Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee
March 6, 2019 - 8:00 AM
For :
Grisham, CJ (Self; Open Carry Texas)
Hodges, Brad (Self)
Malone, Rachel (Self; Gun Owners of America)
Mica, Tara (National Rifle Association)
Tripp, Alice (Self; Texas State Rifle Association)
West, Walter (Self; Republican Party of Texas & its Members, Myself and Other Veterans)
Against :
Wohleb, Steve (Texas Hospital Association)
Registering, but not testifying:
For :
Balkcom, Quint (Game Warden Peace Officer's Association)
Carcerano, Eric (Self; Chambers County District Attorney’s Office)
Collinson cooper, Stephanie (Self)
Delosh, Justin (Self; Lone Star Gun Rights)
Dorazio, Mark (Self; Republican Party of Texas)
Glover, Jill (Self)
Leo Wilson, Terri (Self; Republican Party of Texas)
Parkinson, Thomas (Self)
Robertson, Tanya (Self; Republican Party of Texas)
Switzer, Gregory (Self)
Woolsey, Chris (Self)
Against :
Kelley, Karen (Self; League of Women Voters of Texas)
Longhurst, Joseph (Self)
Thomson, Emma (Texas Gun Sense)
On :
Hedtke, Amy (Self)
Lucas, Lynette (Self)