SB 422


              Land & Resource Management Committee

              May 7, 2019 - 8:00 AM

                       Against :

                                 Alles, Richard (Self)

                                 Smothers, Nicole (City of Houston)

                                 Stinson, Lori (San Antonio Chamber of Commerce)

                       On :

                                 Coyle, Jeff (City of San Antonio)

                                 Velesky, Peter (Joint Base San Antonio)

                       Registering, but not testifying:

                       For :

                                 Fuchs, Jeremy (Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association)

                                 Jackson, Kyle (Texas Apartment Association)

                                 Muņoz, Ned (Texas Association of Builders)

                       Against :

                                 Cuellar, Guadalupe (City of El Paso)

                                 Cullinane, Mary (Self; League of Women Voters of Texas)

                                 Embrey, Tammy (City of Corpus Christi)

                                 Franco, Brie (City of Austin)

                                 Griffith, Idona (Self)

                                 Guy, Linda (Self)

                                 MacDougal, Vanessa (Self)

                                 Metzger, Luke (Environment Texas)

                                 Mullins, Chris (Self; Save Our Springs Alliance)

                                 Patterson, TJ (City of Fort Worth)

                                 Person, Maria (Self)

                                 Reed, Cyrus (Sierra Club, Lone Star Chapter)

                                 Williamson, Doug (Self; Abilene Chamber of Commerce)

                                 Woliver, Tim (City of San Antonio)

                                 Wynn, Monty (Texas Municipal League)

                       On :

                                 Ramirez, Melissa (City of San Antonio)
