Public Health Committee

            April 4, 2019 - 8:00 AM

            (SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING - Health Professions)

            HB 29


                                 Keene, Benjamin (Self; TPTA)

                                 Milligan, Mark (Self; Tpta)

                                 Tounget, Craig (Texas Physical Therapy Associatio)


                                 Mathews, Joseph (Self; Texas Orthopaedic Association)

                                 Stautberg, Eugene (Self; Texas Medical Association and Texas Orthopaedic Association)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Bearden, Chase (Self; Coalition of Texans with disabilities)

                                 Caromara, Mary (Self)

                                 Davis, Phillip (Self)

                                 Dunkelberg, Anne (Center for Public Policy Priorities)

                                 Frickey, Jill (Self)

                                 Harris, James (Texas Physical Therapy Associatiom)

                                 Huber, Blaze (Self; The Training Room)

                                 Koebele, Steve (Concentra)

                                 Litzinger, Linda (Self)

                                 Luoma, Courtney (Self)

                                 McBeath, Don (Texas Organization of Rural and Community Hospitals)

                                 McCord, Mia (Texas Conservative Coalition)

                                 Meek, Sarah (Self)

                                 Meek, Sarah (Self)

                                 Miller, Melanie (Self)

                                 Minjarez, Jennifer (Texas Public Policy Foundation)

                                 Neeley, Josiah (R Street Institute)

                                 Shook, Ben (Self; Axiom Physiotherapy)

                                 Su, Linda (Self)

                                 Vilas, Avelina (Self)

                                 Yancy, Justin (Texas Business Leadership Council)


                                 Ashley, Price (Texas College of Emergency Physicians)

                                 Bruce, Bonnie (Texas Society of Anesthesiologists)

                                 Doan, Ellis (Self)

                                 Finch, Dan (Texas Medical Association)

                                 Hillert, Bobby (Texas Orthopaedic Association)

                                 Kenderdine, Marshall (Texas Academy of Family Physicians)

                                 Reed, Rachael (Texas Ophthalmological Association)

                                 Rezaee, Fatemeh (Self)

                                 Rezaee, Reza (Self)


                                                                                    WITNESS LIST


                                 Rezaee, Ziba (Self)

                                 Sutton, Jill (Texas Osteopathic Medical Association)

                                 Travis, Clayton (Texas Pediatric Society)

            HB 912


                                 Day, Cristi (Texas nurse practitioners)

                                 Pike, Veronica (Texas nurse practitioners)


                                 Buckingham, Nicole (Texas board of nursing)

                                 Majek, Mark (Texas Board of Nursing)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Beckmann, Amy (Self; Consortium of Texas Certified Nurse-Midwives)

                                 Biscone, Erin (Self; Consortium of Texas Certified Nurse Midwives)

                                 Cates, Andrew (Nursing Legislative Agenda Coalition)

                                 Compton, Ann (Self)

                                 Cusack, Erin (Texas Nurse Practitioners)

                                 Edwards, Lynnea (Self)

                                 Fountain, Sandra (Self)

                                 Griffith, Idona (Self)

                                 Guy, Linda (Self)

                                 Hansch, Greg (National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Texas)

                                 Hutson, Blake (AARP Texas)

                                 Kunish, Eric (Self)

                                 Luoma, Courtney (Self)

                                 MacDougal, Vanessa (Self)

                                 Metzger, Robert (Self; Texas Nurse Practitioners)

                                 Mills, Sarah (Texas Association for Home Care and Hospice)

                                 Ostrander, Peggy (Self)

                                 Sheldon, Robert (Self)

                                 Simon, Arthur (Self)

                                 Spees, Jason (Self)

                                 Tran, Tony (Self)

                                 Vunderink, Gregg (Self)

                                 Wilson, Wendy (Consortium of Texas Certified Nurse Midwives)

                                 Wilson, Wendy (APRN Alliance)

                                 Yanas, Christine (Methodist Healthcare Ministries of South Texas , Inc.)


