Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee
April 17, 2019 - 8:00 AM
For :
Hodges, Bradley (Self)
Malone, Rachel (Self; Gun Owners of America)
Registering, but not testifying:
For :
Alkire, Anna (Self)
Belluomini, David (Self)
Bennett, Annette (Self)
Bohnert, Richard (Self)
Bolgiano, John (Self)
Borskey, Mark (Texas State Rifle Association)
Briscoe, Rick (Self; Open Carry Texas)
Broden, Stephen (Self; Republican party of Texas)
Cahn, Adam (Cahnman's Musings)
Cargill, Michael (Self; Central Texas Gun Works)
Carter, David (Self)
Ciggelakis, Nicholas (Self; Young Conservatives of Texas)
Dantzler, Susan (Self; Leg Dir Texas Nationalist Movement)
DeOtte, Richard (Self)
DeOtte, Yvette (Self)
Dickson, Gavin (Self)
Dorazio, Mark (Self; Republican Party of Texas)
Dorazio, Monica (Self)
Fenton, Ronnie (Self)
Forbes, Connie (Self; NETTP)
Forbes, Gary (Self; NETTP)
Fry, Pat (Self)
Glass, Kathie (Self)
Glass, Tom (Self)
Grisham, CJ (Self; Open carry texas)
Hemphill, Sheila (Self; Texas Right To Know)
Kahn, Jeremy (Self)
Kelberlau, Bill (Self)
Klentzman, Cynthia (Self)
Long, Matt (Self)
Longhurst, Joseph (Self)
Lux, Carolyn (Self)
Main, Crystal (Self; NE Tarrant County Tea Party)
Mccauley, Ronda (Self)
Meckel, Chelsea (Self)
Mica, Tara (National Rifle Association)
Murphy, Joseph (Self)
Nelms, Deborah (Self)
Olson, Ken (Self)
Putnam, Terry (Self)
Putnam, Wilma Joy (Self)
Robertson, Tanya (Self)
Roninson, John (Self)
Schiebel, Craig (Self)
Sieli, Anthony (Self)
Smith, Angela (Self; Fredericksburg Tea Party)
Spraggins, Doris (Self)
Spraggins, Doris (Self)
Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee
York, Ruth (Self)
Young, Gregory (Self)
Against :
Altounian, Vicki (Self; Moms Demand Action)
Atlas, Angela (Self)
Bertrand, Aimee (Harris County Commissioners Court)
Clark, Richard (Self)
Courtney, Annie (Self)
Earl, Diana (Self; Everytown for Gun Safety. Moms Demand Action)
Garaņa, Kristine (Self)
Grossfeld, Traci (Self)
Harris, Dwight (Texas American Federation of Teachers)
Hayes, Holly (Self)
Kennedy, Heather (Self; Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America)
Koegler, Brenda (Self; League of Women Voters of Texas)
McKinnerney, Anne (Self)
Rogat, Edie (Self)
Saslavsky, Elisa (Self)
Switzer, Gyl (Texas gun sense)
Walker, Sean (Self)
Wichers, Louis (Texas Gun Sense)
On :
Doty, Cleve (Office of the Attorney General)