HB 3703

              Senate Committee Report

              Health & Human Services

              May 17, 2019 - 8:00 AM


                                          Ansley, Tracy    (Self) , Kaufman, TX

                                          Bearden, Chase   Deputy Executive Director  (Coalition of Texans with Disabilities),

                                          Austin, TX

                                          Carrasco, John David   CEO  (Caunlir and Texas Hemp Business Alliance), Dallas, TX

                                          Fazio, Heather   Director  (Texans for Responsible Marijuana Policy), Austin, TX

                                          Fox, Edward   Director, MS Clinic of Cent TX  (Self), Round Rock, TX

                                          Fuller, Jaclynn    (also providing written testimony)  (Self), Round Rock, TX

                                          Lil, Ann   Founder  (RAMP), Houston, TX

                                          Lindeen, Piper    (Self and Family), Sugar Land, TX

                                          Marks, Robert   Medical Doctor  (Texas Patients), Austin, TX

                                          Meredith, Shawn    (also providing written testimony)  (Self) , Austin, TX

                                          Novacek, Amy    (Self and Blake Novacek), Joshua, TX

                                          Novacek, Jay    (Blake Novacek and Self), Joshua, TX

                                          Patterson, Julia   Ms.  (Self), Round Top, TX

                                          Seggelink, Lance    (also providing written testimony)  (Self) , Austin, TX

                                          Seggelink, Thalia   Co-Founder  (Self and Mothers Advocating For Medical Marijuana For

                                          Autism), Austin, TX

                                          Vaughn, Jason   Policy Director  (Texas Young Republicans), Round Rock, TX


                                          Amadio, Jordan   Neurosurgeon  (Self) , Austin, TX

                                          Ann Cambron, Jennifer    (Self) , Austin, TX

                                          Crook, Keith   Major USAF  (also providing written testimony)  (Self) , New Braunfels,


                                          Finkel, Jaclyn   Executive Director  (also providing written testimony)  (Texas Chapter of

                                          National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws), Austin, TX

                                          Fowler, Gregory    (also providing written testimony)  (Tourette Texas), Midway, TX

                                          Garza, Chelsea    (Cullen Garza), Humble, TX

                       Registering, but not testifying:


                                          Ansley, Tracy   BioChemist  (Self) , Kaufman, TX

                                          Borel, Dennis    (Coalition of Texans with Disabilities), Austin, TX

                                          Branch, Debbie   Mrs.  (Self; MAMMA), League City, TX

                                          Carriker, Terri    (MAMMA and Self), Austin, TX

                                          Fawell, Amy    (Self) , Austin, TX

                                          Franklin,RPh, David   Registered Pharmacist  (Self) , Spring, TX

                                          French, Melissa    (Self; Tx'Mamma), Austin, TX

                                          Guy, Linda   RN,PNP  (Self) , Austin, TX

                                          Holcomb, Gina    (Self) , Coldspring, TX

                                          Jensen, Bonnie    (Self; MAMMA), League City, TX


                                                                              WITNESS LIST

              HB 3703

              Senate Committee Report

              Health & Human Services

                                          Josey, Jeffrey    (Self; MAMMA), Burleson, TX

                                          Josey, Suzanne    (Self; MAMMA), Burleson, TX

                                          Klose, Joanna    (Self) , Austin, TX

                                          Lindeen, Piper    (Self) , Sugar Land, TX

                                          Masey, Chris   Advocacy Director  (Coalition of Texans with Disabilities), Austin, TX

                                          Nichols-Segers, Simone    (National MS Society), Austin, TX

                                          Perez, Rene   Coalition Liaison  (Libertarian Party of Texas), Arlington, TX

                                          Qiao, Zhi    (Self) , Austin, TX

                                          Rogers, Allison    (Self) , Austin, TX

                                          Selby, Mary    (Self) , Austin, TX

                                          Speasmauer, Alycia   Policy Associate  (Texas Criminal Justice Coalition), Austin, TX

                                          Vaughn, Jason    (Self; Texas Young Republicans), Round Rock, TX

                                          Vunderink, Gregg    (Self) , TX, TX

                                          Weatherby, Cinde   Voting Rights/Elections Issue Chair  (Self; League of Women Voters of

                                          Texas), Austin, TX


                                          Alexander, Jay   Major  (Texas Department of Public Safety), Austin, tx, TX

                                          Alexander, Jay   Major  (Texas Department of Public), Austin, TX

                                          Alexander, Troy   Director for Legislative Affairs  (Texas Medical Association), Austin, TX

                       Providing written testimony:


                                          Branch, Debbie   Mrs.  (Myself and MAMMA), League City, TX

                                          French, Melissa    (TX Mamma), Austin, TX

                                          Jawell, Comy   Mom  (My Child, Jack Fawell), Austin, TX

                                          Jensen, Bonnie    (Mothers Advocating Medical Marijuana for Autism), League City, TX

                                          Josey, Jeffrey    (Self) , Burleson, TX

                                          Josey, Suzanne    (Self) , Burleson, TX

                                          Pitts Jr., John    (Epicepsy Foundation of Texas), Austin, TX

                                          Reeves, Karen   Cannabis Activist  (Self, CenTex Community Outreach), Hewitt, TX

                                          Rivera, Magra   Legislative Liaison  (Mamma), McAllen, TX

                                          Stanley, Stephanie    (My Son, Mothers Advocating Medical Marijuana for Autism), Flint,