                                 Carter, Paris (Self)

                                 Doan, Debbie (Self)

                                 Doan, Ellis (Self)

                                 Doan, Mike (Self)


                                                                                    WITNESS LIST


                                 Ghaderi, Payam (Self)

                                 Johnson, Tyce (Self)

                                 Rezaee, Fatemeh (Self)

                                 Rezaee, Reza (Self)

                                 Rezaee, Ziba (Self)

                                 Sunga, Joiesah Marie (Self)

            HB 1092


                                 Moore, Bret (Self; Texas Psychological Association)

                                 Paret, Dean (Self; Texas Psychological Association)

                                 Underhill, James (Self)


                                 Eshelman, Melissa (Self; Federation of Texas Psychiatry)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Grothues, PhD, Carol (Self; Texas Psychological Association)

                                 Meek, Sarah (Self)

                                 Meek, Sarah (Self)

                                 Tran, Tony (Self)


                                 Ashley, Price (Texas College of Emergency Physicians)

                                 Bruce, Bonnie (Texas Society of Anesthesiologists)

                                 Chiarello, Stephanie (Texas Pharmacy Association)

                                 Doan, Debbie (Self)

                                 Doan, Ellis (Self)

                                 Doan, Mike (Self)

                                 Finch, Dan (Texas Medical Association)

                                 Galligher, Duane (Texas Independent Pharmacies Association)

                                 Hillert, Bobby (Texas Orthopaedic Association)

                                 Kenderdine, Marshall (Texas Academy of Family Physicians)

                                 Reed, Rachael (Texas Ophthalmological Association)

                                 Rezaee, Fatemeh (Self)

                                 Rezaee, Reza (Self)

                                 Rezaee, Ziba (Self)

                                 Travis, Clayton (Texas Pediatric Society)

                                 Wright, Michael (Texas Pharmacy Business CounilCil)


                                 Parilla, Priscilla (Texas Health and Human Services Commission)

            HB 1748


                                 Feix, Jeff (Self; Texas State Assembly of AST)


                                                                                    WITNESS LIST

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Hillert, Bobby (Texas Orthopaedic Association)

                                 Steele-Galchutt, Stefanie (Self; Texas State Assembly of AST)

                                 Tran, Tony (Self)

            HB 1792


                                 Biscone, Erin (Self; Consortium of Texas Certified Nurse Midwives)

                                 Dunkelberg, Anne (Center for Public Policy Priorities)

                                 Harrison, Lutricia (Texas Nurse Practitioners)

                                 Hutson, Blake (AARP Texas)

                                 Innerarity, Sheri (Texas Nurse Practitioners)

                                 Jeffreys, Holly (Self; Texas Nurse Practitioners)

                                 Smith, Mary Pat (Self; Texas Silver-Haired Legislature)

                                 Waldman,MD MBA, Dr. Deane (Texas public policy foundation)


                                 Aronin, Patricia (Self; Texas Physicians for Patients and Texas Physicians for Patient


                                 Botsford MD, Lindsay (Self; Texas Medical Association and Texas Academy of Family


                                 Doan, Ellis (Self)

                                 Doan, Ellis (Self)

                                 Grieger MD, Dara (Self; Texas Medical Association)

                                 Mensing-Pereira, Angela (Self)

                                 Rezaee, Ziba (Self)

                                 Rezaee, Ziba (PPP physicians for patient protection)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Beckmann, Amy (Self; Consortium of Texas Certified Nurse-Midwives)

                                 Borel, Dennis (Coalition of Texans with Disabilities)

                                 Boston, Jessica (Texas Association of Business)

                                 Brozek, Vaughn (Self; Np. Dc)

                                 Cates, Andrew (Nursing Legislative Agenda Coalition)

                                 Collins, Rebecca (Self)

                                 Compton, Ann (Self)

                                 Cusack, Erin (Texas Nurse Practitioners)

                                 Edwards, Lynnea (Self)

                                 Guy, Linda (Self)

                                 Hansch, Greg (National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Texas)

                                 Houston, Joshua (Texas Impact)

                                 Kunish, Eric (Self; National Alliance on Mental Illness, Austin Affiliate, Advocacy Chair)

                                 Lara, Rene (Texas AFL-CIO)

                                 Lavin, Dianne (Self; PAPN Texas)


                                                                                    WITNESS LIST


                                 Luoma, Courtney (Self)

                                 McCord, Mia (Texas Conservative Coalition)

                                 Metzger, Robert (Self; Texas Nurse Practitioners)

                                 Meyer, Alyse (LeadingAge Texas)

                                 Mills, Sarah (Texas Association for Home Care and Hospice)

                                 Ostrander, George (Self)

                                 Ostrander, Peggy (Self)

                                 Panju, Arif (Institute for Justice)

                                 Peters, Carol (Texas silver haired legislature)

                                 Propes, Jay (Texas Ophthalmological Association)

                                 Schulte, Christina (Self)

                                 Smith, Andrew (University Health System)

                                 Spees, Jason (Self)

                                 Stasiak, Dan (Self)

                                 Sughrue, Alissa (National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Texas)

                                 Tran, Tony (Self)

                                 Vunderink, Gregg (Self)

                                 Wilson, Wendy (Consortium of Texas Certified Nurse Midwives)

                                 Wilson, Wendy (APRN Alliance)

                                 Yanas, Christine (Methodist Healthcare Ministries of South Texas , Inc.)

