (Self)
Rogat, Edie (Self)
Ross, Julie (Self)
Saslavsky, Elisa (Self)
Vickrey, Cameron (Self)