SB 1182

              Senate Committee Report


              April 16, 2019 - 9:00 AM


                                          Larson, Mark    (Self; KIPP Texas Public Schools), San Antonio, TX

                                          Sage, Thomas    (Self; Texas Charter School Association), Houston, TX

                       Registering, but not testifying:


                                          Brown, Celeste   Advocacy Manager  (Self; KIPP Texas), San Antonio, TX

                                          Coleman, Starlee    (Texas Charter Schools Association), Austin, TX

                                          Corte Jr., Frank    (Shulman, Lopez, Hoffer, & Adelstein, LLP), San Antonio, TX

                                          Cox, Dustin    (Self) , Austin, TX

                                          Kindel, Aaron   Superintendent  (Great Hearts Texas), San Antonio, TX

                                          List, Amanda    (ResponsiveEd), Austin, TX

                                          Nishimura, Christine   General Counsel  (Texas Charter Schools Association), Austin, TX

                                          Nunn, Karalei Nunn   Founder COO  (Self) , Round Rock, TX

                                          Yancy, Justin   President  (Texas Business Leadership Council), Austin, TX

                                          Zimmermann, Kathleen    (Self; Nyos Charter School), Austin, TX


                                          Beneski, Amy    (Texas Association of School Administrators), Austin, TX

                                          Dawn-Fisher, Lisa   Legislative consultant  (Texas State Teachers Association), Austin, TX

                                          De Leon, Marty    (Texas Urban Council), Austin, TX

                                          Dockery, Crystal   Deputy Executive Director  (Texas Association of Community Schools),

                                          Austin, TX

                                          Gonzalez, Dax    (Texas Association of School Boards), Austin, TX

                                          Luke, Charles   Dr.  (Self; Pastors for Texas Children), Weatherford, TX

                                          Quinzi, Patty   Legislative Counsel, TX American Fed. Of Teachers  (TX -Ameican Fed of

                                          Teachers), Austin, TX


                                          Brock, Leslie   Public Finance Division Chief  (Office of the Attorney General), Austin, TX

                                          Jones, Christopher   Attorney  (Texas education agency), Austin, TX

                                          Lopez, Leonardo   Chief School Finance Officer  (Texas Education Agency), Austin, TX

                                          Mauze, Heather   Director  (Texas Education Agency), Austin, TX
