HB 720


              Natural Resources Committee

              March 26, 2019 - 10:30 AM or upon final adjourn./recess or bill referral if permission granted

                       For :

                                 Blount, Amber (Texas Alliance of Groundwater Districts)

                                 Booth, Michael (Self; Booth, Ahrens & Werkenthin)

                                 Fitzsimmons Sledge, Shauna (Texas Aquifer Storage and Recovery Association)

                       Registering, but not testifying:

                       For :

                                 Bentley, Matthew (San Jose Water Group dba Canyon Lake Water Service Company)

                                 Carter, Teddy (Self)

                                 Embrey, Tammy (City of Corpus Christi)

                                 Fowler, Perry (Texas Water Infrastructure Network (TXWIN))

                                 Harward, Heather (Texas Water Supply Partners)

                                 Howe, Billy (Texas Farm Bureau)

                                 Hutchens, Mia (Texas Association of Business)

                                 Lary, Trey (Allen Boone Humphries Robinson LLP)

                                 Lucio, Alfonso (Austin Chamber of Commerce)

                                 McCarthy, Edmond (Fort stockton holdings)

                                 Oney, Tom (Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA))

                                 Perry, Steve (Chevron USA)

                                 Phillips, Matt (Brazos River Authority)

                                 Robbins, Dean (Texas Water Conservation Association)

                                 Sledge, Brian (City of Bryan; Prairielands GCD)

                                 Steinbach, Stacey (Texas Water Conservation Association)

                                 Williams, C.E. (Self; Panhandle Groundwater Conservation District)

                                 Yancy, Justin (Texas Business Leadership Council)

                       Against :

                                 Flatten, Charles (Self; Hill Country Alliance)

                                 Mullins, Chris (Save Our Springs Alliance)

                                 Puig-Williams, Vanessa (Self; Trinity Edwards Spring Protection Association)

                                 Shelley, Adrian (Public Citizen)

                                 Walker, Jennifer (National Wildlife Federation)

                       On :

                                 Dupnik, John (Texas Water Development Board)

                                 Forbes, Ashley (TCEQ)

                                 Nygren, Kim (TCEQ)
