SB 315

              Senate Committee Report

              Criminal Justice

              March 19, 2019 - 1:30 PM or upon adjournment


                                          Colby, Adam   Detective Sergeant  (Tyler Police Department), Tyler, TX

                                          Putman, Jacob   Smith County District Attorney  (Smith County District Attorney's Office),

                                          Tyler, TX

                       Registering, but not testifying:


                                          Anderson, Jessica   Lieutenant  (Houston Police Department), Houston, TX

                                          Baker, David   Lt. Colonel  (Department of Public Safety), Austin, TX

                                          Benson, Clinton    (Self) , Tyler, TX

                                          Durst, Melodie   Executive Director  (Credit Union Coalition of Texas), Austin, TX

                                          Embrey, Celeste   SVP Gov. Relations  (Texas Bankers Association), Austin, TX

                                          Fowler, Meredith   Leg Counsel  (Independent Bankers Association of Texas), Austin, TX

                                          Gardner, Kenneth   __  (Self) , Tyler, TX

                                          Hardin, Paul   President  (Texas Food and Fuel Association), Austin, TX

                                          Hunt, Ray   Past President  (Houston Police Officers Union (HPOU)), Houston, TX

                                          Ostrander, Rita   Legislative Aide  (Combined Law Enforcement Ass. of Texas), Austin,


                                          Phillips, Robert   Training Coordinator  (Self) , Tyler, TX

                                          Sinclair, David   Legislative Consultant  (Game Warden Peace Officer Association),

                                          Pflugerville, TX