                                 Zolnierek, Cindy (Self; Texas nurses association)


                                 Abbott, Nicole (Texas Chapter of the American College of Physicians Services)

                                 Alper, Samantha (Self)

                                 Ashley, Price (Texas College of Emergency Physicians)

                                 Bruce, Bonnie (Texas Society of Anesthesiologists)

                                 Carter, Paris (Self)

                                 Courtney, Jenna (Texas Society of Pathologists)

                                 Courtney, Jenna (Texas Radiological Society)

                                 Doan, Debbie (Self)

                                 Doan, Mike (Self)

                                 Dunn, Cassandra (Self)

                                 Eshelman, Melissa (Self; Federation of Texas Psychiatry)

                                 Flores, Nicole (Self)

                                 Ghaderi, Payam (Self)

                                 Gray, Brijette (Self)

                                 Hillert, Bobby (Texas Orthopaedic Association)

                                 Johnson, Tyce (Self)

                                 Kenderdine, Marshall (Texas Academy of Family Physicians)

                                 Kenderdine, Marshall (Texas Society for Gastroenterology & Endoscopy)

                                 Nicolas, George (Self)

                                 Reed, Rachael (Texas Ophthalmological Association)

                                 Rezaee, Fatemeh (Self)

                                 Rezaee, Reza (Self)


                                                                                    WITNESS LIST


                                 Sunga, Joiesah Marie (Self)

                                 Sutton, Jill (Texas Osteopathic Medical Association)

                                 Travis, Clayton (Texas Pediatric Society)

            HB 2275


                                 Bock, Janessa (Self; Texas Dental Hygienists’ Association)

                                 Cook, Daniel (Self)

                                 Liberman, Leila (Self)

                                 Reeves, David (Self)


                                 Roberts, Matt (Texas Dental Association)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Bean, Lynda (Self)

                                 Gridda, Mundir (Self)

                                 Litzinger, Linda (Self)

                                 Massey, Douglas (Self)

                                 McCord, Mia (Texas Conservative Coalition)

                                 Nguyen, Jullie (Self)

                                 Ray, Sandy (Self)

                                 Schulte, Christina (Self)

                                 Smith, Annette (Self)

                                 Strecker, Barbara (Self)

                                 Tesch, Sandy (Texas oral health coalition)

                                 Tran, Tony (Self)

                                 Valdez, Jerry (Career Colleges & Schools of Texas)

                                 Williams, Carolyn (Self)

                                 Yanas, Christine (Methodist Healthcare Ministries of South Texas , Inc.)


                                 Alper, Samantha (Self)

                                 Bruce, Bonnie (Texas Society of Anesthesiologists)

                                 Ekeoduru, Rhashedah (Self)

                                 Hausenfluck, Amber (Texas Academy of Pediatric Dentistry)

                                 McAlister, Jana (Self)

                                 McHorse, Paul (Self)

                                 Nicolas, George (Self)

                                 Scott, Bruce (Texas Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons)

                                 Wegner, Robert (Self)


                                 Bush, W. Boyd (Texas State Board of Dental Examiners)

                                 Davila, Enrique (Self)


                                                                                    WITNESS LIST

            HB 2733


                                 Foster, Stephen (Self; Texas Chiropractic College)

                                 Harris, Paul (Self)

                                 Morgan, William (Self; ParkerUniversity)

                                 Pettiet, Devin (Self; Texas chiropractic assoc)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Alexander, Landry (Self)

                                 Andrade, Michelle (Self)

                                 Andrade, Mike (Self)

                                 Ashley, Tonya (Self)

                                 Boerger, Angela (Self)

                                 Boerger, Jeff (Self)

                                 Bouvier, William (Self)

                                 Brown, Jeffrey (Self)

                                 Brozek, Vaughn (Self; Np. Dc)

                                 Carter, Greg (Self; Texas Chiropractic Association)

                                 Casasola, Dwayne (Self)

                                 Cline, Brooke (Self)

