HB 3114


              Environmental Regulation Committee

              March 20, 2019 - 10:30 AM or upon final adjourn./recess or bill referral if permission granted.

                       For :

                                 Macomb, Chris (Waste Management of Texas, Inc.)

                                 Minick, Stephen (Republic Services)

                                 Riley, John (Waste Management of Texas, Inc.)

                       Against :

                                 Allmon, Eric (Self; Texas Conservation Alliance)

                                 Burnam, Lon (Public Citizen)

                                 Cannon, Windell (Self)

                                 Everingham, Don (Self; Phce)

                                 Guckian, Milann (Self; Preserve Our Hill Country Environment DBA Stop 3009 Vulcan


                                 Hess, Myron (National Wildlife Federation)

                                 Houser, Sabrina (Self; Friends of dry comal creek /stop 3009 vulcan quarry)

                                 Keady, Richard (Self)

                                 Marshall, Kit (Self; City of Aledo)

                                 Mullins, Chris (Save Our Springs Alliance)

                                 Reed, Cyrus (Lone star chapter sierra club)

                                 Schneider, Robin (Texas Campaign for the Environment)

                                 Seay, Pamela (Self)

                                 Weber, Bonnie (Self; Steep Hollow Action Association)

                                 Wilson, Renee (Self)

                                 Zimmerman, Michael (Self)

                       On :

                                 Martinez, Robert (TCEQ)

                       Registering, but not testifying:

                       For :

                                 Booth, Michael (Self; Booth, Ahrens & Werkenthin pc)

                                 Bosse, Fred (Webber, LLC)

                                 Brittin, Carolyn (AGC of Texas)

                                 Burklund, Adam (National Waste and Recycling Association)

                                 Cannon, Thure (Texas Pipeline Association)

                                 Gammage, Sam (Texas Chemical Council)

                                 Golemon, Kinnan (Self)

                                 Hutchens, Mia (Texas Association of Business)

                                 Meroney, Mike (BASF Corporation)

                                 Schieffer, Tracy (Self)

                                 Zachary, Mance (Vistra Energy)

                       Against :

                                 Beving, Rita (Self)

                                 Dobbs, Andrew (Texas Campaign for the Environment)

                                 Frandsen, Chris (League of Women Voters of Texas)

                                 Metzger, Luke (Self; Environment Texas)

                                 Peace, Annalisa (Greater edwards aquifer alliance)

                                 Seay, Dennis (Self)

                                 Smith, Jamaal (City of Houston, Office of the Mayor)

                                 Tillman, Calvin (Self)
