HB 2730


              Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence Committee

              April 1, 2019 - 8:00 AM

                       For :

                                 Adams, Will (Texas Trial Lawyers Association)

                                 Bresnen, Steve (Self; TEXAS FAMILY LAW FOUNDATION)

                                 Briscoe, Rick (Self; Open Carry Texas)

                                 Briscoe, Rick (Self; Open Carry Texas)

                                 Christian, George (Texas Association of Defense Counsel)

                                 Goldfarb, Jeffrey (Self)

                                 Kaufman, Lisa (Texas Civil Justice League)

                                 Kita, Matthew (Self; Texas Trial Lawyers Association)

                                 Parsley, Lee (Texans for Lawsuit Reform)

                                 Seger, Andrew (Self)

                                 Tate, David (AT&T)

                       Against :

                                 Allen, Stacy (Texas Association of Broadcasters)

                                 Beebe, Anette (Xcentric Ventures, LLC)

                                 Calzada, Alicia (Self; National Press Photographers Association)

                                 Cook, Emily (Self; Texas Right to Life)

                                 Donaldson, David (Self)

                                 Duchouquette, Robert (Self)

                                 Dufner, Erin (Better Business Bureau serving the Heart Of Texas)

                                 Hemphill, Carol (Self)

                                 Hooks, Angela (Yelp)

                                 Howard, Marie (Self)

                                 Lanum, Michelle (Self)

                                 Martin, Ken (Self; The Austin Bulldog)

                                 Montiel, Carmen Maria (Self)

                                 Morris, JT (Self; Protect Free Speech Coalition)

                                 Olson, Jennifer (Self)

                                 Panju, Arif (Institute for Justice)

                                 Reneau, Danny (Self; TExas Press Association)

                                 Simpson, Matt (ACLU of Texas)

                                 Steenbergen, James (Self)

                                 Thompson (Bama Brown), Greg (Self)

                                 Trice, Melissa (Self)

                       On :

                                 Archuleta, Tim (USA TODAY Network)

                                 Beckett, Mary Ann (Corpus Christi Caller-Times)

                                 Depew, Sarah (Self)

                                 Field, Scott (Self)

                                 Long, Juliet (Self)

                                 McDonald, Tony (Self; Empower Texans)

                                 Mogged, Chuck (Self)

                                 Perales, Marisa (Self)

                                 Ramsey, Brad (Self; WFAA / TEGNA)

                                 Shelley, Adrian (Public Citizen)

                                 Sherwin, Robert (Self)

                                 Sherwin, Robert (Self)

                                 Trainor, Trey (Self)

                                 Wainwright, Dale (Self)

                                 Westfall, Greg (Self)

                       Registering, but not testifying:


                                                                              WITNESS LIST

              HB 2730


              Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence Committee

                       For :

                                 Bresnen, Amy (Self; Texas Family Law Foundation)

                                 Christian, George (Texas Civil Justice League)

                                 Fainter Jr, John W (Texas Civil Justice League)

                                 Finch, Dan (Texas Medical Association)

                                 Gammage, Sam (Texas Chemical Council)

                                 Garcia, Michael (Texas Association of Manufacturers)

                                 Loftis, Lee (Independent Insurance Agents of Texas)

                                 Meroney, Mike (Self)

                                 Oswald, Bill (Self; Koch Companies)

                                 Sparks, Clifford (City of Dallas)

                                 Vaughn, Jason (Self; Texas Young Republicans)

                                 Winborn, Jason (AT&T)

                                 Womack, Daniel (Dow Chemical)

                       Against :

                                 Baggett, Donnis (Self; Texas Press Association)

                                 Collins, Karen (Self)

                                 Escover, John (Self)

                                 Gezana, Susan (Self)

                                 Gnaedinger, Amanda (Self; Common Cause Texas)

                                 Griffith, Idona (Self)

                                 Gutierrez, Anthony (Common Cause Texas)

                                 Hall, Ash (Self)

                                 Hodges, Mike (Texas Press Association)

                                 Long, Alvin (Self)

                                 MacDougal, Vanessa (Self)

                                 Patterson, Bill (Self; Texas Press Association)

                                 Reed, Cyrus (Lone star chapter sierra club)

                                 Rodriguez, Oscar (Texas Association of Broadcasters)

                                 Ross, Robyn (Self)

                                 Seago, John (Self; Texas Right to Life)

                                 Shannon, Kelley (Freedom of Information Foundation of Texas)

                                 Simon, Arthur (Self)

                                 Thompson, Jamie (Self)

                                 Trice, James (Self)

                                 Woolsey, Leonard (The Daily News (Galveston County), Texas Press Association)

                       On :

                                 Omey, Samantha (ExxonMobil)

                                 Sheetz, Samuel (Americans for Prosperity)

                                 Sterling, Shelby (Texas Public Policy Foundation)