                                 Collins, Rebecca (Self)

                                 Craig, Clayton (Self)

                                 Cunningham DC, Jeff (Self; TCA)

                                 Davila, Enrique (Self)

                                 Davis, Richard (Self)

                                 Day Goodwin, Allie (Self)

                                 Doan, Vinh (Self)

                                 Dominguez, Maria (Self)

                                 Doyle, Cody (Self)

                                 Eledge, Richeon (Self)

                                 Eledge, Stephen (Self)

                                 Ellis, Keven (Self)

                                 Ellis, Shelli (Self)

                                 Gardner, Jennifer (Self)

                                 Gravely, Janrai (Self)

                                 Hardy, Richard (Accident & Injury Chiropractic Inc)

                                 Harris, Caitlyn (Self)

                                 Heikkinen, Paul (Self; Texas Chiropractic Association)

                                 Henry, Michael (Self; TBCE)

                                 Hergert, Tyce (Self; Texas Chiropractic Assn)

                                 Hochanadel II, Gery (Self; Parker University)

                                 Hollingsworth, Thomas (Self)

                                 Hurtig, Trevor (Self)

                                 Isdale, Scott (Self)


                                                                                    WITNESS LIST


                                 Jackson, Sheneaka (Self)

                                 Jahadi, Mo (Self; TCA)

                                 Jenkins, Jeff (Self; Texas Chiropractic Association)

                                 Jurica, Scott (Self)

                                 Kanz, Kevin (Self; Texas Chiropractic Association)

                                 Kirkwood, Shannon (Self; TCA)

                                 Kissel, Elena (Parker University)

                                 Knorr, Robert (Self)

                                 Knott, Michael (Self)

                                 Lawson, William (Self)

                                 Lolis, Iperlitta (Self)

                                 Lynch, Laura (Self)

                                 Maddalena, Larry (Self)

                                 Mcdonnell, Patrick (Self)

                                 Melling, Marla (Self)

                                 Minors, Steve (Self)

                                 Mirkov, Brittney (Self)

                                 Morgan, Casey (Self; DC)

                                 Morgan, Vanessa (Self)

                                 Mounarath, Vandara (Self; Enlighten Chiropractic and Acupuncture)

                                 Mount, Alaina (Self)

                                 Norbert, Jeannique (Self)

                                 Pagnani-Gendron, Alayna (Self; Texas Chiropractic Association)

                                 Pajestka, Samantha (Self)

                                 Patzer, Kellye (Self)

                                 Perry, Dennis (Self; Health by Hands Wellness)

                                 Perry, Kathleen (Self; Health By Hands)

                                 Pham, Tran (Self)

                                 Ply, Wesley (Self)

                                 Rose, Kelsey (Self)

                                 Rose, Korey (Self)

                                 Schmidt, Rodney (Self)

                                 Shannan, Mark (Self)

                                 Shem, Matthew (Self)

                                 Shrogin, Paul (Self)

                                 Stasiak, Dan (Self)

                                 Stephens, Angela (Self)

                                 Surprenant, Kyle (Self)

                                 Swanson, Jeff (Self)

                                 Swanson, Justin (Self)

                                 Sweney, Roxanne (Self)

                                 Tays, Cynthia (Self)

                                 Vandewalle, Mike (Self)

                                 Vige, Max (Self)

                                 Weaver, Lou (Self)


                                                                                    WITNESS LIST


                                 Wei, Joshua (Self)

                                 White, Kenneth (Self)

                                 White DC, Don (Self; Texas Chiropractic Association)

                                 Williams, Jason (Self)


                                 Ashley, Price (Texas College of Emergency Physicians)

                                 Bower, Danielle (Self)

                                 Doggett, Wally (Texas Association of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine)

                                 Finch, Dan (Texas Medical Association)

                                 Hillert, Bobby (Texas Orthopaedic Association)

                                 Kenderdine, Marshall (Texas Academy of Family Physicians)

                                 Reed, Rachael (Texas Ophthalmological Association)

                                 Rittenberry, Suzanne (Self)

                                 Schneider, Jennifer (Self)

                                 Stephens, Anthony (Self)

                                 Strosser, Pamela (Self)

                                 Travis, Clayton (Texas Pediatric Society)

                                 Ybarra (Self)


                                 Burnett, Christopher (Texas board of chiropractic examiners)

                                 Fortner, G. Patrick (Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners)

                                 Walters, Abigail (Self)

