HCR 19


              Pensions, Investments & Financial Services Committee

              March 12, 2019 - 8:00 AM

                       For :

                                 Jones, Chris (CLEAT)

                                 Kivela, Anthony (Self)

                                 Lee, Timothy (Texas retired teachers association)

                       Registering, but not testifying:

                       For :

                                 Campbell, Grover (Texas Association of School Boards)

                                 Dawn-Fisher, Lisa (Texas State Teachers Association)

                                 Elkin, Bill (Self)

                                 Exter, Monty (ATPE)

                                 Fickel, Ann (Texas Classroom Teachers Association)

                                 Giarratani, Dominic (Texas Association of School Boards)

                                 Ginsburg, Tracy (Texas Association of School Business Officials)

                                 Grey, John (Texas School Alliance)

                                 Haggerty, Pat (El paso firemen and police men's pension fund)

                                 Hunt, Ray (Houston PoliceOfficers Union)

                                 Kennedy, Jennifer (Texas AFT)

                                 Lara, Rene (Texas AFL-CIO)

                                 Martinez, Mario A. (Texas State Troopers Assn.)

                                 Nichols, Colby (Texas Association of School Administrators; Austin ISD)

                                 Rodriguez, Jimmy (San Antonio Police Officers Association)

                                 Smith, James (San Antonio Fire and police Pension Fund)

                                 Solis, Eddie (TEXPERS)

                                 Terry, Mark (Self; Texas Elementary Principals and Supervisors Association (TEPSA))
