Juvenile Justice & Family Issues Committee

            March 13, 2019 - 10:30 AM or upon final adjourn./recess or bill referral if permission granted

            HB 256


                                 Barba, Michael (Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops)

                                 Caldwell, Vernon (Self)

                                 Caldwell, Vernon (Self)

                                 Elzner, Robert L (Self)

                                 Flores, Jose (Self)

                                 Freeman, Kathryn (Texas Baptist Christian Life Commission)

                                 Henneke, Elizabeth (Self; Lone Star Justice Alliance)

                                 Larissa, Wood (Self)

                                 Levin, Marc (Texas Public Policy Foundation)

                                 Linder, Lindsey (Self; Texas criminal justice coalition)

                                 Pearson, Stephanie (Self)

                                 Robinson, Larry (Self)

                                 Wilson, Douglas (Self)


                                 Conard, John (Self)

                                 Lopez, Sonia (Self)

                                 Perkins, Steve D (Self)

                                 Roady, Jack (Galveston County District Attorney)

                                 Rosenboom, Dawn (Self)

                                 Stone, Mercedez (Self)

                                 Stone, Rosie (Self)


                                 Gutierrez, David (Texas Board of Pardons & Paroles)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Alati, Dawn (Self)

                                 Berry, Traci (Goodwill Central Texas)

                                 Bray-Dominguez, Michelle (Self)

                                 Bussey, Faith (Self)

                                 Cameron, Ann (Self)

                                 Cunningham, Marilyn (Self)

                                 Cunningham, Romeo (Self)

                                 DeCaro, Emma (Self)

                                 Dominguez, Oscar (Self)

                                 FitzgerLd, Katherine (Self)

                                 Francis, Will (National Association of Social Workers - Texas Chapter)

                                 Franco, Maria (Self)

                                 Gallegos, Longina (Self)

                                 Garcia, Yolanda (Self)

                                 Garzes, Victoria (Self)


                                                                                    WITNESS LIST


                                 Graziani, Cate (Grassroots Leadership & Texas Advocates for Justice)

                                 Guzman, Jose E (Self)

                                 Guzman, Norma (Self)

                                 Guzman, Norma argentina (Self)

                                 Harrison, Kage (Self)

                                 Heath, David (Self)

                                 Henning, Lori (Texas Association of Goodwills)

                                 Hernandez, Benjamin (Self)

                                 Hunter II, Carl F. (Self)

                                 Kunish, Eric (Self; National Alliance on Mental Illness Austin affiliate Advocacy Committee


                                 Luprete, Deanna (Self; Epicenter)

                                 Massingill, Joshua (Prison Fellowship Ministries)

                                 Metzler, Patricia (Self)

                                 Neeley, Josiah (R Street Institute)

                                 Olguin, Janella (Self)

                                 Reyes, Shauna (Self)

                                 Rodriguez, Mary esther (Self)

                                 Salomon, Eloisa (Self)

                                 Simpson, Matt (ACLU of Texas)

                                 Singleton, Laura (Self)

                                 Sughrue, Alissa (National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Texas)

                                 Tatum, Alexis (Travis County Commissioners Court)

                                 Vaughn, Jason (Self; Texas Young Republican)


                                 Davis, Yolanda (TMPA)

                                 Flores, Mateo (Self)

                                 Halili, Lisa (Self)

                                 Salazar, Sarah (Self)

                                 Salazar, Suzannah (Self)

                                 Speakes, Keala (Self)

                                 Stanich, Pamela (Self)

                                 Stone, Angelica (Self)

                                 Whisenant, Angela (Self)

            HB 344


                                 Berry, Traci (Goodwill Central Texas)

                                 De Sosa, Linda (Self)

                                 DeLuna Castro, Eva (Center for Public Policy Priorities)

                                 Flores, Jose (Self; Texas Criminal Justice Coalition)

                                 Grissom, Darren (Texas PTA)

                                 Levin, Marc (Texas Public Policy Foundation)

                                 Massingill, Joshua (Prison Fellowship Ministries)


                                                                                    WITNESS LIST

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Barba, Michael (Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops)

                                 Bertrand, Aimee (Harris County Commissioners Court)

                                 Francis, Will (National Association of Social Workers - Texas Chapter)

                                 Freeman, Kathryn (Texas Baptist Christian Life Commission)

                                 Gallegos, Longina (Self)

                                 Graziani, Cate (Grassroots Leadership & Texas Advocates for Justice)

                                 Hayes, Aaryce (Disability Rights Tx)

                                 Henneke, Elizabeth (Lone Star Justice Alliance)