            HB 3194


                                 Abadie, Paul (Self)

                                 Butler, Chris (Self)

                                 Doggett, Wally (Texas Association of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine)

                                 Faria, Mary (Self; AOMA graduate school of integrative medicine)

                                 Liang, Shen (Self; American college of acupuncture & oriental medicine)

                                 Lin, Lisa ping hui (Texas association of acupuncturists    Texas health and science university)

                                 Lyles, Tonya (Self)

                                 Manuel, Victor (Self)


                                 Carter, Greg (Self; Texas Chiropractic Association)

                                 Heikkinen, Paul (Self; Texas Chiropractic Association)

                                 Hergert, Tyce (Self; Texas Chiropractic Assn)

                                 Kanz, Kevin (Self; Texas Chiropractic Association)

                                 Pagnani-Gendron, Alayna (Self; Texas Chiropractic Association)

                                 Vige, Max (Tca)


                                 Burnett, Christopher (Texas board of chiropractic examiners)

                                 Cline, Allen (Texas Acupuncture Board)


                                                                                    WITNESS LIST

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Andert, Denise (Self)

                                 Balanay-Tahkine, Daniel (Self)

                                 Barden Rossetti, Audrey (Self)

                                 Beattie, Zach (Self)

                                 Bower, Danielle (Self)

                                 Bravo, Valorie (Self)

                                 Brown, Rachel (Self; Five Oceans Acupuncture TAOMA)

                                 Brozek, Vaughn (Self; Np. Dc)

                                 Bruno, Paula (Self)

                                 Burnikel, Candace (Self)

                                 Burruss, Mamie (Self)

                                 Carter, David (Self)

                                 Chiu, Tiffany (Self)

                                 Collins, Gustavo (Self)

                                 Collins, Jazmine (Self)

                                 Collins, Salomon (Self)

                                 Cunningham, Madeline (Self)

                                 Doan, Hung (Self; Texas Acupuncture Association Oriental Medicine TAAOM)

                                 Duffin, Eva (Self)

                                 Durbin, Amanda (Self)

                                 Dwyer, Stefanie (Self)

                                 Ferguson, Alexa (Self)

                                 Fernandes, Merryl (Self; Taaom)

                                 Fillion-Robin, Nicole (Self)

                                 Finch, Dan (Texas Medical Association)

                                 Flores-Lefranc, Derek (Self)

                                 Fnn, Vctoria (Self)

                                 Galle, Mari (Self)

                                 Galvan, Catherine (Self)

                                 Ging, Christopher (Self)

                                 Goddin, Chris (Self)

                                 Gordon, Astra (Self)

                                 Hamid, Nina (Self)

                                 Hamilton, Lesley (Self)

                                 Holderby, Mark (Self)

                                 Jackel, Jessica (Self)

                                 Jackson, Robin (Self)

                                 Johnson, Travis (Self)

                                 Keeler, Jacqueline (Self)

                                 Kung, Phyllis (Self)

                                 Kuntz, Gene (Self)

                                 Leblanc, Cornel (Parker University)

                                 Lin, Ainge (Self)


                                                                                    WITNESS LIST


                                 Liu, Charline (Self)

                                 Long, Justin (Self)

                                 Lopez, Rocio (Self)

                                 Lopez, Teresita (Self)

                                 Luo, Song (Self)

                                 McFarland Dunn, Kat (Self; Acupuncturist)

                                 MCKENDRICK, KRISTY (Self)

                                 McMinn, Kimberly (Self)

                                 Meier, Kimberly (Self)

                                 Miller, Anne (Self)

                                 Mowat, Ann (Self)

                                 Najar, Thomas (Self)

                                 Occhino, Aaron (Self)

                                 Osborne, Judy (Self)

                                 Peralez, Charles (Self)

                                 Perry, Dennis (Self; Health by Hands Wellness)

                                 Petrovic, Vesna (Self)

                                 Phillips, Justin (Self)

                                 Picken, Amanda (Self)

                                 Power, Aeron (Self)

                                 Power, Kathryn (Self)

                                 Quintanilla, Jonathan (Self)

                                 Randolph, Connie (Self)

                                 Remmert, Susan (Self; AOMA. NCCAOM.)

