Public Education Committee
February 26, 2019 - 10:30 AM or upon final adjourn./recess or bill referral if permission granted
For :
Bocchini, Claire (Self; Doctors for Change)
Erickson collins, Christel (Self; Austin justice coalition)
McMahan, Joseph (Mission:Readiness)
Registering, but not testifying:
For :
Alexander, Troy (Texas Medical Association)
Baker, Albert (Self)
Bohnert, Richard (Self)
Cannon, Kent (Self)
Chevalier, Andrea (Association of Texas Professional Educators)
Convery, Marcela (Self)
Dawn-Fisher, Lisa (Texas State Teachers Association)
DePrang, Jo (Children's Defense Fund - Texas)
DEWITT, Lauren (Self)
Ellzey, Gareth (Self)
Flores, Lisa (Self)
Francis, Will (National Association of Social Workers - Texas Chapter)
Henslee, August (Self)
Kelly, Bill (Mayor's Office, City of Houston)
Kimball, Mandi (Children At Risk)
Kunish, Eric (Self; National Alliance on Mental Illness Austin Affiliate Advocacy Chair)
Lam, Wilson (Self)
LeFebvre, Jean (Self)
List, Amanda (Texas Appleseed)
Long, Matt (Self)
Mccabe, Libby (Early Matters Dallas)
McFadyen, Barbara (Self)
McFarland, Jill (Self; NAMI Austin)
Murphy, Joseph (Self)
Propes, Jay (IHRSA)
Raab, Ted (Texas American Federation of Teachers (Texas AFT))
Romo, Joel (The Cooper Institute)
Sauceda, Nataly (United Ways of Texas)
Saxton, Josette (Texans Care for Children)
Schauer, Tim (Self; Healthy Living Matters)
Schoenfield, John (Self)
Scouras, Deborah (Self)
Sikes, Chloe (Self)
Singleton, Betsy (Self; League of Women Voters of Texas)
Smith, Angela (Self; Fredericksburg Tea Party)
Smith, Michelle (Self; Action for Healthy Kids)
Spiller, Lee (Citizens Commission on Human Rights)
Sughrue, Alissa (National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Texas)
Travis, Clayton (Texas Pediatric Society, Partnership for a Healthy Texas)
Ward, Kyle (Texas PTA)
Warner, Freddy (Memorial Hermann Health System)
Williams, Paige (Texas Classroom Teachers Association)
Yanas, Christine (Methodist Healthcare Ministries of South Texas , Inc.)
Against :
Cahn, Adam (Cahnman's Musings)
Gilcrease, Buck (Texas School Alliance)
Public Education Committee
On :
Dockery, Crystal (Texas Association of Community Schools)
Martinez, Monica (Texas Education Agency)
Terry, Mark (Self; Texas Elementary Principals and Supervisors Association (TEPSA))