HB 1951


              Transportation Committee

              April 17, 2019 - 8:00 AM 

              (SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING - Tolling)

                       For :

                                 Hines, James (Texas Association of Business)

                       Against :

                                 Ballesteros, Arturo (North Texas Tollway Authority)

                                 Carter, David (Self)

                                 Carter, David (Self)

                                 Dixon, Don (Self)

                                 Finger, Jack (Self; Texans Uniting for Reform and Freedom)

                                 Glass, Tom (Self)

                                 Hall, Jenna (Self)

                                 Hall, Terri (Self; Texas TURF, Texans for Toll-free Highways)

                                 Main, Crystal (Self; NE Tarrant Tea Party)

                                 Slaton, Bryan (Self)

                                 Somma, Lynda (Self)

                       On :

                                 Kleinman, Lee (The City of Dallas)

                       Registering, but not testifying:

                       For :

                                 Bosse, Fred (Webber, LLC)

                                 Johnson, Michael (Shorebird Capital)

                                 Johnson, Michael (Pinnacle Landscaping)

                                 White, David (Texans for Traffic Relief)

                       Against :

                                 Albright, Steven (AGC of Texas- Highway Heavy Branch)

                                 Bennett, Annette (Self)

                                 Bertrand, Aimee (Harris County Commissioners Court)

                                 Bird, Brandi (Dallas Regional Mobility Coalition)

                                 Boyer, Victor (San Antonio Mobility Coalition)

                                 Burack, Casey (Downtown Austin Alliance)

                                 Bushell, Gary (Self; I-14 / Gulf Coast Strategic Highway Coaalition)

                                 Bushell, Gary (Self; Alliance for I-69 Texas)

                                 Camacho, Priscilla (Dallas Regional Chamber)

                                 Campbell, Byron (North Texas Commission)

                                 Campbell, Drew (Dallas Regional Mobility Coalition)

                                 Cargill, Michael (Self; Texans For Accountable Government)

                                 Cassidy, C. Brian (Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority, Alamo Regional Mobility

                                 Authority, North East Texas Regional Mobility Authority, Cameron County Regional

                                 Mobility Authority)

                                 Fry, Pat (Self)

                                 Geske, Matthew (Austin Chamber of Commerce)

                                 Haynes, Adam (Conference of Urban Counties)

                                 Hernandez, James (Brazoria County Toll Road Authority and Harris County Toll Road


                                 Long, Matt (Self)

                                 Lux, Carolyn (Self)

                                 McKnight, Peyton (American Council of Engineering Companies of Texas)

                                 Nelms, Deborah (Self)

                                 Olson, Ken (Self)

                                 Oryan, Anne (AAA Texas)

                                 Robertson, Tanya (Self)


                                                                              WITNESS LIST

              HB 1951


              Transportation Committee

                                 Smith, Angela (Self; Fredericksburg Tea Party)

                                 Suhm, Vic (Self; Tarrant Tegional Transportation Coalition)

                                 Tatum, Alexis (Travis County Commissioners Court)

                                 Wehmeyer, Mackenna (Transportation Advocacy Group Houston)

                       On :

                                 Bass, James (Texas Dept of Transportation)