                                 Rusnak, Kasia (Self)

                                 Schneider, Jennifer (Self)

                                 Schurtz, Allyson (Self)

                                 Scott, Tracy (Self)

                                 Seals, Nicole (Self)

                                 Sears, Estella (Self; AOMA Graduate School of Integrative Medicine)

                                 Shaffer, Susan (Self)

                                 Shea, Katherine (Self)

                                 Skorka, Sierra (Self)

                                 Spees, Jason (Self)

                                 Stanley, Diane (Self)

                                 Strosser, Pamela (Self)

                                 Taylor, Bryan (Self)

                                 Taylor, Reagan (Self)

                                 Tennison, Emily (Self)

                                 Tran, Tony (Self)

                                 Tripptree, Megan (Self)

                                 Voyles, Claudia (Self)

                                 Walters, Abigail (Self)

                                 Wang, Guoen (Self)

                                 Wang, Janice (Self)


                                                                                    WITNESS LIST


                                 Wilder Flatt, Lindsey (Self)

                                 Ybarra (Opooooohgftt6)

                                 Yen, Jimmy (Self)

                                 Young, Donna (Self)

                                 Zamarripa, Denise (Self)

                                 Zaragoza, Jesus (Self)

                                 Zaragoza, Raul (Self)

                                 Zhang, Xu (Self)


                                 Alexander, Landry (Self)

                                 Andrade, Michelle (Self)

                                 Andrade, Mike (Self)

                                 Ashley, Tonya (Self)

                                 Boerger, Angela (Self)

                                 Boerger, Jeff (Self)

                                 Bouvier, William (Self)

                                 Brown, Jeffrey (Self)

                                 Casasola, Dwayne (Self)

                                 Cline, Brooke (Self)

                                 Collins, Rebecca (Self)

                                 Craig, Clayton (Self)

                                 Cunningham DC, Jeff (Self; TCA)

                                 Davila, Enrique (Self)

                                 Davis, Phillip (Self)

                                 Davis, Richard (Self)

                                 Day Goodwin, Allie (Self)

                                 Doan, Vinh (Self)

                                 Dominguez, Maria (Self)

                                 Doyle, Cody (Self)

                                 Eledge, Richeon (Self)

                                 Eledge, Stephen (Self)

                                 Ellis, Keven (Self)

                                 Ellis, Shelli (Self)

                                 Gardner, Jennifer (Self)

                                 Harris, Caitlyn (Self)

                                 Henry, Michael (Self)

                                 Hochanadel II, Gery (Self; Parker University)

                                 Hollingsworth, Thomas (Self)

                                 Hurtig, Trevor (Self)

                                 Isdale, Scott (Self)

                                 Jackson, Sheneaka (Self)

                                 Jahadi, Mo (Self; TCA)

                                 Jenkins, Jeff (Self; Texas Chiropractic Association)

                                 Jurica, Scott (Self)


                                                                                    WITNESS LIST


                                 Kirkwood, Shannon (Self; TCA)

                                 Kissel, Elena (Parker University)

                                 Knorr, Robert (Self)

                                 Knott, Michael (Self)

                                 Lawson, William (Self)

                                 Lolis, Iperlitta (Self)

                                 Lynch, Laura (Self)

                                 M, S (Self; DC)

                                 Maddalena, Larry (Self)

                                 Mcdonnell, Patrick (Self)

                                 Melling, Marla (Self)

                                 Mirkov, Brittney (Self)

                                 Morgan, Casey (Self; DC)

                                 Morgan, Vanessa (Self)

                                 Morgan, William (Parker University)

                                 Mounarath, Vandara (Self; Enlighten Chiropractic and Acupuncture)

                                 Mount, Alaina (Self)

                                 Norbert, Jeannique (Self)

                                 Pajestka, Samantha (Self)

                                 Patzer, Kellye (Self)

                                 Perry, Kathleen (Self; Health By Hands)

                                 Pettiet, Devin (Self; Texas chiropractic assoc)

                                 Pham, Tran (Self)

                                 Richardson, Dawn (Self)

                                 Rose, Kelsey (Self)

                                 Rose, Korey (Self)

                                 Schmidt, Rodney (Self)

                                 Shannan, Mark (Self)

                                 Shem, Matthew (Self)

                                 Shrogin, Paul (Self)

                                 Stasiak, Dan (Self)

                                 Stephens, Angela (Self)

                                 Stephens, Anthony (Self)

                                 Swanson, Jeff (Self)

                                 Swanson, Justin (Self)

                                 Sweney, Roxanne (Self)

                                 Tays, Cynthia (Self)

                                 Vandewalle, Mike (Self)

                                 Weaver, Lou (Self)

