Public Education Committee
April 9, 2019 - 8:00 AM
For :
Geisbush, Sandra (Self; CS4Texas. UT STEM CENTER)
Torbey, Ryan (Self)
Registering, but not testifying:
For :
Bergland, Jennifer (Texas Computer Education Association)
Camacho, Priscilla (Dallas Regional Chamber)
Chevalier, Andrea (Association of Texas Professional Educators)
Dawn-Fisher, Lisa (Texas State Teachers Association)
Edmonson, David (TechNet)
Filipelli, Laurie (Self; League of Women Voters of Texas)
Goins-Andrews, Judea (Project Lead The Way)
Griffith, Idona (Self)
Joiner, Caroline (Code.org)
Kennon, Suzi (Texas PTA)
Matz, Sarah (CompTIA)
Meroney, Mike (Texas Association of Manufacturers)
Mott, Vernagene (Self)
Scheberle, Drew (The Greater Austin Chamber of Commerce. Written testimony for
HB3904 will be provided.)
Villanueva, Chandra (Center for Public Policy Priorities)
Weiner, Molly (Texas Aspires Foundation)
On :
Barrera, Pablo (Self; TCSA)
Claussen, Blair (Texas Education Agency)
Jones, Chris (Texas education agency)
LaPorte, Hannah (IDEA Public Schools)
Marin, Eric (TEA)
Smith, Heather (Self)