                                 Henning, Lori (Texas Association of Goodwills)

                                 Hunter II, Carl F. (Self)

                                 Kimberly, Knox (Upbring)

                                 Kunish, Eric (Self; National Alliance on Mental Illness Austin affiliate Advocacy Committee


                                 Linder, Lindsey (Self; Texas criminal justice coalition)

                                 Mares, Bryan (Texas CASA)

                                 Merfish, Brett (Texas Appleseed)

                                 Murphy, Kate (Texans Care for Children)

                                 Neeley, Josiah (R Street Institute)

                                 Reyna, Rachelle (Self)

                                 Rose, Lauren (Texas Network of Youth Services)

                                 Simpson, Matt (ACLU of Texas)

                                 Strandberg, Katherine (Self; Texas Association Against Sexual Assault (TAASA))

                                 Sughrue, Alissa (National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Texas)


                                 Anderson, Emily (TJJD)

                                 Nicholes, Laura (Texas Probation Association)

            HB 452


                                 Brown, Tim (Bell County Commissioners Court)

                                 Coleman, Cliff (Bell County)

                                 Ott, Bobby (Temple ISD)

            HB 507


                                 Morris, Julie (Children at risk)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Agboola, Zubaidat (Self)

                                 Barba, Michael (Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops)

                                 Bocchini, Claire (Self; Doctors for change)

                                 Ding, Erica (Self; Doctors for Change)


                                                                                    WITNESS LIST


                                 Flanagan, Mark (Self)

                                 Flores, Jose (Texas Criminal Justice Coalition)

                                 Francis, Will (National Association of Social Workers - Texas Chapter)

                                 Freeman, Kathryn (Texas Baptist Christian Life Commission)

                                 Hunter II, Carl F. (Self)

                                 Kelly, Bill (Mayor's Office, City of Houston)

                                 Khot, Sharwin (Self)

                                 Kunish, Eric (Self; National Alliance on Mental Illness Austin affiliate Advocacy Committee


                                 Lanagan, Lindsay (Legacy Community Health)

                                 Lin, Amanda (Self)

                                 Lin, Sophie (Self)

                                 Lucy, Jennifer (Texprotects)

                                 Quiros, Ron (Guadalupe County Juvenile Services)

                                 Robinson, Marc (Self; Doctors for Change)

                                 Romero, Michelle (Texas Medical Association)

                                 Rose, Lauren (Texas Network of Youth Services)

                                 Soeung, Melinda (Self; Doctors For Change)

                                 Sughrue, Alissa (National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Texas)

                                 Thomason, Alyssa (Self; Doctors for Change)

            HB 558


                                 Reuter, Rachel (Self; Texas Family Law Foundation)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Bresnen, Amy (Texas Family Law Foundation)

                                 Butler, Ashley (Self; Texas family law foundation)

                                 Tatum, Alexis (Travis County Commissioners Court)


                                 Rogers, Joel (Office of the Attorney General - Child Support Division)

            HB 559


                                 Reuter, Rachel (Self; Texas Family Law Foundation)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Bresnen, Amy (Texas Family Law Foundation)

                                 Butler, Ashley (Self; Texas family law foundation)

            HB 1364


                                 DeLuna Castro, Eva (Center for Public Policy Priorities)


                                                                                    WITNESS LIST


                                 Flores, Jose (Self; Texas Criminal Justice Coalition)

                                 Rose, Lauren (Texas Network of Youth Services)

                                 Stone, Ellen (Texas Appleseed)


                                 Quiros, Ron (Guadalupe County Juvenile Services)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Berry, Traci (Goodwill Central Texas)

                                 Bertrand, Aimee (Harris County Commissioners Court)

                                 Francis, Will (National Association of Social Workers - Texas Chapter)

                                 Graziani, Cate (Grassroots Leadership & Texas Advocates for Justice)

                                 Henning, Lori (Texas Association of Goodwills)

                                 Hunter II, Carl F. (Self)

                                 Kunish, Eric (Self; National Alliance on Mental Illness Austin affiliate Advocacy Committee


                                 Levin, Marc (Texas Public Policy Foundatiom)

                                 Linder, Lindsey (Self; Texas criminal justice coalition)

                                 Mares, Bryan (Texas CASA)

                                 Massingill, Joshua (Prison Fellowship Ministries)

                                 Murphy, Kate (Texans Care for Children)

                                 Simpson, Matt (ACLU of Texas)

                                 Sughrue, Alissa (National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Texas)


                                 Nicholes, Laura (Texas Probation Association)