                                 Wei, Joshua (Self)

                                 White, Kenneth (Self)

                                 White DC, Don (Self; Texas Chiropractic Association)

                                 Williams, Jason (Self)


                                                                                    WITNESS LIST


                                 Carlton, Stephen (Texas Medical Board)

                                 Fortner, G. Patrick (Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners)

            HB 3458


                                 Hardin-Oliver, Carole (National association of chain drug stores and Walgreens)


                                 Raimer, Ben (Self; Texas Pediatric Society, Texas Medical Association, Texas Academy of

                                 Family Physicians)

                                 Richardson, Dawn (National Vaccine Information Center, and PROVE)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Chiarello, Stephanie (Texas Pharmacy Association)

                                 Galligher, Duane (Texas Independent Pharmacies Association)

                                 Horne, Allen (CVS Health)

                                 Kralj, Nicole (National Association of Chain Drug Stores)

                                 Shields, Bradford (Texas Federation of Drug Stores)

                                 Shields, Bradford (Texas Society of Health System Pharmacists)

                                 Tran, Tony (Self)

                                 Vane, Mark (Walmart)

                                 Wright, Michael (Texas Pharmacy Business Council)


                                 Bruce, Bonnie (Texas Society of Anesthesiologists)

                                 Doan, Ellis (Self)

                                 Doan, Mike (Self)

                                 Finch, Dan (Texas Medical Association)

                                 Hillert, Bobby (Texas Orthopaedic Association)

                                 Kenderdine, Marshall (Texas Academy of Family Physicians)

                                 Reed, Rachael (Texas Ophthalmological Association)

                                 Rezaee, Fatemeh (Self)

                                 Rezaee, Reza (Self)

                                 Rezaee, Ziba (Self)

                                 Sutton, Jill (Texas Osteopathic Medical Association)

            HB 3878


                                 Hoang, Stephen (Texas Society of Anesthesiologists)

                                 Krueger, Tasha (Self)

                                 McHorse, Paul (Self; Texas Academy of Anesthesiologist Assistants)

                                 Wegner, Robert (Texas Society of Anesthesiologists)


                                 Boss, Scott (Self; Tx Assoc of nurse anesthetists)

                                 Collins, Gregory (Self; TxANA)


                                                                                    WITNESS LIST


                                 Dunlap, Eddie (Self)

                                 Fluhman, Julie (Self)

                                 Goettle, Brooks (Self)

                                 Hukill, Susan (Self)

                                 Limmer-Riola, Melissa (Self)

                                 Nakajima, Scarlett (Self)

                                 OConnor, Sara (Self)

                                 Reidy, Cathy (Self)

                                 Sanders, Kay (Self)

                                 Sweeney, Breanna (Self)

                                 Tydlaska, Jay (Self)

                                 White, Linda (Self)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Alper, Samantha (Self)

                                 Boutte, Meryl (Self)

                                 Brown, Rachel (Self; Five Oceans Acupuncture TAOMA)

                                 Bruce, Bonnie (Texas Society of Anesthesiologists)

                                 Camel, Brandon (Self)

                                 Capelo, Jaime (Texas Society of Anesthesiologists)

                                 Carter, Paris (Anesthesiologist Assistants)

                                 Courtney, Jenna (Texas Radiological Society)

                                 Doan, Hung (Self; Texas Acupuncture Association Oriental Medicine TAAOM)

                                 Dow, Jim (Texas Academy of Anesthesiologists Assistants)

                                 Dunn, Cassandra (Self)

                                 Fernandes, Merryl (Self; Taaom)

                                 Finch, Dan (Texas Medical Association)

                                 Ghaderi, Payam (Self)

                                 Gray, Brijette (Self)

                                 Hall, Tedra (Self)

                                 Harris, Spencer (Self)

                                 Haskins, Brian (Self)

                                 Hillert, Bobby (Texas Orthopaedic Association)

                                 Hsu, Richard (Self)

                                 Humphries, Adrianne (Self)

                                 Johnson, Tyce (Self)

                                 Lara, Jose (Self)

                                 Martis, Reecha (Self)

                                 McAlister, Jana (Self)

                                 McHorse, Kay (Self)

                                 McHorse, Tom (Self)

                                 Mutezo, Mwai (Self)

                                 Nguyen, Thao (Self)


                                                                                    WITNESS LIST


                                 Nicolas, George (Self)

                                 Patel, Amy (Self)

                                 Reed, Rachael (Texas Ophthalmological Association)

                                 Roush, Chloe (Self)

                                 Rowland, Jeffrey (Self)

                                 Runnels, Jonathan (Self)

                                 Sloan, Kelly (Self)

                                 Stryker, Stephanie (Self)

                                 Sunga, Joiesah Marie (Self)

                                 Tran, Vinh (Self)

                                 Trinh, Phelan (Self)

                                 Tsai, Annabelle (Self)

                                 Vo, Michael (Self)

                                 White, David (Baylor, Scott, & White Health)


                                 Al Sayyah, Hussain (Self)

                                 Al Sayyah, Hussain (Self)

                                 Beckmann, Amy (Self; Consortium of Texas Certified Nurse-Midwives)

                                 Biscone, Erin (Self; Consortium of Texas Certified Nurse Midwives)

                                 Bragonje, Michael (Self)

                                 Byrne, Christy (Self)

                                 Cates, Andrew (Nursing Legislative Agenda Coalition)

                                 Clymer, Kathleen (Self)

                                 Covey, Richard (Self; Txana)

                                 Critchley, Emily (Self; Txana)

                                 Daniel, Alaina (Self)

                                 De La Cruz, Jo Ray (Self)

                                 Ferguson, Megan (Self)

                                 Fluhman, Chad (Self)

                                 Forrester, Amy (Self)

                                 Gabaldon, Dion (Self)

                                 Gridda, Mundir (Self)

                                 Haschke, Brian (Self)

                                 Henning, Shane (Self)

                                 Hinds, Amelia (Self)

                                 Hoelscher, Sean (Self)

                                 Lauterbach, Heather (Self)

                                 Lepkowski, Lindsay (Self)

                                 Lewellen, Dawn (Self)

                                 Luoma, Courtney (Self)

                                 Magruder, Dana (Self)

                                 Marsden, Ryan (Self)

                                 Massey, Douglas (Self)

                                 McCallum, Karen (Self)


                                                                                    WITNESS LIST


                                 Oshoba, Oluwatosin (Self)

                                 Reber, Daniel (Self)

                                 Rodgers, Janice (Self)

                                 Rutz, Theresa (Self)

                                 Seemann, Zamantha (Self)

                                 Sherrod, Robyn (Self)

                                 Stinnett, Samantha (Texas Association of Nurse Anesthetists)

                                 Swanson, Dana (Self)

                                 Thetford, Caitlin (Self)

                                 Tran, Tony (Self)

                                 White, Joanna (Self)

                                 Williams, Justin (Self)

                                 Wilson, Wendy (Consortium of Texas Certified Nurse Midwives)

                                 Wilson, Wendy (APRN Alliance)


                                 Carlton, Stephen (Texas Medical Board)

            HB 4325


                                 Bowes, Harrison (Self)

                                 Kumar, Sanjiv (Self; Texas ophthalmological Association)

                                 Schwab, Andrea (Self; Texas Ophthalmological Association)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Bruce, Bonnie (Texas Society of Anesthesiologists)

                                 Doan, Debbie (Self)

                                 Doan, Ellis (Self)

                                 Doan, Mike (Self)

                                 Finch, Dan (Texas Medical Association)

                                 Hillert, Bobby (Texas Orthopaedic Association)

                                 Kenderdine, Marshall (Texas Academy of Family Physicians)

                                 Propes, Jay (Texas Ophthalmological Association)

                                 Reed, Rachael (Texas Ophthalmological Association)

                                 Rezaee, Fatemeh (Self)

                                 Rezaee, Reza (Self)

                                 Rezaee, Ziba (Self)

                                 Sutton, Jill (Texas Osteopathic Medical Association)

                                 Tran, Tony (Self)


                                 Deakins, Jennifer (Self; Texas Optometric Association)

            HB 4412


                                 Ferrer, Jorge (Self; American Surgical Professionals)


                                                                                    WITNESS LIST


                                 Gillory, David (Self)

                                 Macris, Michael (Self)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Brown, Rachel (Self; Five Oceans Acupuncture TAOMA)

                                 Feix, Jeff (Self)

                                 Kamm, Bob (Association of Surgical Assistants)

                                 Kamm, Bob (National Surgical Assistant Association)

                                 Steele-Galchutt, Stefanie (Self; Texas State Asssembly of the Association of Surgical


                                 Tran, Tony (Self)


                                 Finch, Dan (Texas Medical Association)


                                 Carlton, Stephen (Texas Medical Board)
